URP: Added shadow interoperability with Sprite, Colliders, SpriteShape, and 2D Animation. (UUM-8772), HDRP: Removed visibility of Vertex Density debug mode on console platforms. (UUM-3783), Editor: Fixed a crash when old SG integration is invalid. Does methalox fuel have a coking problem at all? Universal RP: Light soft shadow quality setting in URPAsset which lights use by default. Universal RP: Fixed an issue where Write Rendering Layers were sometimes incorrectly enabled in Deferred Rendering. (UUM-2348), UI Toolkit: Fixed caret repositioning while renaming in UI Builder. (UUM-22673), UI Toolkit: Fixed rendering glitch on circles caused by incorrect geometry. Refer to Handle Android crashes. When either is installed: Fixed errors appearing in the Editor Play Mode due to platform specific classes instantiating. (UUM-4342). (UUM-7896). (1376068). Resetting permissions on all files in the project fixed it. Documentation: Removed legacy command line argument 'vrmode' from documentation. IL2CPP: Fixed Cache shared code used by il2cpp between projects for faster initial compiles. (UUM-25153), UI Toolkit: Fixed issue where an InspectorElement would not apply its disabled state for embedded IMGUI inspectors. (UUM-561), VFX Graph: Make collision with SDF more robust to bad inputs. I've imported this material pack : https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/13004. Package: Added: Exposed function to convert to prefab variant to the public API. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Prefabs: Users can now see that an overridden property value is identical to that of its source on the Property context menu item for 'Revert'. Added the following APIs: SystemInfo.supportsInlineRayTracing, SystemInfo.supportsRayTracingShaders, ComputeShader.SetRayTracingAccelerationStructure, and CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingAccelerationStructure(ComputeShader, ). (UUM-21001), UI Toolkit: Added formatting issues in UI Toolkit and Properties scripting reference. (UUM-18728), HDRP: Fixed env smoothness attenuation on pools. com.unity.ide.vscode - "Visual Studio Code package is not supported anymore. HDRP: Fixed duplicated code sample in the custom pass documentation. 2D: Enabled the ability to select mipmap streaming for textures imported with the PSD Importer. First seen in 2023.1.0b2. VFX Graph: Optimized CPU and GPU VFX runtime in VFX Instancing. (UUM-22161), macOS: Enabled VSync now works correctly when moving the Editor window between screens with different refresh rates. Editor: Fixed the default frame settings for new 2023.1 features. This format changes automatically depending on which platform you are building for. (UUM-540), VFX Graph: Fixed some lost tooltips. Get offset within a vertex buffer stream of a specific vertex data attribute on this Mesh. See the documentation on Texture Import Settings for more information. UI Toolkit: Added support for Bitmap Text. Graphics: Fixed crash in ScriptableBatchRenderer::ApplyShaderPass when switching between URP and HDRP. (UUM-11487). (UUM-12160), HDRP: Fixed transparent decal textures added into atlas even if the material properties disabled them. (UUM-18852), Universal RP: Fixed an issue in deferred rendering mode where the Material inspector would log errors about color and depth dimensions not matching. Android: Added: Added new method Permission.ShouldShowRequestPermissionRationale, informing whether UI should be show explaining why application needs a particular permission. (1406977), VFX Graph: Minimized generated interpolator count with VFX Shader Graph to avoid reaching limit and improve performance. (UUM-21642), VFX Graph: Fixed an issue to avoid unnessary allocations in the SDF Baker by using Mesh Buffer API. GI: Improved error messages when exceeding max allocation size for transmission texture when baking with the GPU lightmapper. HDRP: Added more options to run TAA Sharpening. I've tested applying the texture to a cube, after it is generated, and the cube renders the texture fine. (UUM-9132), IL2CPP: Fixed an issue to properly handle the unbox opcode when the result is used across IL basic blocks. [Torch-1611]. 2D: Moved Pixel Per Unit and Worldspace UV fill settings adjacent to Stretch UV to have all fill settings grouped together. Burst: Added a toggle for filtering out ".Generated" jobs from the Burst Inspector target job list. 1 (UUM-19517). Build Pipeline: Fixed an issue where UWP test certificate would be regenerated once deleted from the assets folder. Editor: Added: Added EditorApplication.consoleLogsChanged event. HDRP: Fixed diffusion profile list upgrade. Editor: Added: New NativeArray.ReadOnly's UnsafeElementAt returns ref readonly as an alternative to this[index] copy. (UUM-18188), IL2CPP: Fixe a memory corruption that could happen when the "Faster (smaller) builds" option was used with generic types that had a generic base class with no fields, and a different base class with at least one generic field. Graphics: Registration of the Shader.globalRenderpipeline is done internaly and using the renderPipelineShaderTag from the RenderPipelineAsset that is currently in use. If you drew something which contains transparency, the transparency might be the problem. Scripting: Improved diagnostic message and do not enter in safe-mode on some unsupported ApiUpdater scenarios involving .asmref adding code into .asmdef. Asset Import: Improved performance of .obj file import. (UUM-18685), IL2CPP: Fixed a crash when using ConditionalWeakTable. "Unity", Unity logos, and other Unity trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Unity Technologies or its affiliates in the U.S. and elsewhere (, TextEditor.multiline is now TextEditor.isMultiline, TextEditor.hasHorizontalCursorPos is nowTextEditor.hasHorizontalCursor. Retrieves a native (underlying graphics API) pointer to the vertex buffer. Graphics: Added: New Foveated Rendering API on the command buffer interface. (UUM-647), Editor: Fixed an issue to extract potential editor only dependencies and mark those as Reference instead of clone. Burst: Fixed an issue that Burst managed breakpoints might fail to work, after a domain reload. When drawing Detail Textures, a neutral gray is invisible, white makes the main Texture twice as bright, and black makes the main Texture completely black. (UUM-15455). (UUM-29342), Editor: Listen to additive scene be added or removed and update the SceneProvider accordingly. (UUM-12221), VFX Graph: Improved handling of infinite values with Gizmo. Burst: Fixed bug in a small set of managed fallback versions of intrinsics, where the bitwise representation of float values would not be maintained. 2D: Fixed animation performance failure. (1423262), Editor: Fixed an animation preview bug. Rigidbody2D.AddRelativeForceY() method to allow adding relative force to the Rigidbody2D velocity Y component without modifying velocity X component. As Gnemlock points out in a comment above, even though in this specific case the problem seems to have been due to the camera being misaligned for viewing the texture, this question may attract hits from people with other problems leading to these symptoms: So, here are a couple of things you can try to troubleshoot these types of problems: Close Unity, delete your Library folder, then re-open Unity. Undo System: The Undo history now records the name of changed properties ("Modified Intensity") instead of just showing "Modified Property". (UUM-5925), HDRP: Fixed issues with renderer list culling. (UUM-14470), VFX Graph: Fixed mesh LOD flickering when using TAA. Editor: Custom InspectorElement losing its Editor instance when the main inspector selection changes. Build Pipeline: Fixed a bug with building a development player, where a non-development player with no other changes could show the Development Player watermark. Prevented NativeArray length overflow and C# array creation failure. Android: Introduce new reportFullyDrawn API to be called on app startup automatically, or manually via script. Package Manager: Added tracking to assets imported from a previous version of the Editor without AssetOrigin tracking. Shadergraph: Addressed issue where duplicate serialized blackboard category children would in subgraphs would brick the ShaderGraph editor. (UUM-19333), Physics 2D: Fixed an issue when using the 2D Physics Multithreaded solver so that contact processing time no longer increases over time under certain circumstances. (UUM-12422). Memory usage is also more predictable when using larger lightmap sizes. Burst: Removed burst debug domain reload in favour of a different method of informing the debugger clients, which is faster and no longer prone to dangling pointers. (UUM-18945), HDRP: Fixed water position on Mac and in debug modes. Build System: Fixed an issue where thes splashscreen logo could not be removed when it was included in a previous build. Modifying vertex attributes every frame: Android: Default gradle templates have changed significantly with new Gradle and AGP versions. Returns true if the Mesh is read/write enabled, or false if it is not. HDRP: Added a third level of noise for volumetric clouds. (1399425), URP: Fixed GC.Allocs with sorting layers in Light2D. (UUM-1845), URP: Fixed URP 2D - incorrect output when post process is enabled. (SGB-384). This method can simply calculate a new position, change the Rigidbody2D position immediately (supports interpolation), or defer the movement by automatically calling Rigidbody2D.MovePosition(). EmbeddedLinux: Improved startup timings logs which are now enabled via BootConfig parameters, Editor Setting, and has a scripting entrypoint. Bug Reporter: Attached the asset import worker logs to bugs, outside of the project ZIP. However, my app did not manage the transparency correctly, and the lower layers was invisible on screen. (UUM-27392), Editor: Fixed 1px mismatch between reported Screen size and actual back buffer size when using DPI scaling leading to errors being logged and broken rendering. Scripting: Fixed incomplete and incorrect "domain reload profiling" data output in the Editor.log on domain reload. Animation: Optimized the AnimationClip size calculation reducing asset load time in the Editor. Jun 12, 2021 at 06:29 PM. (UUM-27176), HDRP: Removed misleading part of a LensFlare tooltip. (UUM-19077), HDRP: Fixed an issue where Fog Volume Voxelization would serialize execution of the compute pipe. (UUM-3230), WebGL: Fixed a bug where pressing the CMD key on Safari would cause buttons to become stuck. Multiplayer: Added Netcode for GameObjects 1.3.1. Build Pipeline: Fixed build player pipeline not correctly retrieving symbol defines for subtarget specified in BuildPlayerOptions. (UUM-16184), HDRP: Added missing using statements in one of the example scripts in the documentation for the accumulation API. (UUM-8321). How to create a virtual ISO file from /dev/sr0. Retrieves a native (underlying graphics API) pointer to the index buffer. (UUM-2501), Editor: The order of the Sprites is changed in the drop-down asset creation menu. (UUM-17184). What does the power set mean in the construction of Von Neumann universe? (UUM-5652), Android: Fixed an incorrect aspect ration when the phone was in landscape mode, "Apply display rotation during rendering" was enabled and URP post processing was used with Vulkan. SRP Core: Fixed changing current value by mouse click on DebugUI.ObjectFields on the runtime UI. Package: Updated Sequences (com.unity.sequences) to 2.0.1. What's the cheapest way to buy out a sibling's share of our parents house if I have no cash and want to pay less than the appraised value? (UUM-20435), VFX Graph: Fixed a crash while rendering with indirect using a null index buffer. The texture coordinates (UVs) in the first channel. Package: Updated the minimum Unity version to 2020.3. (UUM-2548), URP: Fixed alpha discard on Unlit Sprite targets for Shadergraph. (UUM-3458), Prefabs: Fixed the import process so that only transform remains after importing a broken file, if a Prefab file is found to contain multiple transforms due to external merge tool or manual edit error. Android: Added comments in manifest templates regarding which activities should be used. (UUM-31878), Shaders: Added macros for passing textures (Cube, 2DArray, CubeArray) around without samplers. Graphics: Added the ability to compute the thickness of an Object. Animation: Reduced the number of GC allocations when calling Animator.GetParameter(int index) and generally made it faster. (UUM-6174), HDRP: Fixed hard eges on volumetric clouds. (UUM-19339), HDRP: Fixed motion vector debug visualization suite to provide a way to visualize intensities. Retreives deltaVertices, deltaNormals and deltaTangents of a blend shape frame. Scripting: Fixed the caching of package assemblies so it no longer causes script debugging to pick up files from a different project. Usually six-sided. (UUM-27809), 2D: Fixed regression where GameObjects are not instantiated by Tiles when the Tilemap is not active. Editor: Ported Graphics Settings editor to UITK. Asset Import: Fixed import of file with extension as file name. (UUM-10109), AI: Fixed a blocked passage due to seemingly valid polygons after an obstacle carved the NavMesh nearby. HDRP: Updated the platform support message for consoles. Shadow softness can be set on shadow casting Light2Ds. (UUM-4095), Editor: Frame Debugger: Fixed an issue where the Depth buffer was incorrectly displayed after selecting DrawOpaqueObjects event. Core: Added Transform.SetLocalPositionAndRotation(). 2D: Fixed an issue where the Sprite Skin editor would throw an exception if Sprite Renderer doesn't have a Sprite assigned to it. See in Glossary. Gets the vertex buffer stream index of a specific vertex data attribute on this Mesh. (1357154), IMGUI: Removed Resolve of invalid GC handle error occurring when exiting Play mode. XR: Updated com.unity.feature.ar to 1.0.1. (UUM-15576), Shaders: Fixed an error that occurred when drawing an instanced mesh with async shader compilation enabled. Universal RP: Fixed an issue with slower build-times caused by large Additional Light Shadows arrays in URP Shaders. (UUM-22019), Editor: Re-implemented the original fix for case 1393058. Use Quality settings to force anisotropic filtering for all Textures or disable it completely. (UUM-21442), HDRP: Fixed swapped tooltips on decal materials for ambient occlusion and smoothness. HDRP: Fixed usage of FindObjectsByType to use FindObjectsSortMode.None. (UUM-27978), Editor: Fixed macos screen capture showing random pixels when capturing at screen edge. Please use RenderPipeline.SubmitRenderRequest with RequestData of the SingleCameraRequest type. The user asking the question already knows what follows but I'm adding it to the answer for a more complete answer, It is recommended to use a split view, with the UV editor visible in one of the views. Burst: Fixed ARM vector registers not being highlighted. Commit hash: 7ffad42406e36cda9e4be7eb4ad533e45502a60d of Unity's Pythonnet fork. This is artist work and intuition plays a fundamental role. UI Toolkit: Enabled CurveField, GradientField and ObjectField to now handle user interaction (key, mouse and pointer events) in ExecuteDefaultActionAtTarget(). Package: Updated supported Unity, Maya and Max versions in the documentation. If youre new to Unity Answers, please check our User Guide to help you navigate through our website and refer to our FAQ for more information. (1428866), Editor: Fixed possible out of bound access on GPU. Graphics: Added DirectX Raytracing (DXR) 1.1 support in compute shaders. In the picture you see that on the top face the texture repeat correctly and keep its original size but on the other faces it is streched. What is described in the question is probably due to missing UV data in the model (or all UVs set to zero). Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. GI: Updated to the Lightmap Parameters Custom UI to make it easy to understand what each parameter should affect. Editor: Deprecated: Renamed RayTracingAccelerationStructure.RASSettings to RayTracingAccelerationStructure.Settings. Editor: Fixed forward only material validation. 2D: Fixed pasting unassociated data to Skinning Editor so it no longer throws console errors. (UUM-17208), HDRP: Fixed texture wrapping of cloud layer. Burst: Made Burst Inspector's target job load asynchronous. URP: Added Decal support to Render Graph. Error: The following errors were found when trying to parse the release notes of this PR: A wood texture applied to a cube object, makes it look, like a block cube of wood. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. (UUM-1295), VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where the output mesh with default shader was incorrectly sorted before the HDRP fog by Replacing default mesh output shader to be SRP compatible. Added safeguards to GetRawTextureData.