The New International Version (NIV) first published in 1978. claims to be based on the Nestle-Aland Greek Text, which is similar to. Do we listen to the 5000+ witnesses, or do we listen to the 5? The KJV, on the other hand, is based upon the Majority text, over 5000 witnesses agreeing. Borderland. Archaeologists Discover 2,000-year-old Gemstone With balm Of Gilead Engraved On It, Masoretic Text, Westcott and Hort 1881 and Tregelles 1857. However, we will address what amounts to their main arguments. Version Information. Throw away the bones.. You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateways emails at any time. This Greek NT was the basis for the Revised Version of that same year. An update to the 1966 Jerusalem Bible which uses more extensive gender neutral language, New Jewish Publication Society of America Version. Riplinger links the spiritualist teachings of Westcott and Hort to the occult teachings of Madame Helena P. Blavatsky who wrote the Lucifer magazine. It is their position that the King James Version of the Bible is superior to all other English translations and that all English translations based on the Westcott and Hort text of 1881 (foundation text of UBS5 and NA28) are corrupt due to the influence of the Alexandrian Greek manuscripts. Brooke FossWestcott(18251901) and Fenton John AnthonyHort(18281892) are mentioned regularly in relation to the Greek text of the NT. John is married to Janet they have three grown up children and two grandogs. (1) If Gods Word is only found in the 1611 KJV, where was Gods Word from 100 A.D. 1610 A.D.? God has promised to preserve His Word among us, and God always keeps His promises! It is inaccurate in many ways now due to greater understanding and the number of manuscripts that make better translations possible. They believed that the true work of God in English had been held back by an inferior Bible. - DNA in the Bible, Secret to Church Growth by Tim Massengale, Church Growth Must be Intentional by Tim Massengale, Faith Goal Setting Only Works When You Do It By Tim Massengale, Home Bible Study Success By Tim Massengale, Relationship Evangelism by Tim Massengale, Key Elements of Church Growth by Tim Massengale. #1. Uses various methods, such as emphatic idiom and special diacritical marks, to bring out nuances of the underlying Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic texts. Certainly nothing could be more unscriptural than the modern limiting of Christs bearing our sins and sufferings to his death; but indeed that is only one aspect of an almost universal heresy. 4) Hort wrote, I have been persuaded for many years that Mary-worship and Jesus worship have very much in common in their causes and their results. Westcott found a statue of Mary and a crucified Christ in a remote chapel and wrote, Had I been alone, I could have knelt there for hours.. The climax of this restoration era goes to the immediate successors of these men, the two English Bible scholars B. F. Westcott and F. J. Things we do not want copied and distributed freely are items like the Fundamental Baptist Digital Library, print editions of our books, electronic editions of the books that we sell, the videos that we sell, etc. In 1981 Metzger said: The international committee that produced the United Bible Societies Greek New Testament, not only adopted the Westcott and Hort edition as its basic text, but followed their methodology in giving attention to both external and internal consideration. INDIANA BIBLE COLLEGE | INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, Modern Bible Versions, and Westcott and Hort Jun 29, 2006. Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort were 19th-century theologians and Bible scholars. The King James Onlyist, Textus Receptus, Majority Text, byzantine disciples love to point to Westcott and Horts orthodoxy. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Masoretic Text, Nestle-Aland/United Bible Society Greek New Testament, New International Version (simplified syntax, but loss of conjunctions obscures meanings), New International Version Inclusive Language Edition. The point here is simple. It should also be noted that the writings of John W. Burgon, Edward Hills, Benjamin C. Wilkinson will be greatly edifying. This text has only a few changes of the original. To learn more about Bible versions and the many problems with modern translations, consider the following: David Otis Fuller, D. D. Which Bible Grand Rapids International Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49501, David Otis Fuller, D. D. Counterfeit Or Genuine Mark 16? "[11] To refute this, we can go back to our patristic quotations, which reveal the Alexandrian text-type as earlier than the Byzantine text-type. The Revised Version of the KJV, published in 1881, reflects this increased knowledge. (4) If there are no textual differences in the 4,000 Byzantine texts (which there are), what was the Word of God before the fifth-century Byzantine text of Codex Alexandrinus (400-440 A.D.)? OT:Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Westcott. The W-H text of 1881 and the latest edition of the United Bible Societies text differ only in relatively minor points. Many modern versions like the New International Version (450 million copies worldwide), English Standard Version, H, , New Living Translation, New Century Version, A, and New American Standard Bible have been produced by the finest Bible believing scholars in the world. Masoretic Text, Erasmus third NT edition (1522), Martin Luthers 1522 German Bible. The KJV was a superb translation for its day. They will leave discussions with us knowing we will not face up to the facts available in the manuscripts. That means that you may freely copy it in any form, including electronic and print formats. This criticism aside, the Westcott and Hort text is extremely reliable. John 8? If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at Otherwise, they would have worn out and disappeared through much reading.. The translators said they expect new revisions of their KJV translation when more manuscripts come to light, and if there was an improved understanding of Hebrew and Greek, there should be revisions. (The shorter the interval between the time of the autograph and the end of the period of transmission in question, the stronger the presumption that earlier date implies greater purity of text.) (2.59; cf. The majority of KJV only people believe that the Wescott and Hort exts are erroneous because they read a pamphlet from the pamphlet rack at church that said that it was. Informally referred to as WH they produced the WH text of the New Testament. (weak textual evidence). My fatherceasedto interest himself in these matters, not altogether, I believe, fromwant offaith in what, for lack of a better name, one must call Spiritualism, but becausehe was seriously convinced that such investigations led to no good. (Life and Letters of Brooke Foss Westcott, Vol. This is the version of the Jehovahs Witnesses published by the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. Brother Cloud lives in South Asia where he has been a church planting missionary since 1979. As the Scottish biblical scholar Alexander Souter expressed it, they gathered up in themselves all that was most valuable in the work of their predecessors. Thus, the fact that B and ALEPH are so old is a point against them, not something in their favour. Masoretic Text,Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament. Had B (Vaticanus) and ALEPH (Sinaiticus) been copies of average purity, they must long since have shared the inevitable fate of books which are freely used and highly prized; namely, they would have fallen into decadence and disappeared from sight. Westcott and Hort state: "[It is] our belief that even among the numerous unquestionably spurious readings of the New Testament there are no signs of deliberate falsification of the text for dogmatic purposes. Aland reports that, while NA25 text shows, for example, 2,047 differences from von Soden, 1,996 from Vogels, 1,268 from Tischendorf, 1,161 from Bover, and 770 from Merk, it contains only 558 differences from WH text.[10]. As we had just learned earlier under the corruption period, after Constantine legalized Christianity, giving it equal status with the pagan religions, it was much easier for those possessing manuscripts to have them copied. Westcott and Hort began their work in 1853 and finished it in 1881, working . HE DETHRONED THE TEXTUS RECEPTUS. Westcott and Hort did what was unthinkable..they picked through five Greek texts which did not agree with each other, and came up with a new revised Greek version of the Bible. He has travelled there 22 times. Read online Bible study, search parallel bibles, cross reference verses, compare translations & post comments in bible commentaries at Westcott and Hort were the original textual critics of their day. White and others attempting to discredit the defense of the King James Bible claim that Westcott and Hort are not important because (they say) the modern versions (NASV and NIV) are not based on the Alexandrian text or on the Westcott and Hort text. He has authored 220+ books. Revised from the public domain JPS 1917 edition, and placed together with a revised edition of the Hebrew Roots New Testament (based on Hebrew and Aramaic sources) each with useful footnotes, and an informative preface to the whole work. Other names for the Majority Text are Traditional Text, Syrian Text, Byzantine Text, and the Common Text. one of them is of mainly later texts after the fall of Antioch and Alexandria to Islam. They are based on the Greek New Testament compiled by a couple of heretic infidel blasphemers named Westcott and Hort (you will see this when you read their own words below). [13], The New Testament in the original Greek (1881), The New Testament in the original Greek Introduction and Appendix (1882), Comparison of the Wescott/Hort text with other manuscript editions,, This page was last edited on 3 February 2023, at 15:13. They have dedicated themselves to learn Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic, they have studied for decades the available manuscripts and have produced these translations as the fruit of their learning. Informally referred to as WH they produced the WH text of the New Testament. In the above Bible translations, you can see that verses 44 and 46 are omitted in the main text with the omission noted in the footnote. During the eighteenth-century scholars assembled a great amount of information from many Greek manuscripts, as well as from versional and patristic witnesses. It had nothing to do with it being the better text, i.e., the text that more accurately reflected the original. What lies each of you believe in. Any man who discounts the continuing significance of Westcott-Hort in the field of Bible texts and versions is probably trying to throw up a smoke screen to hide something. This is consistent with Riplingers claim; however, it had no bearing on his ability or skills as a textual scholar to produce and publish The New Testament in the Original Greek, a Greek-language version of the New Testament, which, again, published in 1881. Westcott & Hort's The New Testament in the Original Greek, 2009 Literal Translation of the Original Greek New Testament, Greek-English Interlinear with Strong's Concordance Numbering System, Color-Coded, Exhaustive Lexical Number Map with Grammatical Notes, Dr. Strong's Original Greek Dictionary & Abridged Thayer's Greek Lexicon, All Text Carefully Proofread and Coded into Quick-Loading, Simple HTML. HE DETHRONED THE TEXTUS RECEPTUS. Textual criticism is flawed because mans judgment is by nature flawed with bias. On one side, their supporters have heralded them as great men of God, having greatly advanced the search for the original Greek text. The conclusion is obvious. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. Ps. For centuries, manuscripts were preserved, even when the Catholic priests could no longer understand them. Since the original books of the Bible do not exist anymore, it becomes necessary to translate the Bible from copies of the original. Of course, I think they gave too much weight to Codex Vaticanus alone, and this needs to be tempered. To Westcott and Hort, the King James Bible was clearly an inferior translation. Therefore it is unwise for the sincere Christian to readily accept modern Bible translations assuming them to be accurate and faithful to the Word of God. The New Testament in the Original Greek is a Greek-language version of the New Testament published in 1881. As was stated earlier, Lucian produced the Syrian text, renamed the Byzantine text. The baseline is the original Greek and Hebrew, so what we compare all versions to is the best text we can produce, notour favourite translation. I urge you not to do this. In addition, they gave due weight to internal evidence, intrinsic probability and transcriptional probability, that is, what the original author most likely wrote and wherein a copyist may most likely have made a mistake. (3) How many textual errors (differences) are in the handful of Byzantine manuscripts used to make the Textus Receptus, which is behind the KJV? When voices started saying that the Gospel of John was a much later invention (as late as 200AD) we discovered papyrus fragment p.52 dated at probably 115AD from almost as soon as the ink was dry on the original!! This book was not read in the same manner that Christians would read their Bibles today. Much has happened since then, including the discovery of 5000+ Greek manuscripts of the New Testament and, of course, the Dead Sea Scrolls! However the majority of these manuscripts agree with each other almost perfectly. While Karl Lachmann was the one to overthrow the Textus Receptus, it would be B. F. Westcott and F. J. Westcott and Hort were spiritualists. Translators of the Bible over the years have used these agreeing manuscripts to make what is called the MAJORITY TEXT.