I said you, Valance; you pick it up. Ransom: Thats why I painted it. When he walks into a bar to fetch Tom, the bartender won't serve him, and Tom slams hard on the bar: "Give him a drink." Doniphan offers Stoddard a wagon out of town, and he considers it. The newspaper editor prints the truth about Valance, and for his pains has his office trashed and is whipped nearly dead. In glorious, retro black & white! But the films of John Ford make no attempt to take us into the past; they are about the past. His westerns were all optimistic in nature and concentrated on building a myth, rather than showing the gritty reality. From the time Ford first teamed up with Wayne inStagecoachin 1939, Waynes towering persona was Fords chief instrument in conceiving and propagating the myths about the old west. Stoddard becomes disgusted and leaves, but Doniphon stops him and reveals that it was he who actually shot Liberty Valance. Senator Stoddard (James Stewart) comes into town for his funeral, which confuses the. From thereon, he goes onto even more heights in his political career, and now he is expecting a nomination to be the vice-president of the country. Predictions for the 95th Annual AcademyAwards. It would be easy for him to assume the title of town marshal from lovable cowardly drunk Andy Devine, and yet he has no interest. Either way,Doniphon destroys of himself in favor of Stoddards elevation, and America is built on a lie. Ford uses a flashback within a flashback technique to accomplish this, which is very unusual for him. He and two sidekicks (played by Lee Van Cleef and Strother Martin) wreck the newspaper office and badly beat Peabody. His illiterate students include Hallie. The tall, confident Woody Strode appeared in five Ford pictures, all the way from "Stagecoach" to Ford's final film, "7 Women" (1966). There was nothing more for Ford to do with Wayne, at least in the western genre. Tom Doniphon: My boy, Pompey; kitchen door. Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. Three men stand at the center of the story: Stoddard, Doniphon, and Valance. Tom could stand up to Valance, but it would suit him to have Stoddard out of the way so that he could bring Hallie home to that porch with its rocking chair. True Grit: How The 2010 Movie Compares To The Book & John Wayne Version, The Barbarian And The Geisha Had John Wayne Literally Fighting His Director. Doniphon is not a person of any importance around town, just a sorry old man on the fringes, who passed away unnoticed. Denver Pyle Amos Carruthers Both Ford and Wayne were extremely depressed by this, seeing the American values that they held so dear, and which they propagated so passionately through their movies, slipping away. In it, Ford gives us a capsule version of the world it took him 40 years to create, and then shows us how it died. By killing Liberty Valance, facilitating Stoddard's rise to political prominence and the progressive modernization of the West, Doniphon destroys himself. (One stylistic touch: In this film, he habitually calls Stoddard "Pilgrim," which expresses an insight into the lawyer's character.). Hallie, once Tom's girl, has fallen in love with Stoddard, and in sparing him, Doniphon loses her. In a final act of self-negation, he tells Stoddard the truth, absolving him of the act of killing (to which Stoddard had remained steadfastly opposed throughout his ordeal in the West), and taking the sin on himself to suffer alone. Losing the woman he loved to Ransom haunted Tom for the rest of his life and he was never able to move on from it and find love again with anyone else. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. He is Tom's farmhand and seems to be his only confidant, a protective presence; he always has Tom's back. Hes mocked by Valance who trips him, causing him to spill Doniphans meal. His mood made life difficult for all the actors involved but he was especially tough on Wayne, who found himself in the direct firing line again. As Tom Doniphon, Wayne just as ideally symbolizes dogged individualism, playing the simple, old-fashioned kind of Westerner who can pat his gun and say "Out here a man settles his own problems," and who replaces community spirit with personal loyalities and friendships. An old black cowboy named Pompey (Woody Strode) takes Hallie on a buckboard ride into the countryside where they regard the burned-out remains of Doniphon's cottage. Padraig has been writing about film online since 2012, when a friend asked if he'd like to contribute the occasional review or feature to their site. There is no formally enforced law and order; Doniphon says, "Out here a man settles his own problems.". Ford turns the ending into a rousing beginning and constructs an elaborate mythology for the American military. There is so much to love about this movie and John Ford is especially skilled at luring sentimentality out of you (even for otherwise comic-relief characters like the town drunk/newspaperman). The Man Who Shot Liberty Valanceis one of those classic films I hadnt gotten around to seeing other than having caught the end on TNT one day. [Valance looks and sees Pompey at the door holding a rifle] Floyd : I'll get it, Liberty! "At the heart of the Western", argues John Lenihan, was always He is putting to death all that Wayne represented in his westerns up until that time and for the rest of the film, he is going to painfully reconstruct the mythology of the west and Wayne through some cold hard facts. By putting John Wayne in a coffin right at the beginning of the film, Ford makes his intentions very clear. [Valance looks and sees Pompey at the door holding a rifle] Floyd: I'll get it, Liberty! Where Tom sees Liberty Valance as a source of personal conflict, a potential menace to his own well-being, Stoddard can only see Valance as the embodiment of a social evil that must be wiped out through new laws and social reform. And Miles is also effective as the young woman eager to learn under Stewarts tutelage and hoping that his vision of a West where law and order prevail comes to be. Then there was also the fact that with the advent of 60s, the social climate in Hollywood (and in America)was changing drastically. Meanwhile, throughout the film, Tom has not 'done the right thing' and stood up to Liberty Valance except in circumstances where he felt he had to. Now it's a garden. In a few characters and a gripping story, Ford dramatizes the debate about guns that still continues in many Western states. The film, also starring James Stewart, Lee Marvin and Vera Miles, is Fords most political film that subverts a lot of myths about the American West as well as the John Wayne persona that Ford himself created, This is the West, sir. Legend is that Ford wanted younger actors for his film, and didnt want to use John Wayne. He is the author. Of course, the pick of the lot was Lee Marvin who portrayed the anger, maliciousness, and sadism of a man who symbolized all the lawlessness of the old west, and who refused to step gently aside to encroaching civilization. But it's hard to avoid the feeling that, in retrospect, she loves Doniphon, too. But he is a sort of reluctant hero, who minds his own business, and is roused into action only if his path crosses with the outlaws. Hes even elected as a delegate to the territorial convention but refuses to serve. In this film, it is related to the killing of Liberty Valance, which is shown from two different perspectives. Everyone in Shinbone hates Liberty Valance, but they're powerless against him and his two sidekicks, one of them a giggling fool. Wayne was Americas favorite cowboy, while Stewart, having graduated from the school of Frank Capra, withMr. Smith Goes to WashingtonandIts a wonderful lifeisits favorite idealist. He always wanted to play heroes and he always looked at cinema as a medium for the audience to believe in heroes; there is the famous story where he chastised Kirk Douglas for playing a mad and tragic Van Gogh inLust for Life. Without ever seeming to hurry, he doesn't include a single gratuitous shot. The characters in Liberty Valance are the archetypal figures of all Ford westerns brought together for a last reunion, in order that they might be destroyed. (LogOut/ Stoddard has none of this embarrassment. Vera Miles as Hallie Stoddard, concerned about the wounded man Tom Doniphon delivers to her home in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), Lee Marvin as Liberty Valance, upset over an item published in Peabodys newspaper in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), Cast: Tom Doniphon is played by John Wayne, while Ransom Stoddard is played by Jimmie Stewart. However, he was nowhere near good enough as Doniphan proved in ahumiliating display. As played by Jimmy Stewart, Stoddard spends much of the film wearing an apron and washing dishes in the restaurant, sending a hardly ambiguous message about a man who doesn't wear a gun. But his is the old form of Western prowess; its Stewart who represents the territorys future. The legend of how Stoddard stood up to Valance and killed him spread wide and helped him build a career in politics. He explains: "The Western is intrinsically the most political movie genre, because, like Plato's 'Republic,' it is concerned with the founding of cities, and because it depicts the various abstract functions of government as direct, physical actions." Tom Doniphon, rancher and longtime resident of the small western town of Shinbone, has died.He was well-regarded around the region, but was by no means a man of great distinction. You aint exactly the type., Liberty Valance: You lookin for trouble, Doniphon? With Valances death, the road is clear for Stoddard to become the delegate to Washington and with Doniphon out of the way, he can also marry Hallie. Its not just a matter of printing the legend: it really makes no difference. The main conflict in the film, then, is not that between the gunslinger Tom Doniphon and the outlaw Liberty Valance; the real conflict is that between "the Old West" (Doniphon and Valance) and the forces of "progress" (Stoddard). Jeanette Nolan Nora Ericson When Stoddard nominates him as a representative to the Convention, he refuses, saying, "I've got other plans. Doniphon finally does kill does kill Valance. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism. By the end of Liberty Valance, it was more than obvious that Ford and Wayne had come to the end of their long association, which started when Ford cast Wayne as an Odysseus like courageous hero in his western odysseyStagecoach. Was Hollywood, at that time, incapable of leaving us a more complicated, conflicted ending? He built a home which he assumed Hally (Vera Miles) would share with him as his wife, but he lost her to the hero of the moment, Stoddard. Doniphon finds him in Hallies arms. Answer, Bart Allison (Randolph Scott) to rancher Morley Chase in 1957's. John Wayne would never play this character for anybody else, expect for his pappy Ford. Stoddard raises no complaint when Valance seizes his fathers gold watch and robs him. Tom Doniphon is the archetypal Ford hero, the John Wayne of all Ford's westerns. Here, he is practically rendered motionless. At the end of the film, we learn that Tom Doniphan (John Wayne) really had shot Liberty Valance while the public had given credit to Ransom Stoddard (Jimmy Stewart) who went on to have a successful political career. There are here to attend the funeral of a man named Tom Doniphon (John Wayne). The drunken marshal won't protect him. Ford is not interested in reality but in subjective viewpoint, not fact but romance and legend. Seeing how his act of heroism has won Hattie for Stoddard, he becomes disgusted with himself, burning his home, the symbol of his hopes for the future as well as his isolation from the community, to the ground. On the page, Tom Doniphon was more of a mentor to Ranse Stoddard, easing him along the road from frontier lawyer to state senator. This makes Doniphon a very passive character with respect to Valance, which explains why a direct confrontation never takes place between them, though at many points in the film, they come close. There is a purity to the John Ford style. He asks if she wants to move back to the town when they retire, which makes her delighted as she states her heart belongs there. But when Valance goes for a momento from a widows late husband. Perhaps, the existence of Valance gave Doniphan a status of importance and made him an indispensable man in a lawless community. They would make one more film together, the lighthearted comedyDonovans Reef (1963), and call it quits. He has no fear about standing up for what he believes is right, regardless of his physical inability to defend it or himself. Director John Ford has been a pioneer, not only of the Western genre, but also the art form of cinema itself; he is an inspiration to some of the greatest filmmakers all around the world; Akira Kurosawa, Orson Welles, David Lean,.. Have all expressed their admiration and debt to Ford in developing their own cinematic technique. Why does this man, who has no trouble dominating a political meeting while simultaneously refusing to participate in it, skulk in the shadows like a thief, a coward? His films appeared very simple and, at times, very simplistic, but they dealt with huge themes: the expansion of American military might, the conflict between the European settlers and native American civilizations, the establishment of law & order in the wilderness, and the coming of religion, trade and commerce; all these themes are reflected in one way or the other in all his westerns. The film flashes forward to the present, where Stoddard sums up the rest of his story. Fatal Attraction Works As Entertainment, Fails as Social Commentary, Prime Videos Citadel Traps Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Richard Madden in Played-Out Spy Game, New York Philharmonic and Steven Spielberg Celebrate the Music of John Williams, A Piece of His Fire: Harry Belafonte (1927-2023). He receives a brutal beating from Valance and is left to die. This is why he can make a scene at the town meeting, mocking the participants and the rules (the Law says the bar is closed!) while turning down appointment to the delegation: if appointed, he might embarrass himself, perhaps showing himself to be ignorant of the rules or other social expectations. [Doniphon kicks Floyd in the face as he bends down to retrieve the tray] [Doniphon has just faced down Valance in the diner] Related: True Grit: How The 2010 Movie Compares To The Book & John Wayne Version. So why then does he shoot Liberty Valance? These westerns are memory films, filled with the traditions of the past, created from the anecdotes, fables, and songs that sprang from American history. But what if Doniphon is lying, what if Stoddard really is the man who shot Liberty Valance? Tom Doniphon shoots the outlaw thug Liberty Valance from the shadows, keeps it a secret, then realizes that his girl Hallie is in love with Ransom Stoddard, whereupon he burns his house to the ground (starting with the new wing he'd built for her. Trying to defend a woman passenger, Stoddard is beaten by Valance, left for dead, and brought to town by Tom Doniphon. Escena del funeral de Tom Doniphon tomada del hombre que mato a Liberty Valance. In the film, except for two notable acts that change Stoddard's life forever, Doniphon isn't quite so proactive with an eye to Stoddard's future. You put that thing up, youll have to defend it with a gun. He forbids Stoddards to teach Hallie to read. Want to keep up with breaking news? There are here to attend the funeral of a man named Tom Doniphon (John Wayne). After being one of Hollywoods pre-eminent directors for more than three decades, Fords career was coming to an end. Stewart turns in another winning performance. The film, surprisingly for its downbeat nature, made money, at the box office,though not on the level of a John Wayne picture. Recognizing that that kind of cowardice is his own and not Stoddards, he gives him a pep talk and tells him what he wants to hear: that he did not violate his belief in non-violence, that he is the man he always thought he was. The entire film has been Stoddard struggling to remain devoted to law and order, while Tom berates and humiliates him for it. In this scenario, Doniphon is not simply a radical individualist who refuses to partake in community out of a twisted kind of idealism, rather hes simply a coward. Ford's greatest films are his westerns, a uniquely American art form he helped create, and a genre of which he is undisputed master. After hearing all this, the newsmen decide not to print the story, as the mythology that propelled Stoddard has to be protected at any cost. All his assets that he had accrued in his lifetime has been wiped out; on top of that, he too developed severe health problems (which was later diagnosed as lung cancer), which drove him into deep depression. Instead, we are left with the typical 'John Wayne was an amazing hero' ending. Or perhaps, Doniphan didnt care about everyone else, but for whatever reason, Doniphan avoided the conflict. Collin Brendemuehl: Fake history is worthy of exploration if to correct bad history. The story sees James Stewart's idealistic younger lawyer Stoddard arriving in a remote town with the intention of introducing law, order and education to the townspeople. Valance toys with Stoddard, shooting his arm and laughing at him. When John Ford and John Wayne set out to make this film, both of them were at a low stage in their life and career and, in their relationship with each other. Fords westerns portrayed truth, honor, courage, family and community as the chief weapons by which the American West was won. Marvin is magnificent as the snarling villain. As a showdown between Stoddard and Valance Ford begins to seem inevitable, Ford creates considerable tension. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance is Ford's deeply personal farewell to a period in American history he loved, a folklore he helped create. Doniphan, while still doing dishwashing work, hangs up his shingle at a local newspaper, and begins teach people to read, and about their country. His friend & Ranch hand Pompey (Woody Strode)saves him from the fire, but is unable to save the house. Doniphon - calling Stoddard 'Pilgrim', an epithet . Doniphon returns drunken to his place where he torches it and would be content to die if Pompy did not rescue him from the burning house. Design a site like this with WordPress.com, Follow MANK'S MOVIE MUSINGS on WordPress.com. Stoddard believes that hes a real man, a tough and violent character who can handle himself, and that Stoddard is a tenderfoot who is pretty much useless in the real world. ", Also online in my Great Movies Collection: John Ford's "The Grapes of Wrath," "Stagecoach," "The Searchers," "Rio Bravo" and "My Darling Clementine," and John Wayne in Howard Hawk's "Red River.". But right on his arrival, he encounters the brutal Valance, who steals all his belongings andalmost whips him to death. Hallie attends to Stoddards wounds and it appears to Doniphonthat she has fallen in love with Stoddard. Usually, when John Wayne fans count the number of films in which Wayne had died, they always miss out Liberty Valance, because he dies off-screen; but that only makes the character more insignificant; as opposed tofilms he died on screen, likeRide the whirlwind, The AlamoorTheCowboys, where Wayne always got a heroic death: he dies saving somebody else, or he dies for a greater cause. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance focuses on the love triangle between Stoddard, Doniphon and his girlfriend Hallie (Vera Miles, Psycho). Stoddard continues to defy Valance and earns the respect of the townsfolk, by first opening a law practice in town and then starting a school for teaching illiterate townspeople. Tom Doniphon and his handyman, Pompey, find Ranse and take him to Shinbone, where Tom's girlfriend, Hallie, treats his wounds. The flashback itself was absurdly unrealistic, with Tom being casually tossed a rifle and firing at the last moment. After this film, his career would see a meteoric rise and, by the mid 1960s, he would become one of the top stars in the industry. He faced Valance, who immediately shot him in his gun hand. Subscribe to our email newsletter. This is fascism against democracy: the tyranny of the strongman over the ordinary people. As Stoddard revives, weak and in a daze, he feels he has something he must do: he wants to arrest Valance and his men. Whatever the reasons, the end result is that the studios refused to finance Liberty Valance, if Wayne was not in the cast. At the time of the films release, it was dismissed as a minor work from a master filmmaker, but watching it now , it shows his extraordinary growth as a filmmaker, which is not just restricted to its thematic resonance, but also extends to its visual and narrative stylistics.
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