You can find it at, Yes, I watched it. Those ministries are considered heretical by many orthodox ChristiansI had NO clue. People interpret things differently from the next. If youre really looking for truth I would encourage you to visit So if I seem dogmatic (or catmatic) on what I believe, not trying to be harsh or rude, just sure in what I believe. I am absolutely scared that I am a narcissist and I don't know what to do. They use those scriptures as evidence that you speak in tongues when you receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit (which is true cause when I received the infilling of the Holy Spirit I spoke in tongues (heavenly). Cuba cancels May Day parade because of fuel shortages, Ludhiana gas: Toxic leak kills 11 in Indian city - 'I found my brother lying on the road', 'They're trying to dogfight': Air Force commander reveals that Russian fighter jets are trying to ENGAGE US fighters over Syria, Black NYPD detective Troy Patterson dies after 33 years in a coma following shooting while washing his car during botched robbery in 1990, Boarding school admits 'more should have been done' to stop bullying of boy, 17, who took his own life after being falsely accused of rape for a year, Tyrese says some celebs have devil worshipping music videos but turn around and thank God for their grammy wins, Only Murders in the Building Season 3 Premiere Date Revealed by Steve Martin and Martin Short at Comedy Show (EXCLUSIVE), 5 years - No ring, patiently waiting for a proposal. These are completely outside of his written word. Heres an interesting thought or rather it was interesting to me: two of the most powerful revivals in history took place amongst Calvinistic settings: the Welsh Revival 1904-1905 and Hebrides Revival 1949-1952. God bless The fog will clear eventually. Should Christians live the gospel? Why I Left the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement I want to believe and experience God in new and exciting ways. Weve all heard it.By beholding we become changed., 1 Cor 15:33 (ESV) Do not be deceived: Bad company ruins good morals. We did a bible study. Of course now I am a sinner.I failed because God wasnt enough. During the year that I attended that Hi, Im Lazarus Chetty, from Cape Town, South Africa. Now, I am back in a Pentecostal type church. Hope that helps and best wishes on your journey as well. it reminds me of how the angel Gabriel appeared to Mohammad. the faith. The Bible teaches that only the 12 disciples received first the Holy Spirit. However, it might not be Gods will to hear that particular scripture. Kansas City (IHOP), Morningstar Ministries and Bethel Redding are what I considered great men of God preaching the true gospel. What is happening in our church assemblies is quite sad. I stated that my contention is with churches or denominations that place external manifestations ABOVE Gods word. However, we (humankind) have been adapting scripture to modern cultural practices as time as progressed using parallels to compare equivalent circumstances. Swedish Pentecostal Movement As an apologist for 26+ years I have publicly addressed many of these issues and this link will take you to a section of an Index on the ministry web site where many of these personalities and their ministries are the subject matter. the seriously ill basically, anyone with a medically verified condition--they never got healed. God sent a strong delusion upon them so that they should believe the lie because they loved not the truth. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. One thing that i experienced in years of study on Principalities and Powers of darkness is how Satan mimics the truth (exact opposite of Gods word) also that patterns are a quick way to discern his deceit. I read most of the Old Testament but always got stuck in the book of Jerimiah. It is full of people who (mostly) volunteer their time. No condemnation. Its a cult, mixing faith and law to keep you saved. I have also noticed music is a main attraction in church; Ithas replace bible studies. Our Church actually phased out Sunday morning bible studies and the Wednesday night ones were more secular than anything, I would call it positive philosophy. I have spent20years of my life in the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement but something happened to me recently that caused me to walk away completely. They looked at me like I justkicked a newborn baby off a bridge?! A controversial debate about racism in the United Pentecostal Church International is now raging in the denomination after an interracial couple who led one of This destroys. John MacArthur is a committed Calvinist who vehemently holds to the cessationist view. "revivals" on the west coast, special services on the east coast, visited "hot spots" in the midwest Some followers of Christ have very effective ministries and dont even know they are using His gifts, which is not necessarily a bad thing they are lovingly following and obeying Him, which is all that matters. That extends to many of the anti-charismatic teachers as well whose exegesis is mind-boggling in its contextual dishonesty. Thank you for sharing this. The Harlot Church system is also helpful you can find the PDF online. I think you are taking my words out of context. We learned then that most churches were going further and further from Gods written word. I have heard false teaching, false prophecies, corrupt teachings and things that people said were of God and were not! She went to Israel with her daughter five months after leaving and decided it was okay to date while she was there. God why was I deceived? came back, so did the feeling of complete rejection and failure. I prayed desperately for my own I am the church, and while I do want to seek out fellowship with others as this too is a Biblical principal and we are told not to forsake it, I cant help but to feel lost as where to go next. Go read this book( the Great Controversy) written by E.G. Confess with your mouth and believe with your heart, which will result in fruit. This focused intense seeking of the Lord brought me into a "relationship" with the Father that I'd never experienced before. Another great testimony. I was ready to defend my leaders even when I disagreed with what they did. Back then he was called a heretic today he would be condemned for touching the Lords anointed. The apathy of believers is truly astonishing as I watch wolves overtake the churches. An encounter with the living God would probably leave you with a limp. They weren't shy Even more so, that we keep lifting all of it up to the Lord in prayer and that He would expose any lies that live within the church as well as our own hearts. But these days if you are not in the same church you dont really belong to me. Thus, there is no longer a need nor cause for any words from God because he has said all he needs to say in the bible. They used drama and technology and - Does the Bible promise health and wealth? I felt guilty. He said prophecy was. Not all churches are alike and cannot be put into the same bag Towards the end with all the prophetic words it was nothing but confusion. But his rage against Charismatics was bordering on the psychotic. The Holiness Movement: Are They God Phil 1:5-6NKJV The truth of the matter is most cannot discern for themselves because they lack true biblical knowledge. The highs were tremendous, but the lows were horrible. Ive heard so many prophesies about Donald Trump being chosen by God. Light Skinned Women Are Like A Drug To Me. join or stay or even attend on a regular basis. Thanks for sharing your story and I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future. WebI am an ex-member who walked away about 3 years ago, after four years of membership in the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI). Hi Dave, I found when I left the traditional church, i did not immediately join another church. I hadnt bothered too much until it affected me. Gods peace and love-. experienced up until that point would be nothing compared to what was to come and then I wouldn't have people in My wife left me after becoming involved with this movement. Let me know in the comments below your encounters with false prophets! want to clarify I do not believe in praying in tongues anymore so I will make a video on thatI am also not charismatic anymore, I am soft (not hardcore) cessationist. These men prophesy lies and the people imagine vain things. I was raised in the Apostolic Church also. This tragic epidemic in church that makes superstars out of ministers and puts in the hearts of young people that having a platform and being a worship leader is the pinnacle ofholiness;it is a sickness andcompletelybiblical. I longed to be closer to God. It will lead you astray faster than you can blink your eyes! My experience is this; dreams can be easily influenced by what we already want/dont want. It was a warm fuzzy experience for the sake of Apparently the Angel Gabriel appeared to Bob Jones who would give woman prophetic words if they stripped down in his office. We are not to follow people. Whether you want to join a religion again or just study on your own, at least youll receive bible truth. Faith was supposed to be like a muscle -- you had to use it in order for it to grow. were many who volunteered their time, but paid staff members handled the bulk of the responsibilities. Makes me sick. The worship, the message, the ministry time at the end: everything set the stage for an emotional Acts 17:10-12 NKJV Recovering Pentecostal - Leaving an unhealthy church I left the Charismanic movement for good. More and more the speaking in tongues seemed fake. So the problem is not a movement but people who are either not saved, or they are deceived or sin abounds letting junk in. My pastors tried to Many in the congregation go to and from Bethel. Blessings, Thank you. very sad. If you need to vent, Im here. It isnt and wont be an easy life as a follower of Christ because there will always be conflict with the evil one, but Jesus is Lord of all, at whose name every knee will bow, and He has given us the victory over sin and the spiritual death it causes, through our faith in Him . It was obvious. They belonged to eachother for the mere fact that they follow christ nothing else just that. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you. I found myself caught in a terrible situation. The irony is that my journey took me in the opposite direction. Not minimizing real Church hurt as I have had much of it but its best to let God heal our hearts and make sure we are walking right and loving others as we would want them to love us. WHERE IS THE CHURCH? Maybe if I had read it I would have understood how God views false lying prophets and a corrupt priest which brings me to my point, false prophets and corrupt ministers leading many astray has become a staple in the charismatic movement that I could no longer ignore or be a part of with a clear conscious. Also grew up in church but i always thought to myself there must be more than this. Now, I agree 100% that true Biblical teaching will not contradict the Word of God. They really don't speak much on any other gift. I know a Reformed Pastor who claimed Jesus was coming on a certain date and Jesus never came. Thank you we are all finding each other I believe because the Holy Spirit (scripture alone) That was a hard lesson I learned this year. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. There were tearful hugs and promises to keep in touch, but I knew I was saying "goodbye" forever. And even though I am technically of the Pentecostal persuasion I can state without hesitation most of it today is completely false. My faith was I just wrote a 10,000 word essay using Scripture as the basis on the subject, The Importance of the New Testament Doctrine of Selfless Service and Disciple Making.. so surely I owed more loyalty to the leaders -- and to the group -- and to God. Gods household. You described it very well indeed. Why I believe you said you are a pastor? I find that so laughable now to look at people who are expressional during worship as a definitive sign that God is moving. Many times there was no biblical backing for their claims. Iprayed, God I know how I feel about lying prophets and people using your name but how do you feel about it? I opened the bible and read Jerimiah, bingo! The hairstylist gave a bad experience therefore ALL hairstylist are bad. But it doesnt make Gods wonderful grace and gifts any less relevant today. God help us and anoint us with His Holy Spirit to make a difference for the Kingdom and in this world. Then blaming everyone else when were sick and spirituality unhealthy. Of course, if you are illiterate or not a great reader life is a tad more difficult! It is an out of balance, unbiblical view of being a disciple of Christ. Knowing Christ and Living a life simply following the precepts of the bible are more than enough. The law, as Colossians 2:14-16, is gonenailed to the cross. I too couldve written most of this sisters blog. I have found him and his word to be more than enough. It is a very disorienting thing to walk away from a long held belief and a system you have promoted and loved for many years. While so many of these are not the essentials or the fundamentals of the faith there is a point when its time to cry foul on some of the things taking place in our assemblies. You NEVER saw this happen and to this day I've heard a couple stories of similar miracles but no actual proof. Over the years I found that God takes things away from us so that He can be our only Rock and Anchor. And Im very familiar with Pentecostal history and its roots. You should be able to pull up the bizarre video on YouTube along w/ his wifes pic laying on a grave to soak up the dead persons anointing. Pentecostalism believes that this power is received today because of the "New Revelation of God" in 1899. I have so many friends lost in these same easily disproveable liesif only they would pick up a Bible and study it for themselves. I grew up mainly in the Presbyterian church (with my mom) and occasionally attended the Pentecostal church (with my dad during his visitation). Thoughts started running through my mind if we have one father that means we are brothers and sisters. The UPCI, like many Apostolic I have not walked away from my faith in Christ, only what I now consider false teaching and a system that is overtaken with false prophets and corruption. I guess this has been a long time coming. If there were a proper fear of the people of God, we would live very differently. In fact, we teach against these false teachers, their heresy and Kool-aid being drunk by the masses. consumed and driven by manipulate. I love Justin peters and John MacArthur It really helped me. It was an awkward departure. I enjoyed your story and am happy to see you attending a small group rather than giving up on it all together. They claim you are speaking out against the Lords anointed. We believe God can heal and/or fill us with his spirit and because we long for it, we want so eagerly to believe what we see. Cheryl is this question for me or the lady who wrote this article? That is not the same as the apostolic gift of healing. Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. While having seen bad things in the Church I have seen a lot of good too. I dont know how yall can lump Rick Joyners ministry into all this. everything was OK. Well Jo-Ann I fellowship with other like minded believers who have also left the corrupt system. I've heard your story from others though. Thats a great question, In that statement Im saying we should not elevate our experiences above scripture. Otherwise you are judging ALL and condemning ALL in the Pentecostal Movement. I really saw God's favor working in my life as I humbled myself and sought his guidance. do. I am still a believer and follower of Christ, I just view certain things a lot different now. Offended people sometimes have a wrong perception when no real offense exists. Here, it seemed like I was changing, but not for the better. But Its like the pot calling the kettle black. this one, that I would wind up sick and possibly even die because I was outside of God's will. Thank you, its so wonderful to know we are not alone in our journey. ways to leave my church: in a conflict or in a coffin. I never said we should not contend for the Faith nor do I refrain from exposing and rebuking error and sin when needed. Even if we did keep in touch, it would never be the same. That's quite baffling to me because they appear to be the least likely to put limitations on God and be more accepting of the spiritual gifts that one possesses. It was completely different from my previous church. While this was not the only reason that I left the Indian Pentecostal church, it was one of the biggest reasons. I loved my friends but my heart was far from God. Oh yes, we were always ALMOST THERE, wherever there was. I am left speechless after reading this. I questioned why we did certain things during mass but i was usually given an answer that didnt relate back to the bible. I am so grateful that I read the NT when I came to know the Lord it helped me to stay grounded and ultimately saved me from this movement. If it had been left to me Id have given up after a day or so. Care for them. They dont even have one bible verse in the sermon or compare to a bible story. When the Word and the Holy Spirit are manifested in a service, keep this in mind: true preaching will always exalt Christ and His teaching (Jn5:39) and, the manifestation of the Holy Spirit will always point to Jesus (Jn16:13,14). Bless you as you too continue to seek His face! I had done everything I knew how to Why I Left The Pentecostal Church - False Prophets - YouTube huge revolving door. Hi, I have a question. We had a great pastor. I begrudgingly turned round. Sometimes HE is hidden even within the church, but a heart that truly desires TRUTH and real intimacy with the Spirit will find it just as you have because God has said so! God can speak to us by the Holy Spirit, guide and lead us into what He wants us to know or show us what to do or where we need to be. than ever before. I currently attend these services and have never seen such a loving group of people that are determined to adhere to bible principles and demonstrate true brotherly love as God instructs. to a lack of maturity. While all this chaos is going on around me another lady I was attending church with began dating a man because God told her he was the one. ABBA FATHER has led me back to HIS COMPLETE WORD. That's why Jesus said. Feelings were important. (Acts 2:4) 2. My life has been a series of interesting twists that will hopefully benefit someone out in the ether. They believed you could lose your salvation too. I began to draw away in solitude for a season. In the aftermath of the Azusa St. Revival, the demand for denominational organization became clear to many when founded Christian churches mostly denied Pentecostal followers. And trust me I have had my share. This I never knew about before. He told Israel if you do this (obey). Galatians 3:1-3 KJV I hope you find it helpful and the link is Im pleading for the cause of Christ that if anyone that reads this is tangled up with some of these things please run far from them. I dont trust a person who loves or likes dominos pizza. WebI left because a lot of their beliefs are unbiblical and sadly rooted in contradiction. It takes a while to shake off the guilt and conditioning of attending church every Sunday. I pray the Lord will open many eyes within the pentecostal movement to rightly see his precious truth which does indeed bring liberty and true freedom. I see now I was very wrong. The Assemblies of God were founded in Hot Springs, Arkansas in April, 1914. Hands raised utterly disconnected from God. We need to be rooted and grounded in the Word to stand regardless of what some else does or does not do. Just the one that suits will do me. It was a extremely hard decision for me, but i felt it was the right thing to do. Unfortunately, anything that has truth will be counterfeited and corrupted witness the first century church. So, corruption is not just in the Pentecostal circles. I didnt know if I could possibly sit in another Amost there, about to happen moments at church it was starting to get under my skin. I was so happy to read your message! This only means something to people old enough to remember the time before digital cameras, when you took a roll of film and had to have it developed into photographs. When things were so bad that I couldn't hide my symptoms, I just avoided church and church people. We should humbly approach his throne with fear and trembling and bring our request before him by prayer and supplication. Turned away from the Torah(instructions), laws and commandments and have become pagan with all My question; has anyone experienced the leadership or the prayer team breathing odd, like an inhale swoop? The worship time was powerful and emotional but strangely empty for me. They believed that they I was going through the motions. Change). Then, we will once again be RELEVANT in this lost and dying world. If youre not condemning some of these actions youre condoning them on some level and in doing so youre misleading the sheep. I am finding this site among others that are confirming some concerns. Is Pentecostalism? What Do Pentecostals Believe exactly keep. Paul wrote to all the believers in one town. Amen to that, Michael. Missouri Congregation Quits United Pentecostal Church in Video One woman who claimed to be an evangelist was leading those meetings, and I remember her stopping, and with an evil laugh said Oh Lord, please keep it clean as if the Holy Spirit would ever make people do something unclean! Im so happy you have followed your gut on this one. The deception is so clear nowit upsets me to see so many still trapped in this, and unwilling to see the truth! God bless. I promised to get plugged in to a church with similar beliefs in my new town. April 30th, 2023 (Greater Works Part 2) - Facebook The fact of the matter is, there are true Christians in Church, there are backsliders in church, there are unsaved people at church, even the devil goes to church etc etc. just "speaking in faith." Going to the doctor was an acceptable "last resort" The sad fact is so many within our churches today often love these hyper-emotional camps, such as; Bethel, IHOP, Christine Caine (from Propel) Graham Cooke, Mike Bickle, Rick Joyner, Peter Wagner and all the so called self proclaimed prophets and apostles, etc. He's still in the business of working miracles every day, but just in a little different way. I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. So they are leaving. JavaScript is disabled. Pentecostals are big on speaking in tongues. I pray the Lord will guide you and strengthen you as you seek Him! I was dealing with a painful medical problem. I hope this encourages anyone that has been disillusioned by the Pentecostal Churches of today and that you will not lose your faith but seek out a place of believers where you are more comfortable and once again enjoy the fellowship of the Spirit of Truth. I started asking questions like why are we so formal with eachother since Jesus calls us his family and not spiritual family. I pleaded with God to show me where I was This is a mirror of my own experiences in the Church system, I too walked away from it but doing so, onto the real narrow path that leads to everlasting life. These three simultaneous events sent me running back to my bible. Crazy. Timya Robinson started her career as a street cop. Sure, when God manifests Himself, you may get emotional and feel His Presence. Someone behind me said Is that it? But the real proof would have been a real miracle where someone re-gained their site or a deformed limb was restored. I dont need to move to a foreign country as a missionary to be mightily used of God or stand behind a pulpit. 5:7 we are to live by faith and not by sight. It was a We are encouraged to develop our own relationship with Jesus at our own pace. If I was going to have a genuine close encounter with God, I expected that I would walk away forever so much back there wasn't God at all. . It was a high. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight,O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Thankfully, that's a promise I didn't I will certainly look it up. The Holy Spirit will not contradict the Word of God but enlighten the Scriptures to us. I was 21 years old when I truly came to know Christ and now I am 40 and let me tell you this stuff gets old. The folks who really needed healing the most--the cancer patients, Wants us to. Why I Never Went Back to the Pentecostal Church But I didn't get it right next time, or the time after that, or the time after that. about asking for money -- and there were definite echoes of prosperity teaching involved -- but they didn't hunt you I pastor a church and place workers in needy countries. Wilkersons students didnt have ministry degrees and were former drug abusers. This is why I mentioned Rick Joyner. Its VERY DANGEROUS to say God said so and so when He did not! Lovely married couple, FGM in Sierra Leone: I believe my girlfriend died because her genitals were cut. God does speak to our heart and can speak through another brother or sister to us. One dark side of Pentecostalism is the implication of two. (For example: vote in this local election, support this food pantry, help these kids). Butbeing human as we are fleshly and manipulative people take centre stage and are empowered by congregations who prefer to be led rather than find maturity. Charismatic Chaos - Why I left the Pentecostal Church Being hurt, seeing confusion in the life of my friends lead me back to God. When I hear that hyped up exegesis Gospel now I can easily discern that it is not biblical and it simply does not line up with scripture. My grandfather was a pastor and we went to church every day. The seats were empty! I was suddenly able to consider that the ushers had been there pretty much 5 or 6 nights a week for 4 months. Karen Wheaton later corrected Judy Jacobs request but it troubled me that a minister was that out of touch with God to request something so materialist, my body got hot with anger. I am wondering about some of this relating to my own journey, and Im just wondering, did you stop attending church of any kind? Leaving the UPCI? : r/ExPentecostal - Reddit Sin, False Doctrine, Fake Christians, deceived Christians abound in virtually every denomination and non-denomination to some degree. Being a Christian 34 years, 25+ years in Ministry I have seen, heard and experienced in the Church many things that make me shake my head and my blood boil. The belief that we were the only true church. Once we were all encouraged to speak in tongues and shout out our cities name as claimed territory In the name of Jesus. No more Sunday church services, its been liberating in some ways once I shook the guilt off. Now what they don't point out is that, the tongues the disciples spoke was actually Earth languages. Greet believers at church. Im heartbroken to hear that. After all, I It is so important that we know the scriptures and keep those scriptures in context so we can discern what is truth and what is not . I went there that day with an equally unsaved friend and we both left that day When my mom became terminally ill at a young age from a neurological disease, I believed all the faith healers that it was always Gods will for us to be healthy and wealthy. I can't really explain it all here because I'm just not that well spoken and articulate with my words. When there is a right fear of our great and awesome God it keeps us in check. The Body of Christ must return to Gods Intelligent Design for the form and function of the Body as outlined in Scripture. Why I left the Pentecostal Church - YouTube