The squash is always a good choice, regardless of which variety you use: acorn, butternut, yellow, pumpkin, and so on. Nonetheless, tortoises in captivity are prone to dehydration due to the high water content of these fruits. Furthermore, the protein ensures tissue strengthening and mechanical support; that is why you need the best food rich in protein. It is thought that protein is the building block for growth. A tortoise being fed some lettuce leaves. Because coralfish are herbivores, eating a small amount of protein will not harm them. When considering the nutrient composition of a cup of cooked turtle meat contains 33g of protein, 9g of fat (2g saturated), 220 calories, and 82mg of cholesterol. At which point theyd either roll it to their ship or in the case of smaller tortoises, wear them like a backpack filled with impotent tortoise rage. Its proven that an adult Green Turtle can weigh between 68-190kg and grow up to 1.5m long. Do you prefer face-to-face communication with your work peers? They can also prepare tortoise shell in decoction form (though the calcium and gelatin will be of small quantity). Tortoises primarily consume plants, flowers, and foliage. Their unique sight Once the shell is off, you can safely give it to your tortoise. Tortoises can eat nuts; while they are not immediately toxic, they are high in protein and fat. Animals with a positive test result must be slaughtered and compensation will be paid to owners. This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Reptiles can eat almost anything, but you should not feed them cheese or other dairy products. You should contact your GP with any concerns about your or your familys health. Oil made from soft-shelled turtle when it has been through the process of drying for about a month can remove bacteria in it and form new substances that are very acidic. Occasionally, wild herbivore tortoises consume slugs or snails because theyre opportunistic eaters. Also, they develop rubbing sores, which can get infected. It is not recommended to feed your tortoise dog, cat food, monkey chow, or any other food with more than 15% protein to him. Tortoise keepers often feed their animals small, nutrient-dense meals on a daily basis. Tortoises like Horsfields and Med Tortoises are not vegetarian. According to Dui Yao, when the turtle and tortoiseshells Its far easier for tortoises to ingest too much protein. They can live anywhere between 50 to 100 years They are cute, and quiet, and dont shed fur like other pets. Here are the things youll need to do. So, what do tortoises eat and how much do they cost? Pizza is typically high in fat and salt, which can be harmful to tortoises. Of course, as with any new food, its important to introduce chicken slowly into your tortoises diet to prevent The high stress on their intestines can lead to constipation or diarrhea. Black spots indicate many dead cells that settle in the lower layers of skin epidermis. Juvenile tortoises are less likely to consume large amounts of protein in one sitting because their foraging area is small when theyre young. Toxicity is a common name derived from the Botanical and Chemical names. Tortoises differ in the diets they require, and younger ones require more calcium. Toxic plants, such as oleander, chinaberry trees, tree tobacco, and toadstool, should not be consumed by captive tortoises. In fact, Zoo Med offers its own selection of cuttlefish bone named Turtle Bone. You have rejected additional cookies. The kidneys filter waste from the bloodstream and turn it into urine so the body can excrete it. (Pets & Wild), Can Tortoises Eat Tomatoes? In addition, together, they enrich yin and clear deficiency heat, subdue yang, extinguish wind and stop tremors. They have not passed UK animal-specific safety and testing for bovine TB, and so may not work. One of the chief concerns, Read More Why is My Tortoise Not Eating? Or health benefits of soursop leaves, High protein and carbohydrate content in soft-shelled turtle is an important nutrient that can generate energy for you. This highly acidic property has the function of killing bacteria that are harmful to your skin. However, before you get one, there are several elements to consider. You can contact APHA with any other TB-related queries about your pets health. If cuttlefish bone just isnt an option for your tortoise as a source of calcium, then you should supplement their diet in other ways. 4. Once youve sanitized the cuttlefish bone, you should remove the shell from it. Soybean: It helps strengthen your immune system which is necessary to fight the TB-causing bacteria. Tortoises in the desert can eat tomatoes in moderation, but they should not consume too much. WebIt also contains many other nutrients that are beneficial for tortoises. #Stress Management During Peak Hour Traffic: 7 Easy Tips, #Ergonomic Office Chair in Singapore | Best Ergonomic of 2022, #Fun Ways to Help Your Kid Develop a Rich Vocabulary, #A Guide to Buying and Selling Crypto in Singapore, Ways to Relieve Stress That Actually Work. Well send you a link to a feedback form. This is one of the most common health issues with tortoises vets see," the author said. Livestock animals, such as cows, goats and camelids (like alpacas and llamas) are covered by specific TB Orders. If you give tortoise meat, measure all the food to ensure it doesnt get excessive protein, especially when its young, due to the risk of pyramiding. The content of vitamins A, C, and E on the soft shelled turtle is very important to maintain and care for skin health. Butternut squash is a good source of vitamins A and C, but it is also high in sugar. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. If your tortoise is overweight, he will also be heavier than he should be due to excess fat. Potassium, Digesting such a heavy, complex food is metabolically difficult for tortoises, as it requires a lot of energy for little gain. These shells of the tortoise are burned and processed into fine powder. This is much better than a cup of cooked beef with 111mg of cholesterol, 37g of protein, 340g of calories, and 20g of fat (8g saturated). So, if you want to have, Read More Tortoise Lifespan: How Long Do Tortoises Live? While the dangers of, Tortoises can get cracked shells due to a bad fall, conflict with other animals, attacks by predators, and certain illnesses and diseases. When a body has higher collagen content, it will have little wrinkles and ensure a youthful look. At the post-mortem examination, tissue will be collected for laboratory testing. Pineapples are a source of fiber and can be used to increase your childs intake of nutrients. Russian and Horsefield tortoises, like most other tortoises, do not consume much fruit in their natural habitat. Tortoises are cold-blooded and get warmth from their environment. They will let your local health protection team (HPT) of the UK Health Security Agency in England (or the equivalent bodies in Scotland and Wales) know. Can tortoises eat cooked squash? So, theyre less likely to eat bugs until theyre older. It is not a good idea to feed your turtle every week or every month. The method of disease management will vary depending on the species. WebYes, tortoises are omnivorous animals and can eat chicken. However, you cant simply pick one up and give it to your tortoise as is.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'smallpetshq_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_3',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Youll have to clean it and prepare it first, to avoid getting your tortoise sick. Nuts are a good source of protein and essential fatty acids, and they can help keep your tortoises shell strong. The conservancy explained that while few residents poach tortoises, "local demand for tortoise meat and other tortoise products has escalated." There are many things that you can feed a tortoise, but there are also a few things that you should avoid feeding them. Ultimately, they cant reap the benefits of consuming meat because they cant absorb all the protein. A varied diet provides tortoises with all the necessary nutrients, including protein. You should avoid feeding your desert tortoise meat, insects, dog or cat food, or monkey biscuits. You or your insurance provider will need to pay for any attempted treatment. In Africa, they separate the shells from the flesh by boiling, then the scales are removed with a knife, the shells are sundry and powdered. Your stamina will increase rapidly. Hay and grass, in addition to hay and grass, can be fed to Sulcata tortoises, as can grazing areas of various green grasses and, at times, weeds like dandelions. There is no definitive answer to this question as different tortoises have different dietary needs. Theyll be spending most of their time in and around it, after all. Dragon fruit can be eaten in small amounts by turtles, but it is best not to give them too much because it can make them feel bloated. Collagen is a type of protein that aids in strengthening cells, organs, and skin tissues. Celery is nutritious for Russian tortoises. The Russian tortoises natural diet consists of grasses, twigs, flowers, and some fruits, as well as herbaceous and succulent vegetation. (Is It Safe for Them? Pineapples, for example, are high in nutrients and have a slew of health benefits. You should also provide a source of calcium, like crushed eggshells or a calcium supplement. The average cost of an "exotic" veterinarian can be around two to three times that of a dog or cat veterinarian, she said. Good tortoise cuttlefish bone usually litters the sands where cuttlefish are also found. At Mahc HealthCare, your healthy living is our priority. It is also low in fiber, which can cause constipation. If you eat tomatoes in large quantities, you will disrupt the digestive system and cause your body to malfunction. But since the famous turtle soup available in Singapore is rich in Pyridoxine, it will repair the immunity system, thus boosting its operation. So, control a tortoises protein intake. ), 5Best UVB Light Bulbs For Tortoise(2023 Reviews), Why is My Tortoise Not Eating? In addition to being a good source of protein, soft-shelled turtle is high in calcium, with 20 percent of your recommended daily total. Healthy skin will be able to ward off cruel UV radiation from the sun. According to the University of South Florida, juvenile tortoises dont venture far from their burrow to search for food. Feed For tortoise: Tortoises prefer plant products either it is natural or canned ones. 7. Are they something your tortoise really needs? The outermost section of the shell, where the scutes are located, is made of keratin. Do tortoises eat nuts? When we treat our captive animals with large amounts of food, it can lead to overeating and other health issues. Would flexible work hours help you work more efficiently? (2023 Price Guide)Continue. When a tortoise has kidney hyperfiltration, its urine will be dark and contain too many blood cells. Private practitioners test certain classes of cattle for change of ownership and report suspicious cases to AIS for confirmation. The best turtle soup provides us with enough proteins that can restore our skin health. Some land tortoises live up to 150 years or more, according to the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. Answers To All of Your Tortoise Questions! But on average, most cost about $110 to $135, Andy C. Highfield, the director of the Tortoise Trust charity in the U.K. told Newsweek. "Providing the wrong diet will invariably have catastrophic consequences. Firstly, the famous turtle soup in Singapore nourishes and moisturizes the kidney, thus promoting its functionality. In the wild, the tortoise eats a wide range of foods, which helps it grow and be happy. A carnivorous giant tortoise A surprising ecological discovery Aug 23rd 2021 THIS PHOTOGRAPH will surely shock those who think of tortoises as gentle consumers of lettuces. Soft-shelled turtle contains many nutrients such as: Some of the benefits we have successfully summarized from various reliable sources are as follows: The content of vitamins and minerals in soft-shelled turtle meat meets the needs of your daily vitamin content. smearing on the burns with soft-shelled turtle oil can speed up the process of wound closure and help regenerate dead skin. But it is safe for your tortoise to eat them. Some tortoises are good candidates for eating raw tomatoes, but they are not necessarily healthy and should only be offered on rare occasions. Dogs and cats should not be fed to tortoises because they contain animal products. 6. Avoid toxic plants like oleander, chinaberry trees, tree tobacco, and toadstool while keeping captive tortoises healthy. But before you take that step, think about the following medical benefits of the best turtle soup. Subsequently, tortoises have adapted to survive for years without needing large amounts of protein. The least impact is stomach pain or diarrhea, then pentastomiasis, gnathostomiasis, and sparganosis are all animal diseases that can be transmitted to humans. Its fine to eat romaine lettuce, but not to the point where its the majority of their diet. Testing of cattle was first A total of 255 rows of JessamineGelsemium sempervirens2Castor BeanRicinus communis were added. You, The cherry head tortoise and the common red-footed tortoise are often confused with each other. So, if youre looking to give your tortoise a cuttlefish bone, then you have a good chance of finding one where they also sell pet bird supplies. Most of their nutrients are used to build and maintain their carapace, which requires calcium, not protein. Tortoises require calcium in order to survive. They can also be a source of calcium, which is vital for the shell of tortoises. The tortoises should be fed five days per week, and two of those days are ideal for basking. by Romero Esposito | Jan 20, 2023 | Turtles. It is a zoonotic disease meaning it can transmit from cattle to people. Pet tortoises are one of the coolest pets you can have in your home. This is why they like sunbathing. This includes cows, goats, pigs, sheep, camelids (such as alpacas and llamas). They improve asthmatic attacks by licking the fine processed powder. Tortoises are widely regarded as herbivores, which means that they consume primarily plants. Vegetables and canned foods, for example, are particularly dangerous because they are high in sodium, as are fast food restaurants high-sodium dishes. They have an upper intestine thats longer than their lower intestine. This is not a large amount compared to Our website offers a wealth of information on all things reptilian, from care and husbandry tips to in-depth articles on the natural history of these amazing creatures. Tortoises should not be fed nuts, and any type of nut should be avoided or avoided at all costs. A medium-sized person eats about a cup of coffee per day. My love of tortoises comes from my parents, who've had pet tortoises for as long as I can remember. Also, they keep bones healthy and produce enzymes and hormones, like prolactin. When your tortoise refuses to eat, you should not force it. In captivity, it is common practice to provide our tortoises with large quantities of food, which can lead to overfeeding, which can cause deformities in the shell and other health issues. But on average, most cost about $110 to $135, Andy C. Highfield, the director of the Tortoise Trust Do you know any applications to help manage your tasks? Green leafy vegetables such as collards, dandelions, escarole, romaine, and kale can be grated raw into foods such as pumpkin, broccoli, corn on the cob, sweet potatoes, and winter squash. Bovine Tuberculosis is a disease that is spread by direct contact and can be passed in raw milk. Keep a close eye on the tortoise to make sure no poisonous plants are in its vicinity. WebIt needs about one to ten percent of the diet to consist of grass, so a little is okay. With this tortoise species, its sensible to reduce the number of plant-based foods with protein, such as edamame, chickpeas, spinach, and asparagus. So it's crucial to do your research to determine the diet that's most appropriate for the species and life stage of your tortoise. This enables them to digest fibrous material from plants and vegetables. 2. Because many walnut trees are grafted onto Black Walnut stock, ANY tree that contains a single leaf from a White or other species of Walnut is not harmful to your tortoise; however. In order to provide them with the nutrition they require, a small amount of fish or meat can be provided once a week. If cuttlefish bone just isnt an option for your tortoise as a source of calcium, then you should supplement their diet in other ways. The vet will need to collect a tissue sample, either: a biopsy sample from a live pet (this will not be carried out on livestock species), tissue collected during a post-mortem examination on a dead pet (this will include livestock species). While tortoises can technically eat bread, it is not a good source of nutrition for them and can cause digestive issues. The giant tortoise is a fairly unremarkable creature if you ignore that fact it can live for 10 decades and the sound of them getting their fuck on is the same noise used in Jurassic Park for the velociraptors (were not making that up). It is safe for all tortoises to eat carrots, but they should not be given them more than once a week. They may also risk the welfare of your pet. Herbivorous tortoises consume plant-based protein. Even omnivorous tortoises can thrive without animal proteins. Russian tortoises require less grass in their diet than other species, which means you should not feed them in your backyard. This is a sign of a damaged kidney; if it continues for too long, it can result in kidney failure. Apples, bananas, figs, and strawberries are some of the fruits that Russian tortoises can consume. Tortoises in these genera include: These six types of omnivorous tortoises can consume meat. You cannot treat cows, goats, pigs, sheep, camelids or deer for TB unless you have written consent from APHA. Do Tortoises Need Protein? 10 Super Health Benefits of Basil Leaves for Skin, 13 Amazing Health Benefits of Malaysian Palm Oil, 5 Health Benefits of Avocado Fruit for Sick People, 7 Health Benefits of Avocado Fruit During Fasting, Top 6 Health Benefits of Vitamin C for Children, The 7 Benefits of Carbohydrates for Pregnant Women. You have accepted additional cookies. WebVitamins and Minerals. For the Mediterranean tortoise, a small amount of fruit should be sufficient to ensure good health. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. As a result, the body will be affected by various health problems. Wang Weilan, a specialist in arthritis treatment, frequently recommended gelatins to treat deficiency type arthritis. assess (on an individual basis) whether a test is needed, let you know who to contact to arrange the test. They were so tasty that they made other, normally shitty tasting animals, taste like they were fed exclusively on KFC gravy. Vegetables account for a fifth of the diet. Furthermore, manganese can prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis and, at the same time, reduce its growth rate. While there is some food for tortoises available at pet stores, this food may not be nutritionally balanced, according to the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. If you are considering getting a tortoise pet it can be bothering you to know the answer. Theres no definitive answer to this question since different tortoises have different dietary needs. Its a totally different story while they are in captivity. WebTortoises are mainly herbivorous (plant eaters) They will eat leaves, flowers, and fruits of plants, and 90% of the diet should consist of a salad made up of a combination of the At certain times of year, outside of their natural range, tortoises will need artificial heat and special full-spectrum lighting and "the costs of these can soon mount up," the author explained. This is because they have a long digestive tract that allows them to process a wide range of nutrients and fibers from plant and animal sources. In general, herbivores consume dead animals as a free protein source. Anti-TB treatments require the use of several drugs for at least 6 months. Except for very, very rare and opportunistic circumstances, there is no wild meat in their diet. [Too Much vs. Too Little Protein], Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. You can choose the one that is right for you based on how you want to serve your guests. This can lead to antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria developing, which is a risk to human and animal health. To grow their bones, tortoises need calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals. Yoruba herbal medicine uses the tortoise shell bottom (plastron) and top (carapace). This kind of shell deformity indicates that something is wrong with the tortoises diet or lifestyle. The body is unable to absorb calcium as a result of phosphorus deficiency in tomatoes. While, breeds such as the Hermann's tortoise and red-footed tortoise can make great family pets, according to the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. Youve probably heard that the dodo went extinct, in part, because they were so stupid sailors could walk up to them with a pan and slowly coax them inside. Tortoises synthesize vitamin D in the sun, but not every area of the world is as sunny as it should be, so it is best to feed them vitamin D in their diet when it is possible. Tortoises are experts at getting all the water and nutrients they need from what they eat. Tortoises should be fed grasses and weeds to give them a natural grass and weed diet similar to that of cows. In fact, bird owners also use cuttlebone for the same reasons; to help wear down their pets beaks. Some tortoises are strictly herbivorous and will not touch cheese, while others are omnivorous and will happily munch on a piece of cheese. Tortoises are diurnal, meaning theyre active during the day and asleep at night, and they tend to be loners. As a result, they will consume various types of animal matter. See a list of plants that are poisonous to tortoises at the websites of the nonprofit Tortoise Group and the California Turtle & Tortoise Club. A watchman from Ogongo village in Nyatike subcounty has taken to rearing chameleons, lizards and tortoises for consumption. It is very important for them to indulge in protein-rich foods like eggs, paneer and soya chunks as they are quite rich in protein. Does physically being around people who are working towards the same goals as you help you work? Other reptiles, like snakes or crocodiles, need a high-protein diet because, as predators, they have the means to hunt animals and eat meat. They are high in protein, vitamins and some healthy fats. Similarly, you will not be able to get rid of that bumper crop of zucchini each year with your turtle (no, he will not consume enough zucchini to do so, but he will still enjoy the experience). Bread is high in carbohydrates and sugar, which can lead to obesity and other health problems in tortoises. Avoid feeding your tortoise lettuce, as it is low in nutrition and can cause digestive problems. Soft-shelled turtle oil works by moisturizing the skin and removing black spots. While older tortoises do not require as much food, they do require a certain amount of food on occasion. Susan M. Tellem, the executive director of the American Tortoise Rescue, told Newsweek: "The maintenance cost can get quite high if they get sick.". In England and Scotland, the TB Orders also include pigs and sheep. It has long been used by human flesh to be used as oil as a basic ingredient of herbal medicines. Highfield noted today, we have some "very good information" available about taking care of tortoises. ", He advised: "Owners need to be very particular as to which books or other sources they rely upon. So, if your tortoise isnt too fond of a particular food thats rich in calcium, then giving them a piece of cuttlebone might be what theyre looking for.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'smallpetshq_com-sky-4','ezslot_22',179,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-sky-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'smallpetshq_com-sky-4','ezslot_23',179,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-sky-4-0_1');.sky-4-multi-179{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. These should make up 10% of their diet. Their research revealed that a high starch diet resulted in rapid carapace growth but poor bone density. Several studies have shown that consuming reptile meat has a negative impact due to a tapeworm in these animals. Kale is one of the best vegetables for tortoises because it has a high iodine content, which reduces some of the effects of goitrogens on tortoises. Tortoises of the Americas and the Caribbean. Do not feed cat or dog food to tortoises or "think it is fun to offer a hot dog" to them, Tellem added. Tortoiseshell also contains chondroitin sulfate, a protein-polysaccharide complex (recently used to treat joint degeneration because it is the building block of the cartilage. It can be difficult for them to determine what they can and cannot eat. Obesity in tortoises is a dangerous health condition. The type of food that a tortoise consumes has a significant impact on its health. Tellem urged: "Never buy a turtle or tortoise. A longstanding debate among reptile enthusiasts has been whether tortoises can eat tomatoes. Excessive protein consumption in a tortoises diet can result in rapid growth as well as kidney problems. They are also high in antioxidants, which help your tortoises health and longevity. Pineapples have been compared to an acid fruit due to their high acid content. Meaning that tortoises not only provided a long-lasting source of mouthwatering, dick hardening meat, but gallons of pure water which was invaluable to sailors travelling at sea for months of years at a time. Once thats done, air dries the cuttlebone as per usual.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'smallpetshq_com-portrait-2','ezslot_20',186,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-portrait-2-0'); Cuttlebone comes with a protective shell underneath it. You should feed your tortoise more frequently if it lives outside of its outdoor enclosure, and less frequently if it lives inside. There are calcium supplements available on the market that can give your tortoise enough of the calcium they need to avoid getting calcium deficiency.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'smallpetshq_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_13',191,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-narrow-sky-1-0'); Good brands include Flukers ReptaCal and Zoo Meds Repti Calcium. Herbivorous tortoises have a short lower intestine, which is the intestine responsible for absorbing nutrients from food. Many studies show that the tortoise carapace has twice the amount of extractable gelatin as the plastron, no difference in composition. Before feeding your tortoise certain foods, it is always a good idea to check to see if it is a specific species. Keratin is a type of protein, so high-protein diets increase the protein content on the shell. There are so many benefits of soft-shelled turtle, but you need to pay attention to how to manage it properly so that you avoid threatening health problems. If you choose to treat your pet, your vet may have to use unlicensed drugs. Great value for the amount of calcium you're receiving. This meant a ship could fill its hold with upturned armor lizards which could be slaughtered anywhere up to a year after capture to give a sizeable portion of fresh meat.On top of thisgiant tortoises have a specialized bladder inside their body that stores anywhere close to 5 gallons of fresh water. As for herbivorous tortoises, they belong to the genera gopherus and testudo. Its not just a great source of calcium, but it can help them wear down their beaks in a natural and, most importantly, safe way. Vegetables, in addition to being high in nutrition, are beneficial to your health. Tortoises, despite being thought to be vegetarian, have been observed eating carrion, bones, and snail shells in large quantities. It is a complete meal in itself and is easy to digest. If you feed your tortoise carrot tops, make sure theyre thoroughly washed before feeding and that you feed them the same way you would other greens. Domestic pet mammals include dogs, cats, rabbits and ferrets. You can change your cookie settings at any time. The famous turtle soup is highly advocated for medical use because it can improve the immune system. If you want to feed them the right diet, it is critical to conduct extensive research on the breed of tortoise. What is the diet of a desert tortoise? If youre looking for a special treat for your tortoise, there are many commercial tortoise diets available that are specifically designed to meet their nutritional needs. Bread is one of the foods you should never feed to your pet tortoise. Sometimes, cuttlebone may not be available at the local pet store, or you live far from the shore. Tortoises should not be fed frozen vegetables, which contain a lot of sodium, or canned vegetables, which are high in sodium. Those considering owning a pet tortoise are advised to preferably adopt one or be sure to only buy one from a reputable breeder. Tortoises should consume calcium-rich foods in addition to the calcium-rich foods listed above.
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