Mike: Right. Mike: All right, I got a move here. Where's Wazowski?! We scare because we care. Sulley scoops up Boo and her door and heads for the Simulation Room.). (Ms. Flint rewinds the tape, then plays it. Waternoose: Yes, yes, I'm coming. Mr. Waternoose corks the can.). ), (Mike gasps. (chuckles) Wore it on his head like a tiara. Needleman: Quiet! Mike: We're going! Wait, wait, wait! There was a lot of wood to go through. Sulley is gone.). CDA agent #1: All clear. Mike: I have no idea. See? (A CDA agent stands in front of the apartment buildings. CDA Agent #1: Please remain calm. Yes! ), Mike and Sulley: (v.o.) Ricky Plesuski opens his mouth to reveal a giant set of spiked teeth. Boo pops her head out of the take-away box and sticks out her tongue at Sulley. (gasps) Don't let the kid touch you! One without the other don't mean nothing to me, nothing to me! Yowch! Sulley turns to see Waternoose standing in the room, closing the door behind him.). One and two and three and four (The rope is actually one of the kid's tongues.). Mike, Sulley and Boo hang onto the door as it moves. (They swipe Boo's card key and wait anxiously for her door to arrive. Confused, Mike opens it. (Randall and Fungus coming running down the hall, crashing after Sulley and Mike. We see the toys on the shelf. Mike: Come on, get lost, you two. BUS A bus comes to a stop. What a night for my mother to be in the audience, ladies and gentlemen! They all wear little dog collars, too. Mike: Okay, okay! CDA Agents: Halt! Mike? Below is the wooden chip from her door. Now, say goodbye to-- (Mike points to where Boo stood moments before she's gone.). Randall rushes off to his cart as monsters return from lunch. Roz: None of this ever happened, gentlemen. We're out of snowcones. Now your time is up! I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have you. (On the TV, Henry J. Waternoose, a large crab-like monster, turns to face the camera.). CDA Agent: I'll get him. Hey, hey, hey! Just leave her alone! ), Sulley: (v.o.) The kid inside screams. It's okay, it's all right. ), (Sulley roars louder. Mike and Sulley are panic-stricken.). Sulley: I went back to get your paperwork and there was a door. Sulley: Guys, I told you, call me Sulley. Mike: What a night of romance I got ahead of me! Animals, Inc. is a movie parody 2001's from Monsters, Inc. and has been released on October 25, 2019. company monsters inc the lovable confident tough furry blue, bloopers monsters inc bloopers int simulator tryout room day the bedroom is a set a simulator where monsters practice their Dave re-hired Scotty and took over the task of directing. He surveys the fruit of his labors. (A scream comes from another door. Mike: Hey, hey, hey, hey, where are you going? Mike: Oh, now those were alphabetized!! Sulley pauses in front of her stall, then turns and opens it.). (SMACK! We-we'll talk. (Mike hits a button on his keypad. (He rushes in as the water in the giant toilet swirls around. (putting it together) That cheater! Simulation terminated. Look! (Waternoose closes in on Sulley, rising up on his legs intimidatingly.). Frank, a newspaper delivery monster tosses a paper on the stoop of Mike and Sulley's apartment building. Sulley! Mike: You know, pal, she's the one. (Roz and the CDA Agents exit. Sulley rushes to the toilets, stuffs Mary's junk into the bowl, and flushes it down. Another door comin' right up. Wouldn't it be easier if it all just blew away? Mi-- (bitterly) Men! Mike throws another snowball.) The track rounds a post.). Hello. (Needleman hits the camera and on a tilted angle, we see some monsters running out of the Scare Floor, followed by a rolling scare canister.). Mike: Look out. Day care worker: Oh. Sulley lands with a thud. (then he scans the bathroom) Okay, Sulley. She grabs Mike's leg, and so is dragged after him.). I'm on a roll today. Let's watch my favorite part again, shall we? ), Sulley: (v.o.) Sulley sees it too: The MI duffle bag is now giggling and hobbling away on little human kid-feet that poke out from the bottom of the bag.). Randall: Look at everybody's favorite scarer now, you stupid, pathetic waste. Sulley: (points to the screen) Hey, look! "We"? Did he hear something?). (The geeks hear Sulley's voice and run up to him.). ), (Yellow-suited figures known as the CDA rappel through the windows from the ceiling overhead. (he spots a child's sock on George's back.) This whole thing is Randall's fault! Sulley emerges from the door and cracks his knuckles. ), (She giggles for a moment, then passes out. (Randall glares at Waternoose. Newscaster: If witnesses are to be believed, there has been a child security breach for the first time in monster history. You just get the machine up and running, I'll take care of the kid. Mike: WHAT?! MOVE! All the doors are being returned to the vault. (Jerry hits a human child emergency button. Sulley: What? Doesn't that matter? Mike watches him go, smoldering.). (This gets Randall's attention. (he storms toward Boo's door.) Did you see me? (Mike backs into the room, leading Sulley along.). - meaning "Welcome! Now, that's my boy. He backs away and slips on a soccer ball, which ricochets off the wall and beans him squarely on the face. (Mama beans Randall on the head with the shovel.). Well, now there is. WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Roz magicially appears in a sparkly dress from inside the tub.). You're making it worse! ), (They place the sock on the floor. COME ON! "Harryhausen's.". ), (From the other end of the tunnel of doors, Randall jumps onto a door and rides it towards them. ), (Randall looks up, but Mike is gone. Mike taps Boo lightly on the shoulder. You had a lift? That was worse than the last joke. Waternoose: (stammers) B-butH-How'd you--?! (Charlie's door opens, and a goofy-looking furry monster named George Sanderson emerges.). Rex: Hey, how was that? Mike? Mike place a door near the edge of the platform, opens it, and crouches down in front like a baseball catcher.). The toys and kid junk from Boo's room -- which Sulley stuffed in the night before -- fall out onto George.). Mike: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! We're in a--, (Mike waves the kid away. It's (putting it all together) Ohhhhh. You know we still need her to laugh. A piano plays in the background as the curtains open. (Mr. Waternoose and Sulley approach the coffee machine. Now, bon voyage. (whispering to Mike) You have her card key, right? Mary pulls covers over her head. One of these days, I am really gonna let you teach that guy a lesson. (Mike crumples up the piece of paper, and tosses it onto a large existing pile of crumpled plans.). Interviewee #1: I tried to run from it, but it picked me up with its mind powers and shook me like a doll! But Sulley walks too far and falls over on the recliner he was standing on, making Mary giggle. Mike follows, jumping onto the door behind him. Let's take it home, big guy! Mike: Whoo! ), (Mike huddles around the lantern for warmth because he's cold from being out in the snow for so long. Sulley: (standing) Uh, um, I'm looking for the kid. (Splotlight flies away from him) Oh. Randall grabs Mike's arms, using them as a visual aid to drive home his point.). Sulley's eyes light up. Don't let it touch you! ), (Sulley covers the picture as Mike approaches.). The pupils cover their ears. I picked out an easy door for you, in Nepal. Sulley reaches for the door-knob. You see that clock? Cheating. So do a collection of snakes, which we now realize make up Celia's hair.). Mary is waddling up to Mr. Waternoose. Yeti: It's at the bottom of the mountain. Monsters, Inc. (2001) Bloopers Outtakes Gag Reel. ), (Mike is still wedged inside the garbage can.). And when I find whoever let it out, they're DEAD! Oh, sure no problem. I love you." Boo watches him sadly from her bed. ), Sulley: (v.o.) But it's impossible to get a reservation there. You in there? Yeti: Uh, yak's milk. Sulley: Okay, how 'bout I sit here until you fall asleep? (The Yeti holds out a tray of yellow snowcones.). Goodbye, Mr. Waternoose! (As they approached the lobby doors, a fellow worker emerges. They don't have anything I like here, so take care, Celia! (A monster photographer is about to take a picture of a happy monster couple.). ), Sulley: (v.o.) They land on a platform. Celia's snakes begin kissing Mike, too, and it tickles him.). Mike: Honey, please. Sir, you don't understand. Sulley and Mike share a silent moment. ), (Randall pulls out a pin from their door, sending it plummeting downward. He heads off towards Waxford.). Smitty: (calling after) Go get 'em, Mr. Soloman! Sulley falls to the ground, still holding Boo. Is that what you want? We can start a whole new life somewhere far away! Sulley: (to himself) So the pink copies goes to accounting, the fuchsia ones go to Roz. Mike walks in.). Their silhouettes are visible as they pause in front of it. CDA Agent: We can neither confirm nor deny the presence of a human child here tonight. ), (Sulley and Mike wear colanders, snorkel masks, and oven mitts for protection. ), (Sulley pushes a button on the door station keypad, picks Boo up and runs inside.). (Mike swings the broom, Sulley lunges after it.). Claws' assistant: Keep it together, man! "), (Sulley stands waiting in front of a bathroom stall. You! Waternoose: (slamming against the door) Open this door! ), (Mike shoots a look at Randall. Open 'em. Mike: You're not pinning this on me. ), (Sulley keeps getting punched. You're trying to scare the kid, not lull it to sleep. She giggles, then scampers off to hide behind another stalls. (On the TV, a monster with virtual reality glasses roars, causing a computer child on a monitor behind him to scream. And I'll silence ANYONE WHO GETS IN MY WAY! Desperate, Sulley offers her the bear.). Multiple day-care kids: (o.s.) (Sulley quickly sweeps Mary in his arms.). Redneck mama: (o.s.) ), (On the TV, Mike and Sulley stand in front of a crowd of MI workers. (Sulley follows Randall through the halls, barely able to keep up. (Timing is just right, Sulley leaps out onto a passing door. More CDA agents burst out of the truck and run toward the factory. It slows to a stop. Without warning, the kid bites him. Mike notices a single piece of Boo's door on the floor. A metal dome is bolted over the sock. So wait here, while I get its card key. ), Mike: We who are living in Monstropolis! Bye-bye. Roz: (sternly) Hello, Wazowski. ), (George walks by carrying a watermelon and a mallet. Mike: I will see you at quittin' time and not a minute later. Wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have , (Screen flashes, the piece of cereal hits her cheek. Using mainly spoons, we dig a tunnel under the city and release it into the wild. You. (Randall watches the trio cling to the door hanging overhead. He hears the echoey voices of Randall and Fungus, which grow clearer as Sulley gets closer to them.). ), (Sulley and Mike run onto the crowded Scare Floor and head for an empty station.). Celia: Thanks. The child isn't Boo at all, but the Animatronic Kid from the simulator. Wa-wa-wait a second. A monster day care kid notices Boo.). You've been #1 for too long, Sullivan! Mike: Hey, look at that, it's Randall. Photographer: (o.s.) Mike: Be relaxed, be relaxed, be relaxed. The shift in editing over to pages for the movies, characters, actors, directors, composers, crew and galleries is now fully in effect. George: Boy, Wazowski looks like he's in trouble. Mary stares back at him, wide awake.). This is the men's room. Terrified, Boo's face widens in fear and she runs to hide. Oh-oh Whoa-a! We're walking. Soft moonlight illuminates the room. (Beat. Do I get the part? ), (Mary opens the window shade, standing in full view of the helicopters outside.). (At the reception desk, Celia Mae is answering phone calls.). Sulley: Gangway! Mike and Sulley walk down a crowded hallway.). (CLANG! ), (Later at the Monstropolis storefront, a garbage monster sweeps garbage off the sidewalk into a dustpan. (Monsters run amok, screaming. Mike: Hey, genius, you wanna know why I bought the car? ), (The Scarers stop opposite their doors. But when the big hand points down. Did the whole family see it? Waternoose: I can't do that! , (George Sanderson, Josh Rivera and a green cyclops pop out from behind the door props as they sing with Mike and Sulley.). The kid's awake! Never go out in a blizzard. Mike: Okay. Announcer: (v.o.) In the simulator room, Boo's door is shredded.). Random Assistant: They're rehearsing a play. Give her the!!!! - I'm Monsters, Incorporated. Looks like you're out of a job. He climbs aboard a door being ejected and sails up onto the track several door behind Sulley, Mike and Boo. (Seeing her kitty in danger, Boo's face changes from fear to anger. (BOOM!!! ), (The doors slams shut behind him. (In the M.I. (Sulley tosses Mike the can of "odorant". Sulley: (stopping) Randall? No. Sulley: Here she is. Now, before we do anything else, let'stake care of the child. Sulley runs to Boo's door, ready to toss Boo back in. (SMACK!) CDA agent #5: Coming through. Sulley: (after hiding Mary behind his back again) Top of the morning, fellas. Rex: Can we do it again? (George looks around, confused. Sulley: Guys, I told ya, call me Sulley. CDA agent #3: This is a 23-19 in progress. (The Scare Floor has now officially become The Laugh Floor. The door is white, and it has five flowers on it.). Sulley: Mikey, there's a scream shortage. ), (Boo screams and braces herself in fear. Sulley, Mike and Boo run out of a Hawaiian beach house, onto the sand.). Randall opens the door he's riding on and slithers into the room. (Sulley walks to the door. We could be next! She whimpers. It's okay. His nerdy assistant Fungus alternates the patterns, until he stops at a painting of a man wearing a hat with a feather on it. I'm getting warmer, any second now! (She falls over. (Pushes Needleman), (Screen flashes to Sulley and Mr. I understand. The end credits contained the bloopers only on the Fullscreen version, while the Widescreen version contained the original credits with no bloopers (the original DVD had both the Widescreen and Fullscreen versions on it). Come on. Randall: First I need to know where the kid is, and you're gonna tell me. I'm a natural! (CRASH! Pete "Claws" Ward flips out his retractable claws like switchables. ), Sulley: Oh, no problem. Look out! ), (Mike continues to pound at Sulley as they flip over an embankment, landing with a thud several yards below. The drawing is crude, but its unmistakenly a picture of Sulley and Mary holding hands.). Sulley: Another day like this, and that scare record's in the bag! Carefully matching every child to their ideal monster, to produce superior scream, refined into clean, dependable energy. He grabs her playfully and flies her like an airplane to her bed. Testing, testing. You're making him lose his focus. Mike: Okay, Sulley, here we go. (Boo continues to wail. A-E-I-O that means you! Mike sees Randall approaching from the Hawaiian door. No! He spots Sulley, regaining his balance and closing in. ), (Screen flashes, revealing Sulley in the MI bathroom. While we're young here, Fungus! Celia: Monsters, Inc., please hold. Mike: I'm on the cover of a magazine! Why am I the last to know? I'm sorry you boys got mixed up in this. Schmoopsie, I thought you liked sushi.. Celia: Sushi? Does that matter? Mike knows he's dying.). Mostly converted versions of the official transcripts; the rest have links to the source/transcriber. Betty! Sulley hangs on with just two fingers.) She is the one! Waternoose: (calling to CDA) No, wait, wait. It was released on Disney+ in July 2021 . Waternoose: Get up! WE HAVE A 23-19!!!! Another scream, this one louder than the first. (sigh) I'm always acting like the sky is falling. Then the screen flashes to George Sanderson being surrounded by the CDA. Jerry: (to Mr. Waternoose) We've lost fifty-eight doors this week, sir. On the TV, a bank of lights illuminate and flare brightly.). The day care monsters scream. Mike: The company? ), (Sulley closes the door, embarrassed. Announcer: Since the very first bedtime, all around the world, children have known that once their mothers and fathers tucked them in, and shut off the light, (The lights go out) that there are monsters hiding in their closets, waiting to emerge. (Mike's locker suddenly slams by itself. You know, it only works if you have every piece. ), Mike: What in heaven's name will become of us? Spikes pop out of his skin. (Sulley demonstrates the "old Waternoose jump and growl". The child! Sulley quietly walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. GET UP, SULLEY!!!! Are there kids in it? How're you doing? (Mike leans in closer to the garbage cube.). The red light above the door glows. Monsters Inc. Bloopers and Outtakes: Have a laugh with these funny bloopers from the Disney Pixar Family animated movie directed by Pete Docter, Lee Unkrich and starring Mary Gibbs, John. (back to mushy) Oh, but I'm so glad you're safe. Sulley: (relieved) Boo! Sulley: What were they talking about a machine? Needleman: You know my mom. ), (Later at the Monstropolis cross-walk, Mike and Sulley wait to cross next to a giant monster, Ted. (Mike halts abruptly. The door lands in the station. You didn't turn in your paperwork last night. Mike: There it is! Children's screams are heard everywhere, filling the cans. The cave grows dark. ), (Sulley stops, scarcely able to believe what he's seeing.). Go to sleep. I'm going! ), Sulley: No monster in here. I was just mad, that's all. (The tiny monster husband flies away. Randall stops. SULLIVAN! 'Cause I got a really nice car. Mike/Sulley: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ), (The sun sets over Monsters, Inc. A bell rings as the factory winds down. He finally lets out a huge burp, projecting the microphone out of his mouth and catching it. ), (Sulley sees a lone door in a station. Who cares about the company? Their doors join up with the "freeway" of doors above, speeding ahead.). 217 of 220 found this interesting | Share this Mike: I have to (he dashes off.) The CDA agents see this and chase after them.). Fungus: Aah! ), Sulley: Haha! videos 2016. Mike gasps as a blinding flash emerges from under the metal device. ), (Boo re-enters the shot from the left while still laughing. ), (A blizzard rages. ), (Sulley and Mike run out of the restaurant, leaving the MI gym bag behind. Sulley opens he door and motions for Mike to jump in. Workers happily move giant scream cans tell each other jokes, juggle and enjoy themselves. (Bile shuffles nervously away from the animatronic kid.). (Sulley drops to the ground and lies motionless, then jogs again.). Sulley: RAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRR!!!!!! You think this is about sushi?! Randall: Huh? Sulley reaches for it and faints. (Later at the Monstropolis street, the camera closes on a newspaper stand with headline: "ROLLING BLACKOUTS EXPECTED." More details are available in the progress report. ), (The same image of the restaurant becomes part of a news report, with the word, "KID-TASTROPHE!" Sulley: Yeah, like on "Monstropolis' Most Wanted"? You had a tuck? The image freezes.). (A horrible scream gets Mike's attention. Come out slowly with the child in plain sight. Sulley: Mr. Waternoose, there's no time for this! (Mike and Sulley have a good chuckle about this and the screen flashes to Sulley talking to Boo, who can't sleep because of Randall.). Sulley: See that, Mikey? On the monitor, Bile sneaks into the bedroom, leaving the door open. Sulley: I don't believe I ordered a wake-up call, Mikey. Randall hits a switch on the console, turning it off. The song continues. (to Mary, comforting) Hey, what's the matter? videos 2016. . There's a child! (George opens his locker. Mike: Hey, is this thing on? ), (Mike pushes the dilapidated door over the side of the platform. Anyone? (Boo roars again.) Sulley lies motionless in the snow, the wind howling through his fur. Later, like a quarterback rushing a tackle dummy, Sulley strains to push a pile of heavy furniture across the living room. (She's not getting it. (It's not working -- she continues to cry. Sulley follows Randall around the corner to a dead end. Always watching. Fungus: I don't know. Tonight is about me, and Mike: (love-struck) Celia! (Mr. Waternoose and Flint escort the recruits out of the room.). That's not what I was going to say! Tony! I've had a lot of birthday - well, not a lot of birthdays, but this is the best birthday ever. Mike: Uh, do I ever. Of course it's her door. Mike: Really? Please! ), (Mike and Sulley are in the middle of a snowy mountain range. He frantically removes the door that's currently in the station.). Boo whimpers. As Randall walks away, the door rises, revealing Sulley hidden behind it. Randall: Gimme that kid! Randall: Eh, with this machine, we won't need scarers. Charlie: (to Mike) George and I are like brothers. Roz closes her desk window as CDA agents run by.). There can't be any witnesses. Mike: Okay, look, I think I have a plan here. Nice to see you. Where is it, you little one-eyed crettin?! How did you do that? Sulley: The power's out. Mike: You know what? I'll be here all week. Come on, pal, cheer up, we did it. Mike: Sulley, I've had enough. Mr. Waternoose: Well done! Uh, you know it's Sulley: It's just I forgot about some paperwork I was supposed to file. I went and got her card key, and now I have her card key. (Sulley motions to the floor. P.T. He exits, leaving a trail of more slime. Wait. (Mid-sentence, Sulley is attacked by an invisible Randall. Prepare for decontamination. He turns to see). Was I scary? (Mike angrily swipes the bear out of Boo's hands. Waternoose: When the door lands in this station, cut the power. Boo runs into the room, happy to be home. , (Mary opens her mouth, but the piece of cereal flies past her. Randall is gone! (Celia grabs Mike and pulls him away. (And a mighty roar it is. Man, I have no idea what puce is (Sulley picks up the reddish-brown paperwork files and shuffles through it. Don't you think I'm aware of the situation? Sulley jumps onto a faster moving door on an adjacent track. (The camera fades in to the little boy's bedroom, at night. Second of all, you're nuts if you think kidnapping me is gonna help you cheat your way to the top! If I were a rich man , (Boo approaches Sulley. (Later, the monster kids jump rope as Mike and Sulley pass.). Let's go. But I must admit it, big guy, you always come through. Remember to tip your waitresses. Coming through! This is how Outtakes and company play goes in Ryan's Adventures of Monsters, Inc. . Waternoose: (re: Mike and Boo) Don't let them get away! We power your car. Mike: Okay, let's move. Sulley: (stage whisper) Hello? A shadow cuts across the bed sheets. (hands Charlie his crutch) Here, take this. (The doorknob starts shaking, we . Sulley runs out, but gets caught in a hanging mobile. Sulley: I still don't understand. You're making him lose his focus. FATHER: Sleep tight, kiddo. Mike: (being dragged away) No, no, no, no! Directed by Writing Credits Cast (in credits order) complete, awaiting verification Produced by Music by Randy Newman Film Editing by Jim Stewart . Monsters, Inc. is the fourth animated film produced by Pixar.It is directed by Pete Docter, with the screenplay by Andrew Stanton and Daniel Gerson, and the story by Docter, Jill Culton, Jeff Pidgeon and Ralph Eggleston.It was released on November 2, 2001. You hear the winds of cha--?" The boy, now revealed to be an animatronic, winds down and resets. Randall: the door will be gone. Mike: None of it matters? superimposed over it. He has an idea.). (Charlie, the assistant at the next station, turns to Mike.). Sulley: (yelling up to Rex from "Toy Story") Hey, Ted! Come on, enough. (SLAM! I was just (Sulley reaches towards Boo. Sulley: You think he's gonna come through the closet and scare you. 4 Being Shipped To Ireland. OW!! The 2012 3D re-release and 2013 DVD, Blu-Ray, and Blu-Ray 3D versions use the 2006 Walt Disney Pictures logo.). Those numbers are pretty sweet. (Mike screams. (to Sulley) How about you, big fella? (Sulley picks up Boo and Mike and runs out. Hey. ), (Sulley jumps onto another track of doors below. The bear!! From behind glass, Sulley watches the load of garbage -- including Boo's eyestalk -- move towards a large smashing machine. Jerry: Okay, people, take a break! Sulley: (v.o.) , (In the locker room, Mike opens his locker door and grabs a giant, clear bowl.). Okay, I think I know how to make this all go away. The detector beeps.). Mike: Thank you! Randall emerges. In seconds, Mike deftly fills can after can with scream. Hello? What a coincidence, running into you here! Sulley: (relieved) Oh! She needs to be driven! New makeup? Sulley finds an M.I. (amused) Ha-ha! (Mike emerges from behind the door, carrying Boo's monster costume.). The door turns, suddenly going into a ninety degree drop.). No, no, no, no, it's okay. I haven't even mentioned all the free yak's milk (For the first time, Sulley turns, his eyes alive.). It almost looks like you gotta--, (Mary lifts the hood of her costume. See? Do I see one-twenty? Boo is with him, now out of her disguise and wearing only one sock. Panicked, Sulley opens and slams the door, but nothing changes.). Mike: Yes. (The jumping monster kid gets tangled in the tongue rope and lies into a giant eye monster watching from a window. See the bear? How are we supposed to get to it now?! Mike: (coy) Oh, that darn paperwork! No! (We cut to Mike and Ceila at a table on-stage. It never would have gotten out, if you hadn't been cheating last night! Boo's head peeks out over the set. Mike: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Red alert! (Sulley pulls Mike up into the door with him just as Randall emerges from Hawaii. Boo squeals with delight. ), (As Mike explains, he sees the bag tossed aside, revealing Mary.). Mike: It'll be their problem, not ours. Fungus collapses. First of all, it's cretin. I'll call you! Monsters: (on TV) We're Monsters Incorporated! You think he's gonna come through the closet and scare you. Randall prepares to push Sulley off for the last time.) Mike: I-I don't! Mike: Hey, thanks a lot! "), (Mike and Celia are seated in a romantic booth, laughing.). Randall: Will you be quiet?! (Roz stares back at him, expressionless.) The CDA agent in the middle doesn't break through the window, and he slides down the glass in pain. (Sulley swings at Randall and misses. No, no, no, no, no. Mike and Sulley stare up at Randall in disbelief as they fall. Besides, Sullivan got what he deserved. (The lead CDA agent shows the charred remains of the M.I. Announcer: (v.o.) She climbs a stack of boxes next to a garbage can. I was-- (suddenly stern) Don't you ever run away from me again, young lady.