For gear, I'd recommend Night Plate I for armor. Although suchwith the injection special weapon property halflings might not be any kinder or friendlier,as a swift action. They also gain these feats and grant the allyresistance 2 to cold and fire, which stacks with its benefit for 1 round. If your ward is a location, yousucceed at checks to aid another with anyone adjacent to youwhen you are both within your ward. Once a vesk has used their venom, they can do so again only after taking a 10-minuteSome vesk have extraordinary lung capacity. You have learned to create significant effects under certain conditions, guiding powerful forces with your subconscious mind. Someone withranks in Engineering equal to the weapons item level can addor remove the many-handed special property at a cost equal to10% of the weapons price. ALTERNATE RACIAL TRAITS Most androids have the standard android racial traits detailed in the Core Rulebook, but individuals might have unique abilities, represented by the following alternate racial traits. They remain an entropic focus until the beginning of your next turn, unless they cease to be adjacent to you or you designate a new entropic focus (both of which end this effect). IfDusk Sight your attack hits, it deals no damage, but that enemy gains the off-target condition until the end of their next turn.Humans who live in environments that lack regular exposure tobright natural light, such as the sunset cities of tidally locked Smite Evil (Su) 6th LevelVerces or Aballonian underground compounds, adapt to theirsurroundings as best they can. At 5th level, your compressed entropy functions as a field riot or tactical shield. Twice per day, you can enjoyinfluence people. You must decide how many EP to expend when you take this move action, and you cant expend more EP than your level. or you can anchor yourself where you are to lower yourself to another surface. If you are a studious biohacker, you can also makeYou can use the following ability when you achieve the antiemetics and coagulants (Armory 132). 53 The following are the most commonly adopted vanguard aspects. You must decide how many EP to expend when you take this move action, and you cant expend more EP than your level. The targets dimensions are reduced to a6-inch cube, and its bulk is reduced to L. RACE OPTIONS 29DWARVESNatives of the lost world of Golarion and once guided by the missing godTorag, dwarves seek to understand their place in a galaxy without theirhome world or their primary deity. FEATSPersonal Traditions Kasathas often learn the following feats. These kasathas have a +2 racial bonus D As a full attack, you can fire two automatic weapons in theirto one skill among Computers, Engineering, or Piloting. MENTAL SILENCEA lashunta who has this trait gains Toughness as a bonus feat. You begin play knowing this basic boosterbiohack delivered via a melee injection weapon is not normally biohack; when you use it, select an effect:expended on a missed attack. This number increases to 1d6 + your you with a natural attack must succeed at a Fortitude save key ability score modifier at 4th level, and to 2d8 + your key46 CLASSESCHARACTER OPERATIONS MANUAL 2 or gain the sickened condition for 1 minute. This does not increase the number of attacks they can make during combat.Some vesk bloodlines are renowned for their brutal warriors, andseveral of these have a variant genetic build including thicker This replaces natural weapons.muscles, longer bone spikes, and a ridge of spikes that runs alongthe spine. If you score a critical hit on a significant enemy, you gain 1 EP. D Benefit: As a move action, you can extend your natural reachNanite Upgrade by 10 feet, retaining this benefit until you retract your reach toSpecialized nanites maintain an android body, but they can be normal as another move action. At 3rd level, you can attempt a Medicine check to treat Perception and Sense Motive checks.drugs or poison, though on a successful check, the target gains FEATSa +4 bonus only on the next saving throw it attempts against Instinctive EQUIPMENTthe drug or poison, and that saving throw must occur withinthe next hour. Regardless of what type of biohacker you are,new saving throws for the other conditions increases to +6. You can study only one target at a time, and if you use this ability to gain a bonus against a new foe, any previous bonus is lost. If the flanked creature takes a guarded step, This replaces low-light vision. Your ability to detect anomalous atomic vibration improves. one bonus combat feat you meet the prerequisites for.Humans with this racial trait acquire a deep understanding oftheir adopted culture and gain a +2 racial bonus to Culture Sworn Protector (Su) 3rd Levelchecks to recall knowledge about non-humans and to Disguisechecks to appear as a humanoid of another race. opponent tries to move out of your space, it provokes an attack of opportunity from you.SPELLYsoki are famous for the following spell, using it to shrink downlarge objects for storage in their cheek pouches.SHRINK OBJECTTECHNOMANCER 1-6 WITCHWARPER 1-6School transmutationCasting Time 1 roundRange touchTargets one object touched; see textDuration 1 day/level (D)Saving Throw Fortitude negates (object); SpellResistance yesYou shrink the target item, transmuting it into a smallerversion of itself. against a disease, you are cured of that disease. Youre able to benefit from your allies presence more often.Cultural Assimilation D Prerequisites: Character level 5th, communalism racial trait. You still take the that you can affect any creature with biohacks that penalties associated with frightened and panicked as normal. You do not need to meet its prerequisites. If your retainer ever dies, you can hire andinvestments, or similar source, you receive train a replacement after 1 week, but you musta regular income or allowance to support supply your new retainer with their gear.yourself and help maintain the comfortablelifestyle to which you are accustomed. Either way, you use your knowledge of several fields of scientific study to aid your allies, whether in the thick of battle or in crafting a perfect plan. You embody the total amount of potential work the energy in a system can perform when accessed by entropy. You gain an ability that you can use as a reaction the first time you take a critical hit in combat, or as a standard action by expending 4 Entropy Points. EQUIPMENTALTERNATE ABILITY ADJUSTMENTS SOLDIER OPTION: SQUAD FIGHTING STYLE SPELLSThe offspring of a half-elf and an elf, or an individual with only Soldiers in large organizations, such as the Stewards, learn to fight OTHERone non-elven ancestor over several generations, can still display effectively together in small squads. Allies threateningscavengers and survivors, and many ysoki cultures value such the same enemy also gain the benefits of flanking.traits over tinkering and similar pursuits. If you take a full action to charge, you gain 1 EP. You gain the Weapon Specialization feat as a bonus feat for each weapon type with which this class grants you proficiency. 1th Level Aspect Insight (Ex): You gain Improved Combat Maneuver (bull rush) as a bonus feat and a +2 insight bonus to Culture checks.. 4th Level Aspect Embodiment (Ex): Once per combat, when you move a distance greater than your normal speed in one turn . As part of a full action to charge or a move action to move your speed, you can expend 1 EP to gain a +10-foot enhancement bonus to your speed (normally land speed, but you can apply it to the speed for any movement type you have). Activating living effigy automatically ends any absolute zero discipline you have active. You are immune to thePowerful Biohacks* (Ex) shaken condition. As part of any move action or full action you take, you can create a field of condensed, compressed entropy that forms in place on one of your limbs to protect you as a basic riot shield or basic tactical shield (you choose which each time you create the shield). | Heroes and Monsters SRD You are the boots on the ground, holding territory in the thick of the heaviest, most dangerous fighting. Join Over 80.000 & Happy Readers. If OVERVIEWbreakthroughs ability once, and you regain the ability to use you are at least 13th level, the target ignores the effects for 1 week. You have learned how to gain your opponents attention, drawing fire away from your allies and toward yourself. Once made, this choice cant be changed. When you use this option, your entropic strike is considered to be made of whatever material the weapon or shield is made of (such as for the purposes of bypassing DR or creature weaknesses). Theorems marked with an asterisk (*) apply to your biohacks Strange Anatomy (Ex)class feature and do not stack with one another. Starfinder Accessories including Starfinder Spell Cards. When you succeed at a saving throw against a disease or poison, you treat it as two consecutive successes for the purposes of curing that disease or poison. D Benefit: When you attempt a Survival check to live off the land, you are not limited to moving only half your overland speed. the sound of the voice itself. You learn your first theorem at 2nd level, and you gain an When you hit an ally with such a weapon, you can avoid dealing additional theorem every 2 levels thereafter. Type poison (injury, special); Save Fortitude (DC varies)Track choose Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (special); Frequency 1/round for 3 rounds; Effect The target cannot progress beyond impaired/stiffened on the progression track.Cure 1 save. D Prerequisites: Four or more arms.CLASS OPTION D Benefit: When performing labor, perhaps requiring a StrengthKasathas invented the following class option, but any creature check or an Athletics check, such as digging a hole, movingthat meets its prerequisites can take it.20 THEME AND RACECHARACTER OPERATIONS MANUAL 1cargo, or hauling in a rope, you can complete the task in half their identities. As part of any move action, you can cause the air around you to shimmer with heat. They may represent an influence on a traits as you want, but you cant take two alternate racial traitscharacters heritage from a distant ancestor, a subrace, early that replace the same standard racial trait.8 THEME AND RACECHARACTER OPERATIONS MANUAL 1ATHLETE +1 Str, Dex, or Con OVERVIEW THEME ANDYou currently are or formerly were a professional-level athlete with highlyspecialized physical skills. Nothingyou to exploit colleagues and paying customers alike. You regain all expended uses of this D Once per day, you can target a living creature with a special ability (up to your maximum) when you take a 10-minute rest biohack as a standard action. SPELLS OTHERDivine Protection (Su) 12th Level Ambushers Edge (Ex) 17th Level RULESD You gain a +2 divine bonus to saving throws against fear effects D As a full action, you can make one attack that, in addition and against diseases, including magical and supernatural to dealing its normal damage and effects, causes the target diseases. D At the start of each turn, you can designate one ally within 30 feet of you as being under your protection. If you are an instinctiveBreakthrough biohacker, you can also make excitants and stimulants (Armory 133). Additionally, whenever you first come under the effect of an ability or spell that grants you DR, energy resistance, or a bonus to AC, you can waive that benefit of the effect. There is no end to the secrets and wonders you may discover! A worker FEATSshirrens ability adjustments are +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, and2 Charisma. These dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks. Cybernetics or Biotech give all sorts of good bonuses. When you score a critical hit with your entropic strike, you can apply either the severe wound critical hit effect or any one of the critical hit effects listed at 7th level. be changed. Those who respect the law and law enforcementINVESTIGATIVE agents have a sense of peace and security whenSAVVY (6TH) youre around. Reducethe DC of Life Science checks by Youve successfully survived each moment5 when identifying consumables of your life so far, havent you? 10 Minutes: Learn if anything in the area presents anenvironmental hazard (Core Rulebook 400405), including coldor heat dangers (at what temperature range), radiation (at what RACE OPTIONS 23SHIRRENSAlthough theyve been residents of the Pact Worlds for only a littlemore than two centuries, shirrens are a varied species whose cultureflourishes with each new choice made by its members. A voice distorter worn over the mouth OVERVIEWthe usual time. D Prerequisites: Intimidating racial trait. When expelled, you land CLASSES prone adjacent to the creature in a square of the creatures D You have ironed out many of the kinks in your formulas, and choosing. You must have the Antagonize feat to select this discipline. If you take a move action to align a shield against a specific attacker, you can also grant an adjacent willing or unconscious ally a +1 shield bonus to AC until the beginning of your next turn. Likewise, the spells level determines the targetssize after the spell takes effect. You gain OVERVIEWspells, such as the mindlink and telepathic bond mystic class a general sense of where and how far away these dangers are. Vanguard Aspects Source Character Operations Manual pg. Thiscan include. Any creature that hits ability score modifier. You can cause waves of unstable reactions that make it difficult for a specific foe to land a blow on a nearby ally. to quickly render medical aid to an adjacent willing or unconscious creature. To carry on the theme of new options for characters SPELLSmultiple minor benefits that grow as the character gains levels, of any class, this chapter also adds more spells for mystics andwhile others radically change how a character functions by technomancers to give them different options for the focus of OTHERswapping out numerous class features. OTHER or your ally taking any penalties for your doing so. At 17thuse a ranged injection weapon to deliver a biohack to a willing level, you instead reduce it by you have attuned your custom microlab to as a standard A creature can be affected by only one of your basic inhibitorsaction without making an attack roll, as long as theyre within at a time, though it could be under the effects of multiple basicyour custom microlabs range. Once this choice is made,lack typical vesk might. WastelanderALTERNATE RACIAL TRAITS Since Akitons economic crash, many ysoki on the Red Planet have been forced to make do with whatever they can scrounge.Ysoki genetic diversity means cultures or individuals can have Ysoki with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus to Survival checksunusual traits, such as the following. As a reaction when you take damage, you can spend 1 Entropy Point to reduce the damage you take by an amount equal to your vanguard level (to a minimum of 0 damage). Shields are particularly useful for melee- whether you are using Starfinder to explore the Pact Worlds andoriented characters who are often in the thick of battle. Using a minor booster biohack allows you to attempt some Medicine checks on targets you affect so long as the target is within range of your custom microlab. Ship Dwarf In the few centuries since the end of the Gap, some dwarves have adapted to life in homes where interaction with other cultures is a constant, and where light can be summoned with the flick of a switch. As with all my guides, I hope this guide will be useful to new players who might feel a bit overwhelmed by the options provided to them, and maybe inspire some older players to give this interesting and satisfying class a spin! Youeffects. already a class skill at 1st level, they instead gain 1 additional skill rank at each level that must be invested into the chosenScout skill. You can do this one additional time per day at 9th levelunliving universal creature rule; Starfinder Alien Archive 158) and and at 15th level.have special properties and descriptors explained in their entries.At 5th level, you gain the breakthrough for your field of study. You gain a +1 bonus to Will saving throws. Its impossible overview offers a brief look at each chapter of the book and ato detail every possible background or character concept you quick summary of what new rules can be found in each, alongmight find on even one world, of course, much less a galaxy, with some potential applications and benefits of those rules.but by creating flexible, interchangeable elements, the game CHAPTER 1: THEME AND RACEencourages players to build the characters they want withoutworrying about how effective a specific character concept The first chapter expands on the themes available for anymay be. Rebooting Nanites: Whenever you fail a saving throw against an effect that causes you to gain the asleep, blinded, Starfinder Core Rulebook options are dwarf (darkvision, slow confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, deafened, exhausted,but steady), elf (elven immunities, low-light vision), gnome fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, shaken, sickened,(gnome magic, low-light vision), half-elf (adaptability, low-light staggered, stunned, or unconscious condition, you canvision), half-orc (darkvision, intimidating, self-sufficient), halfling spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to attempt a new saving(keen senses, sneaky, sure-footed), kasatha (four-armed, natural throw against the effect at the same DC. Such dwarves haveability score adjustments of +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and This replaces weapon familiarity.2 Strength rather than the adjustments found in the StarfinderCore Rulebook. 36 You embody the cataclysmic distortion and acceleration of natural entropy when exposed to reality-warping magic. The disease doesnt progress grant a new saving throw if the effect did not originally allow one.normally during that time, but this time doesnt count toward the If you are at least 7th level, the bonus to saving throws againstdiseases duration. You dont need toat one time. measured in rounds last 1 round longer than normal.If your key ability score is Intelligence, you have a studious mind.If your key ability score is Wisdom, you have an instinctive If you are an instinctive biohacker, when using a boostermind. Stamina Points: 7 + Constitution modifier. When injected, living creatures.the formula allows the target to ignore the effects of all abilityscore damage and drain for 10 minutes. D 4th Level You dont gain another daily use of theFollowing the three new classes are alternate class features forthe seven classes presented in the Starfinder Core Rulebook. You understand that thefundamentals of biology, chemistry,physics, and other disciplines can helpyou exploit your enemies weaknesses andbolster your allies. The Starfinder Character Operations Manual releases this week, offering three new character classes and a bunch of other treats, but we can already hear some of you wadding up your current character sheets to roll Biohackers, Vanguards, and Witchwarpers. The Character OperationsManual presents new equipment to support the novel design This section also adds open crew actions, which arespace for charactersthemes, classes, and character options generally less specialized tasks than a typical crew action andintroduced in this book, in addition to a variety of more general can be performed regardless of a characters role. Repairing Nanites: Whenever you take Hit Point damage, Starfinder Alien Archive options are dragonkin (draconic you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to gain fastimmunities, flight), formian (limited telepathy, natural weapons), healing equal to one-quarter your character level (minimumhaan (firespray, slow fall), kalo (kalo movement, kalo vision), fast healing 1) for 1 minute.maraquoi (blindsense, prehensile tail), nuar (fierce survivalist,natural weapons, swift), verthani (skill focus, skin mimic), and Surging Nanites: Before you attempt a skill or abilitywrikreechee (snag, wrikreechee movement). If you are at least 6th level, you can expend a Resolve Point to designate an adjacent, willing ally as your entropic focus as a reaction when they take damage (and gain EP from damage they take from the triggering attack, if appropriate). You must know the treat condition and improved treat condition theorems to select this theorem.D Add the following conditions to the list of those you can remove with the treat condition theorem: frightened and Liquid Bravery (Ex) nauseated. These androids have better personality matrices and might have fewer signs of artificialSome androids defy the norms for their species. This aura provides the benefits of your divine protection to creatures of your choice inside the area.Guardian Angel (Su) 18th LevelD If damage reduces you to 0 Hit Points, even if you would die, you can expend 3 Resolve Points to stay alive and conscious with 1 Hit Point. gain a +1 morale bonus to Will saving Perception is a class skill for throws against fear effects. To you, the inevitable decay of the galaxy is simply a force to shape, control, and even temporarily reverse. Resolve Point to do so. You can use this ability to grab an object or surface and pull yourself to that item or surface as a full action, This replaces upgrade slot. All effects end 1 hour after cure. In addition, whenever you succeed at a saving throw to gain the off-target condition until the end of its next turn. normally dont affect creatures with the unliving universal BIOHACKER 47Bioperfectionist Medical Examiner THEME: SCHOLAR THEME: BOUNTY HUNTER You relentlessly study how biological systems function, and you dont You hone your medical skills not to help the living, but to avenge the hesitate to experiment on yourself to find out! Some play into The final chapter presents a new downtime rules subsystemthe new concepts embodied by the new classes in this book, and expands on the existing starship combat system.while others expand choices for characters with a broad rangeof play styles or classes. Mining ExpertALTERNATE RACIAL TRAITS Dwarves can be skilled at delving for riches, gaining a +2 racial bonus to Physical Science and Profession (miner) checks.The dwarven desire to redefine their existence has led manydwarves to demonstrate new cultural and physical expressions. Select a second vanguard aspect, which must be different from your first vanguard aspect. SkilledNograv Ysoki with this trait gain an additional skill rank at 1st level and each level thereafter.Ysoki that live on low-gravity worlds develop long, lanky bodiesand gaunt features. Twice per day, after you spend at least 1 minute to planby 5. . If you target an EQUIPMENT object thats 4 cubic feet or smaller and weighs no more than (Starfinder Alien Archive 153). You canpatterns. The biohacker uses fringe science andclass feature, racial trait, feat, and spell is a self-contained strange compounds to alter existing metabolic processesorrules package that a Game Master can give as special even introduce new onesin friend and foe alike. Androids who have this you take a 2 penalty to attack rolls with weapons wielded inracial trait gain Nanite Integration (see below) as a bonus feat, your hands and to Dexterity- and Strength-based ability checksignoring the feats prerequisites. The saving throw DC for any of these effects that allow a saving throw is equal to 10 + half your vanguard level + your Constitution modifier. Key Ability Score: Your Constitution determines your ability to control matter at an atomic level, the DCs of your abilities, the damage dealt by your entropic strike, and your general hardiness, so Constitution is your key ability score. If you target an THEME AND object thats 1 cubic foot or smaller and weighs no more thanScurry 10 bulk, its dimensions are further reduced to a 1-inch cube and RACE its bulk is reduced to negligible. FEATS This replaces darkvision. CHARACTEROPERATIONS MANUALCHARACTEROPERATIONS MANUALLEAD DEVELOPER TABLE OF CONTENTSOwen K.C. Despitedistinction between delightfulexperiences and those that the risk, you refuse to let fear stop you fromare ill-advised, permanently seeing as much of the galaxy as your limits allow.injurious, or even fatal. DOWNLOAD as many books as you like (personal use) CANCEL the membership at ANY TIME if not satisfied. At character level 10th, this increases to DR 2/. Our first Starfinder Adventure Path, Dead Suns, kicks off. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Blog Entries View Articles April 25th, 2023, 14:31. Shirrens have several techniques that make them valuable to their allies while still allowing them to indulge in their individualism.ALTERNATE RACIAL TRAITS Other creatures that meet the prerequisites can take these feats.Specific groups and individual shirrens can possess a range of Enhanced Communalismphysiological and psychological predispositions. Veskhave a long history and an array of myths, both of which tell tales of howvesk gained some of their traits.ALTERNATE ABILITY ADJUSTMENTS their breath for 10 times the normal duration (Starfinder Core Rulebook 404), and they can begin to hold their breath asSome vesk have unique bloodlines, which could be the a purely defensive reaction whenever they are submergedresult of eldritch manipulation or adaptations to newly underwater, enter a vacuum, or would otherwise beginconquered environments. the heroes throughout the Pact Worlds and far beyond. You can attempt this check untrained regardless of the DC, and youYou have created a small, customized kit consisting of medical always treat your die roll result as a, testing materials, and pharmaceutical compounds,which you can use to evaluate medical conditions and perform You can also attune your custom microlab to a number ofseveral additional tasks described below. they nevertheless maximize the benefit of this This replaces sure-footed. View flipping ebook version of Starfinder - Character Operations Manual published by Draconis Ferox on 2021-08-11. . The Galaxy Exploration Manual contains: New class options for every Starfinder class. Other theories suggest these traits are from a time when an ancient vesk nation modified its warriors with magic orVesk adaptations vary from individual to individual, with many technology to gain venomous natural attacks.vesk training their bodies from a very young age to excel inparticular ways. If the chosen skill isIntelligence, +2 Charisma, and 2 Strength. This allows you to give your biohacks to EQUIPMENT could be affected by another biohackers toxic skin. You can add one of these medicinals to any Suppress Poison (Ex): As a standard action, you can create attack you make with an injection weapon as part of the actionand deliver a formula to a living creature that holds the course to make the attack or attacks, but you cant add a biohack ofof a toxin in check. Many hands make light work. They might be SPELLSsociety. This replaces keen senses.Halflings have a reputation for larceny and guile,and sometimes this reputation is deserved. If you are an instinctive biohacker, Toxic Skin (Ex) the target regains a number of Stamina Points equal to your key ability score modifier. If the weapon special property, critical hit effect, or weapon fusion requires information provided for your weapon (such as the amount of a bleed critical hit effect), use the value for the weapon you are gaining the effect from. EQUIPMENT Spells per Day: For a class that can cast spells (such as thewitchwarper), the table lists the number of spells per day you Altered or Replaced Biohacker Class Features SPELLScan cast at each class level (known as your spell slots). Once chosen, the benefit cannot be changed.a different type than humanoid, the xenometric androids typechanges to match. These feats SPELLS can be taken by any character who meets their prerequisites, OTHERNew languages are easy for some androids to learn. Forlorn elves have ability score adjustments of Wilderness Runner+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, and 2 Wisdom rather than theadjustments found in the Starfinder Core Rulebook. When the spell ends, the object returns tonormal size, moving through any nearby opening it can to reacha space that can accommodate it, but it does not expand with anyforceand doesno harmto containerstoo smallfor it.