2019; Biagioli and Lippman 2020). Central range is used here as a descriptive, non-technical term to indicate the more consistent plateau of similar self-citation rates within each field that encompasses somewhat more than the inter-quartile range for these data. Seeber, M., Cattaneo, M., Meoli, M., & Malighetti, P. (2019). 10-year period may be cited by any other paper published during the same https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-016-2144-6. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,66(9), 19231932. average, a paper from a Geosciences research field published in 2008 We anticipate that these findings could be of value to journals editors and researchers when considering efforts for future publications. The extent to which Covid-19 papers are being cited in selected top journals relative to non-Covid-19 papers in the same journals has yet to be explored in detail. Non-citation rates vary enormously by field. The Field Rankings Field Rankings displays total papers, total citations received, citations per paper, and Hot and Highly Cited papers in each field. 2010; Carley et al. Not to be confused with. 2019; Biagioli et al. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.5090140304. The list is intended to identify scientists and social scientists who have demonstrated significant community influence through their publication of multiple papers frequently cited by their peers during the last decade. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.5090160305. One of the most basic citation metrics is how often an article was cited in other articles, books, or other sources (such as theses). Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,52(2), 87108. 4. 2006; Thijs and Glnzel 2006; Schubert et al. Minasny, B., Hartemink, A. E., & McBratney, A. Citation frequency is highly skewed, with many infrequently cited papers and It is used by academic institutions in decisions about academic tenure, promotion and hiring, and hence also used by authors in deciding which journal to publish in. This number dips only slightly to 82% when the smaller, randomized sample is compared. Schubert, A. The rate at which authors self-reference can be a guide to cultural norms (and to outliers) as much as is the frequency of self-citing. The process captured in Fig. The other side of the coin: The intricacies of author self-citations. We believe that it is more intuitive to link self referencing to the analysis of a publications reference list. time. Self-citation rates for 240 Highly Cited Researchers in the Essential Science Indicators field of Chemistry (CHE), analysing Web of Science data for 20082018. Bornmann, L., & Daniel, H.-D. (2008). We considered a variety of thresholds, but as visual guidelines we found that the accepted box-plot standard of 1.5 times the inter-quartile range worked well. Reward or persuasion? The distribution of the average percentage of references that were to self-papers and citations that were from self-papers for each Highly Cited Researcher was calculated. Szomszor, M., Pendlebury, D.A. Further, 91% of the papers under the Article category in the database were classified as original works by the journals themselves. Citation: Brandt MD, Ghozy SA, Kallmes DF, McDonald RJ, Kadirvel RD (2022) Comparison of citation rates between Covid-19 and non-Covid-19 articles across 24 major scientific journals. 2018; Copiello 2019; Ioannidis and Thombs 2019). Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science,22(1), 114. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02017064. In fields such as Molecular Biology and Psychiatry/Psychology, there are no significant outliers in the sample: every researcher portfolio is included within the continuous range, albeit with some slightly above the core of the normal range. Fields that lie outside the main distribution (Pharmacology, Mathematics and Space Science) have been labelled. Our focus was not the detection of gaming, which carries motive, but rather to identify evidence of the peer recognition that is the ultimate coin of the domain of science and scholarship (Merton 1995) and that yet permits the inclusion of self-citation which, as summarized above, proves to be an integral component of research publication and communication and far too difficult to treat on a case-by-case basis within a large dataset. Scarpa and Baccini and colleagues have reported that the Italian national research assessment exercise (VQR, Research Quality Evaluation), initiated at the beginning of the past decade, provoked strategic behavior among researchers, especially those early in their careers, that resulted in significantly higher rates of self-citation than previously seen (Scarpa et al. Qualifiers and confounding issues immediately arise when asking what constitutes excessive or extreme levels of author self-citation. Gender variations in citation distribution in medicine are very small and due to self-citation and journal prestige. (2016). Any paper published in the https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.21332. Scientometrics,15(56), 437447. The weight of author self-citations. Comparisons between non-Covid-19 and Covid-19 articles including all fields are shown in Table 2. Wohlrabe and Birmaier [10] studied the citation . The Journal Impact Factor is the average number of citations received in the last year to articles published in the previous two years. It allows for contextual understanding as to the nature, purpose and motivation of the citingauthor/s and is a traditional tool for measuring impact using publication data. An authors self-references are a fixed ratio at a given time, and the calculation of a self-referencing rate uses as a denominator all cited references in the publications of the author. The Journal Impact Factor is the average number of citations received in the last year to articles published in the previous two years. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Scientometrics,82(3), 517537. Some of these limitations include: For a high-level overview of normalized metrics and their limitations, see: For an overview of the RCR and how it's calculated, see: Hutchins BI, Yuan X, Anderson JM, Santangelo GM. However, very high JIF or CS are often based on a small number of very highly cited papers. The number of times Covid-19 publications are being cited throughout the literature appears remarkably high but has not been directly compared to non-Covid-19 papers in the same journals over an extended period. The continuous central range extends up to at least 30% self-citing: this is a rate well above most other fields. A younger person with few publications would not generally exhibit high rates of self-citation. These novel findings demonstrate that Covid-19 papers are being cited at remarkably higher rates than non-Covid-19 articles contained within the same journals. 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. The negative binomial regression model was selected over a linear regression model because it resulted in a better fit to the data and was more appropriate for count data. For full functionality of this site, please enable JavaScript. Journal of Information Science,37(5), 453461. [24], An alternative approach to measure a scholar's impact relies on usage data, such as number of downloads from publishers and analyzing citation performance, often at article level. Disentangling Gold Open Access. Google Scholar allows for searching of a particular work or author and retrieves results from a variety of sources such as peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, meeting abstracts, web sites, gray literature, PPTs and other formats. Almost all individuals records lie clearly within the normal central range and largely below the low threshold. PLOS ONE, impact factor 3.1) publish many papers that are cited 0 to 5 times but few highly cited articles. The same data are shown as a linear plot and a log plot. By contrast the calculation of a self-citation rate divides all citations to self by all citations received from self and others, and both accumulate over time. The larger the minimum number of citations, the smaller the peer group. Coercive citation in academic publishing. A higher rate of self-citation is expected for co-author than for strict author self-citation, and, in general, a rising rate of co-author self-citation is observed with the growth in average number of authors per paper over time (van Raan 1998; Aksnes 2003; Glnzel and Thijs 2004b). The threshold number of highly cited papers that determines selection differs by field, with Clinical Medicine requiring the most and Agricultural Sciences, Economics & Business, and Pharmacology & Toxicology typically among the fewest. Gender differences in synchronous and diachronous self-citations. An explanatory and interpretive example for Chemistry, which had 240 Highly Cited Researchers in the 2019 dataset, is shown in Fig. However, the spread of outlier values that rise above the high threshold may be clearer evidence of unusual citation behaviour well outside the normal range. Scientometrics,72(3), 427437. Brooks, T. A. The linear plot is of benefit because it allows ready interpretation and reference back to the original data values. Torres-Salinas, D., Robinson-Garcia, N., & Moed, H. F. (2019). received by all papers in all fields published during the 10-year period divided https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.21457. More recent studies include those of Glnzel and colleagues (Glnzel et al. Journal of Informetrics,1(1), 4758. Scientometrics,111(3), 18011812. Journal of Informetrics,10(2), 552566. During the past two decades concern over the extent of an authors self-citation has risen in tandem with increased emphasis on citation-related performance indicators in the context of research evaluation and competition for support (Hicks 2012; Wilsdon et al. (2018). Bibliographical statistics as a guide to growth points in science. Self-citation can inflate h-index. Researchers are selected for their publication output in one or more of the 21 fields used in ESI or across several fields (Appendix Table1). Mathematics has a lower Citation This final point is important because it changes our focus for the future. Journal of the American Society for Information Science,37(1), 3436. The self-citation pattern is different to other sciences and rates appear generally to be higher. 2006; Thijs and Glnzel 2006; Glnzel 2008) and others (Aksnes 2003; Hyland 2003; Fowler and Aksnes 2007; van Raan 2008; Costas et al. [15], Citation distribution is skewed for journals because a very small number of articles is driving the vast majority of citations; therefore, some journals have stopped publicizing their impact factor, e.g. The database tags papers as articles if they meet the following criteria: Reports of research on original works. https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.06142. (2018). San Francisco, CA. Chapter https://doi.org/10.22452/mjlis.vol23no2.2. 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The negative binomial regression model is similar to the Poisson regression model (for count data) except that it performs better with data over-dispersion [13, 14]. Scientometrics,73(3), 321330. Scientometrics,67(2), 263277. Citation analysis is the examination of citing works to an individual work (or a group of works). Publications, 8(2), 17. an assay to measure the concentration of proteins, "Citation Indexes for Science: A New Dimension in Documentation through Association of Ideas", "Citation Frequency as a Measure of Research Activity and Performance", "Can Researchers Bank on Citation Analysis? Mishra, S., Fegley, B. D., Diesner, J., & Torvik, V. I. The metric tide: Report of the independent review of the role of metrics in research assessment and management. Ramanathan D. Kadirvel, Affiliation: Our impact metrics reflect the power of research that is open to all. Analysis of the world's 20 largest publishers by volume, ranked by average number of citations in 2020 received by articles published in 2017, 2018 and 2019 (Dimensions, 2021). These top 120 papers accounted for nearly 24 percent of all citations, while the top 500 papers account for nearly 50 percent. Extending the Mertonian norms: Scientists subscription to norms of research. Bar plots show the total number of citations received in 2020 to articles published in 2018 and 2019, with Frontiers journals in blue. Scopus provide citation counts for articles indexed within it (limited to article written in 1996 and after). For everything except humanities, those numbers are far from 90% but they are still high: One third of social science articles go uncited! https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-008-2160-2. For example, if the value of the 1.00% percentile is 15, a paper in the same research field in the same year must receive at least 15 citations to belong to that percentile. The self-referencing median rates and outlier thresholds are similar across fields but these are more variable for the self-citation indicators. An important recent development in research on citation impact is the discovery of universality, or citation impact patterns that hold across different disciplines in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Andersen, J. P., Schneider, J. W., Jagsi, R. & Nielsen, M. W. (2019). Google Scholar. However, a recent meta-analysis showed that the advantage of open-access is debatable with many studies showing no difference in citation rates andquality and heterogeneity concerns posing challenges for generalization [22]. A taxonomy of motives to cite. PLoS ONE, 14(9): article number e0221212. Tang, L., Shapira, P., & Youtie, J. For non-Covid-19 articles, the median citation rate is 21.63 (p = < 0.001). Results The search identified 296 articles of reporting guidelines . Tahamtan, I., & Bornmann, L. (2018). Using information provided in Clarivates 2020 Journal Citation Reports [9] published on June 30, 2021, the top three journals by impact factor were selected from eight scientific categories as defined by WOS. Article https://doi.org/10.1002/andp.200910360. No other fields accounted for significant difference in citation rates amongst Covid-19 and non-Covid-19 papers published within the same field. Copiello, S. (2019). Toward a more precise definition of self-citation. (2018). Rather than setting a percentage of author self-citation above which an individual would be eliminated from consideration, we examined the distributions of author self-citation rates (and author self-referencing rates) for each of the 21 fields to determine true outliers. SCOPUS provides evidence of collaboration with other scientists and organizations, publication productivity, cited-by works, the h-index and also includes tools for creating citation graphs and Wordle maps. different disciplines and time periods so it cannot be used effectively to compare entities that are in different subjects or years. Fong, E. A. comm.). The calculation of field normalized citation metrics depends on the type of metric you're using. Communism, universalism and disinterestedness: Re-examining contemporary support among academics for Mertons scientific norms. 2010; Bartneck and Kokkelmans 2011; Huang and Lin 2011; Ferrara and Romero 2013; Viiu 2016). 2013). Average citation rate for publications in a number research fields. [54] Field-dependent factors are usually listed as an issue to be tackled not only when comparison across disciplines are made, but also when different fields of research of one discipline are being compared. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2018.10.025. If these papers were suppressed then this would not only be an appropriate signal to the offender and their co-authors but also serve to remove offensive noise from the research information system. We anticipate that JIFs will be affected in coming years which could change the landscape for how journal excellence is determined in the future. But, in practice, a visual inspection of the full profile for the data set is required to complete a valid interpretation. In I. Rafols, J. Molas-Gallart, E. Castro-Martinez & R. Woolley (Eds. Yu, T., Yu, G., & Wang, M. Y. Private acts and public objects: an investigation of citer motivations. The field or subject area: t: Year: d: Document Type: n: The number of subjects to which a paper is assigned: i: . ScienceDirect offers a search feature that displays cited references (journal articles or books) for a specific author or publication. When the randomized 1:1 sample was analyzed, Covid-19 papers still received 82% more citations than non-Covid-19 papers (p<0.001, 95% CI [1.202.43]). To calculate the RCR, we first need to determine the average annual citation rate for the article (citations / years). Changing patterns of self-citation: Cumulative inquiry or self-promotion? Google Scholar. Issues are: There are two resources for determining how the number of citations to a work compares to other cited works. There are too many studies to list, some dealing with broad and others with specific fields, and differing with respect to time windows, but a few may be mentioned with the statistics they report: 9% overall, 15% for the physical sciences, 6% for the social sciences, and 3% for the humanities, using co-author self-citation (Snyder and Bonzi 1998); 11%, using author self-citation (Fowler and Aksnes 2007); roughly 15% of references and 13% of citations, using co-author self-citation (Sugimoto and Larivire 2018); about 13%, using co-author self-citation (Mishra et al. 237280). Citation metrics are widely used and misused. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2017.12.004. proposed a statistical method to evaluate the universality of citation impact metrics, i.e., their capability to compare impact fairly across fields. King, M. M., Bergstrom, C. T., Correll, S. J., Jacquet, J., & West, J. D. (2017). (2020). Baccini, A., De Nicolao, G., & Petrovich, E. (2019). A standardized citation metrics author database annotated for scientific field. Self-citation corrections for the Hirsch index. We find that, across 24 open-access and subscription-based scientific journals, Covid-19 papers published in the past 2 years currently have a median citation rate of 120.79 compared to 21.63 for non-Covid-19 papers. JIF is a commonly used surrogate to determine journal excellence and is calculated by dividing number of citations in the current year for articles published in the previous two years by total number of articles published in that journal during the previous two years [21]. Pichappan, P., & Sarasvady, S. (2002). Mean citation rate per article in mathematics journals: Differences from the scientific model. In 2017 and 2018, 20.8% of PLOS publications and 12.2% of BMC publications provided DAS containing a link to data in a repository. 2018); about 13% as a median, using co-author self-citation (Ioannidis et al. https://doi.org/10.4033/iee.2014.7.1.e. Journal of the American Society for Information Science,27, 292306. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-018-2913-5. In some instances, citation analysis may not provide the entire story of the impact of a research project. https://doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1097-4571(198601)37:1%3c34:AID-ASI5%3e3.0.CO;2-0. As such, researchers are eager to add their contributions to what is known and what can be done to combat Covid-19 and, to do this, are citing earlier works to support their approaches. This libguide provides guidance on metrics and reports that can be used to quantify performance and impact based on publication data. 2018; Andersen et al. Gilbert, N. G. (1977). https://doi.org/10.1023/B:SCIE.0000018535.99885.e9. It appears to reflect the typical cultural self-citation behaviour in a field. had more time to accrue citations, and therefore exhibit a higher average citation count. This was particularly true among the outliers, in other words: researchers who self-reference at unusually high rates (above the central range) are also authors on papers where an unusually high proportion of the citations received are self-citations. Another limitation of this study is that open-access versus subscription-based journals were not filtered separately during the WOS search. Learned Publishing,22(1), 511. Unsurprisingly, several seminal Covid-19 publications have been cited at incredibly high rates as researchers have turned to these papers to help guide their next steps [68]. https://doi.org/10.1177/016555159802400606. Baselines are calculated using a whole counting method, this means that all papers in a subject area are counted towards the baseline calculation regardless of whether those papers are also in other subject areas or not. Conceding all variables and interactions, and different opinions about the function and meaning of self-citation, is there a standard rate at which self-citation is expected to appear? A variety of values for N may be considered, where a low threshold would be more exclusive, delineating a relatively large proportion of researchers to be reviewed, and a high threshold would be conservative, maximising inclusiveness and focussing only on extreme outliers. Davis, P. M. (2009). (2018). This holds even when article volume is equated using a 1:1 sample of non-Covid to Covid articles as median citation is six times greater for the Covid-19 articles. The field of Pharmacology and Toxiciology stands out for a different reason. Example: An article published in 2017 has been cited 5 times in 2017, 10 times in 2018, 5 times in 2019, and 12 times in 2020. For all years, Microbiology papers in the 10% percentile received a minimum of 38 citations. Nonetheless, since the earliest publications on self-citation, suspicion of self-citation continues amidst uncertainty as to whether it is in fact to be considered sui generis, discounted, or even removed entirely in any analysis of influence or impact. New factors in the evaluation of scientific literature through citation indexing. 2018; Zhao and Strotmann 2018; Ioannidis et al. Do citations provide a full narrative of meaningful health outcomes? ESI is a compilation of science performance statistics and science trends data using data from Clarivate Analytics Web of Science. CiteScore metrics: A family of eight metrics and useful features. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,60(6), 12831285. (2012). Social Forces,74(2), 379422. Frontiers ranked 3rd most-cited with an average of 4.8 citations per article. https://doi.org/10.1177/030631277700700207. by the total number of papers.
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