Joel & Victoria Osteen At Lakewood, we believe your best days are still out in front of you. Melanie. Blessings, I could not agree more! Wow! Melanie, Isaiah 43:1-3.. and then stalking. Then Im pretty much done with them. Part of releasing His help is through praying bold prayers. We will be given exactly what we need to grow in our faith and our relationship with the Father. I love how you didnt say he was lying, but only telling part of the story. My mother put it in gear and she started driving around in circles in that parking lot, 80 years old, doing doughnuts, three o'clock in the morning. My question is what preacher do you know that preaches the whole truth? I appreciate you stopping by to leave a comment today. I flung the stars into space. Subscribing to your blog today! Your words are so affirming and kind! Its been hard to put into words why hes not the best preacher to listen to, this explains it exactly. Most pastors dont live in million dollar house and pray in a way that says, This isnt enough. And, I really appreciate you signing up to follow my blog today. Or maybe hes saying, Im not going to remove that obstacle until you change your attitude and quit complaining about it. Make some simple adjustments, and you will see things begin to improve. Melanie, Great words Mel!! I must admit that I couldnt pray for things like a house without prefacing it with if God wills it. When I think of prosperity preachers I always think ear tickling. There is so much wisdom in your post and its told in a gentle and kind way. Thanks, Jimmy! I completely disagree, Joel Osteen is a phenomenal speaker. Yet, this is the topic most important to God. Joel Osteen, while probably a really nice guy, is NOT of God. God is so good to lead us to friends who will encourage us toward what is truth and what is best. We all seem to have bought in to that entitlement idea like God owes us something. What He started, Hes going to finish. There are blessings right now that have your name on them. Blessings to you, I have been praying for a specific Tiny House for us so that I could have my own Craft Room. God is good! Even if it does not line up with what we want. He was taking his nephew camping for the first time. Let me set a new standard. God is saying I dare you to ask. For years, I didnt listen to Joel based on what others said. Living for His will is better off for me. However, what Joel said isnt heretical or unscriptural. Ministers who have multiple houses and wear big diamond rings should be ashamed. There are sometimes when I dont need a heavy message. He said David was a man after his own heart because he was merciful, and sang his praises. Coping skills in all areas of life. Recognize that God is refining you, knocking off some of your rough edges. Repeat these self love affirmations to yourself daily and you will see a positive change in your mindset, your actions, and yourlife. I am praying for my health for me to pursue my studies. We went over and worked another fifteen minutes doing everything we could. I can find the positive in my money situation., 28. But when it looked impossible, when the odds were against her, every voice told her, you're wasting your time. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Pray a Word a Dayis unlike any daily devotional youve ever seen before! These curses or blessing (not really sure what to call them) that befell me have not made me disbelieve in God, I still have heaven to look forward too no matter how difficult life gets. I just stumbled across this post on Pinterest and I want to say something to you sweet sister in Christ . Your baby is coming, your healing is coming, your restoration is coming, your breakthrough is coming. And God DOES SAY He will give us the desires of our heart, but this is the beauty of our devotion, that the desires of our hearts should be GODS DESIRES, It wasnt in your divine plan to have what you wanted when you wanted it. God bless you. She said, God, I'm asking you to make my son a minister, use him to touch people all over the world. I very much disagree. Finally, I accepted it and embraced the thought, No big deal. My mother fell in this trap years ago. Thank you for your kind words today~ Joel inspires us all to follow what scripture promises. Joel Osteen - Sermon: Praying Bold Prayers. Think about that. I love how you call him out on the falsehood without being insulting or arrogant. Jeremiah 29 :11-12 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of Peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Share the Hope! His motives and intentions are good . I hope you have a blessed day~ The reality is when you lose something you call your dream home how confident are you that it wont happen again? So glad you stopped by. And thats true, he is positive, his sermons are positive, his ministry is positive. Thank you and may God richly bless you and your ministry. Praying that God will lead us all to trust Him more and to know His Word better. His affirmations are life transforming, use them to alter your mindset and your life for the better. Melanie. It is hard when it happens day after day after day. I dare you to ask me to show you a flood of my favor out of towns. Hey Lynn, You are to be commended for answering those who do not have the Spirit of understanding in such a kind and gracious manner. Because you know ask and it shall be given. Im just sharing what God puts on my heart that I believe to be consistent with His Word! You have blessed me with your words today~ To give visit You bless me! Today is a new day, so rise up and move forward into the victory God has prepared for you! Emergency exit only.. Thats why it is important to read your bible. That's your children. God is saying, I dare you to ask me to bring it to pass. You are no more encouraging in your words for solely mentioning the Olsteens. Maybe we wouldn't have. He knows best. About that time, Johnny came over and started pulling on the table release, and he couldnt get it out either. I want to talk to you today about praying God sized prayers. My faith will not let me experience defeat., 13. All Rights Reserved. His messages are not about praying and getting what you want like god is some kind of Santa Claus. Melanie. It sounds like your father is in a better place whole and cancer-free. And, I hope you have a blessed day. God bless. There are over 100 scriptures that talk about God wanting us to prosper. I wanted a healthy baby 25 years ago, God had other plansand the stories go on. Melanie. God blesses people in many different ways. I miss being able to walk in the mountains with my hubby and camping and cleaning my apartment on my own (Yes, I am the weird one I love cleaning!!!) Fear not for I have redeemed thee I have called thee by thy name thou art mine. What a thoughtful word. In the end its ALL about JESUS, honor one another. KEEP SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN LOVE!!! You stayed in the safe zone. James 4:16 Thank you for stopping by to leave a good word! Not long ago, some of our staff members and I were flying to another city aboard a small airplane. Proverbs 27 they only made about 15000 I think. The common denominator is they ask for the unthinkable. You bless me! So, it is a matter of spiritual balance that comes from an intimate relationship with Christ, hearing His will for our lives. Request yours today! Now tell me how you appreciate me stopping by. Joel Osteen is a preacher who gives inspiration! Joshua prayed for more daylight. It was too much fluff real substance. You were created to make somebody elses life better. If you enjoy today's message, why don't you be a blessing and share it with a friend? I think what Joel is trying to get people to do is to believe for good things and there is nothing wrong with that. Rather than put Brother Olsteen down or speak ill of him arent we all as Christians supposed to build each other up rather than criticize ? If you insist, he will back off and let you do things your way. Personally we have never listen to him. The Lord keeps shaping my heart though, and I began to struggle over the past year with the teachings and the inconsistencies within the UMC too. Joel Osteen (April-28-2023) Today's Word: Daily Direction Today's Scripture: Psalm 32:8, NLT - The LORD says, I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. Melanie. Blessings to you, Thank you for standing up. We are tempted through the eye gate. Blessings, However, my goal is always to lovingly speak the truth from Gods Word. Glad to connect with you. so I did. The moment you speak something out, you give birth to it. You can read Part Two here: How does he inspire millions of people around the world? I appreciate your insights and experiences. With my math it would still be cheaper to purchase this Tiny House I want instead of paying the monthly rent we have been paying over the years and we would see such a profit in the long run and the short run After being in a strict legalistic Assembly of God church for 25 years, I finally heard about Grace from Joel. Final thoughts, John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. I really appreciate you and your thoughtful words! Modesty (like Billy Graham) really commands my respect. Life is hard sometimes but God is in control even in the hard times. I dont believe I attacked the Osteens, but I have respectfully disagreed with them on some significant theological differences. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. God is longing to amaze you with His goodness. In fact they walked through many trials themselves just like all of us. You father-in-law sounds like a wonderful man. I hope you will stop by again. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment. But thanks so much for tuning in and thank you again for coming out today. And, sometimes there is a unique tension of balance between two passages. Prayer For Today Joel Osteen. Then God may assist in another area of my life. Blessings, A couple of weeks ago we were in the airport parking lot. Its good to hear from you. Or are you holding onto the house as an idol? 17:9-10). drove down to car dealer here in sand springs, walked in, and the finance man said, sure, fine, here is your down payment back, and voided the deal. Youve encouraged me with your words today. Melanie Redd and Ministry of Hope, 2019. I am going to keep believing, keep praising, and thanking You for what's on the way. Thanks so much for stopping by to leave a comment today. Its great that many have accepted Christ while listening to Joel. Though Ive never listened to Joel Osteen or had anything to do with his philosophies, your story resonates with me as Im in a similar situation living in a tiny apartment with our growing family and desperately searching and praying for a house. He wants my salvation, period. Remember, there are blessings stored up for you right now with your name on there. I said, Dear God, thank you for not letting me have my way. Finally, I want to say that to denigrate someones goals because their goals do not include missionary work, but do include becoming financially wealthy is foolish. Thank you for letting me know. No matter what you go through, stay in faith, be your best each day and trust that God will use it to position you for greatness. Like you, I enjoyed Joels messages for some time. Thank you for your encouragement~ He was saying, I'm I'll make sure everybody knows this cow belongs to little Jamie. Hey Deedee, Hey Gloria, Thank you for stopping by to share your heart and your thoughts. Being motivational and positive does not make someone Biblically sound. Melanie. Joel is uplifting and tells amazing stories. Did you or your husband pick up a second job to get down payment for a new house? Learn more about your ad-choices at Remember that no matter how long a Christian you are, most times the most basic commands that Jesus gave, like Love your neighbor as yourself, people just struggle. We need to simply say with Job: The Lord gives and takes away blessed be the name of the Lord., Thank you! "The faith I have in myself allows me to be successful.". He is a wonderful God, isnt He! Sure do appreciate your words of encouragement and your comments today! Here are some motivating declarations by Joel Osteen to jump start your day! Joel is reaching thousands of people. I can only imagine how it must feel when someone questions your motives or questions your kind of preaching. Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment. This is my Bible, I am what it says I am. I wrote a follow-up piece to express my specific concerns. Amen I will open my mouth..wider.and ask for biker prayers..god is my provider Joel Osteen is a preacher who gives inspiration! Hey Tiffiney, Continue to pull me to Yourself, guide me in my journey, and hold me close in Your bosom until the day I come home to be with You forever. Context, context, and more context. Thank you for having the courage to write. I told God that if he let my dog live I wouldnt ask for another boyfriend! I too, listened to the prosperity brand of preaching a long time ago. I dont think any nefative thoughts about Joel Osteen, I admire the man, but hard times are ahead for us all, we must prepare. Ive seen people jump into a relationship or a business deal that they didnt feel good about, but they wanted it so badly. Good on you Margie #twothumbsup. We were never promised an easy life as a Christian. Hey, Vangelina, It may be a small apartment. What a great testimony. They are teachers. But I know you are all powerful. This time I am in dire need of financial assistance for me to finish my Ph.D. The enemy gets stirred up when you start asking God for big things. Are you happy with the place you live now? You are welcome to share any posts for reference that youd like to share on your blog. Dont ever be critical of someone sharing Gods word & work according to scripture. As his seem to be. God is still God and is so good. I really appreciate what you have shared today. Pam, It's easy for. I am sorry I mean this all love and you can choose to publish or not because I am really just talking to you but is you that is spreading false teachings. It talks about the secret petitions of our heart, the hidden dreams that you haven't told anybody about. Melanie. I stopped watching TBN for the same reason you stopped listening to Joel Olsteen. But it is much more than many have. If you will transform your mind, God will transform your life. Ask me for company centers. 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Daddy, please let me keep it. Joel Osteen, does not focus on Jesus. I have been praying for the past 10 years to be healed of my Physical pain and Chronically painful illnesses and to heal my heart. But, we are told in Psalm 115:3, Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him. These two things my pleasure and His may not always be in sync. I think it is time to move on and go to more positive matters. Hold my heart within yours, and renew my mind, body, and soul. It has been more of a curse than a blessing but I am stuck with this answered prayer. He is on YouTube, the page is thehouseofgoodnewz or thelastword2013, Thank you for stopping by to leave a comment today. Im sure your blog can help people understand God more or encourage them to move forward. Thank u, Hey Anastasia, He'll leave you alone as long as you pray small, ordinary prayers. I believe that God is using this trial to strengthen my faith, and though I feel discouraged with every offer that falls through, I will never lose hope or stop praying. I'm asking you to increase me in such a way that I can not only pay my house off, but help pay somebody else's house on an ordinary prayer is God. Hope you have a blessed day~ I realize this article is from years ago. That is my prayer. After class, we asked the teacher and he explained to us what Joel was all about and stated that he didnt want us to get the wrong impression from people who preach on prosperity, and dont bother to fill in the gaps. 21 Quick Powerful Declarations. Yes. He took a couple of hours to show me around, and we seemed to really hit if off. He wholeheartedly wants us to wholeheartedly obey His word. Just my thoughts.. Its unfortunate that I see more division in the body of Christ then those out in the world. Please stop by and visit again. You have much to offer! If you truly want to become a better you, it is imperative that you learn to feel good about yourself. My name is Anastasia! Please pray for me. You are the apple of his eye. Like you the author, the house that came to me was a handyman special (without my knowledge of course, you would be shocked at what a coat of paint can hide) but without the handyman or the money to fund the needed repairs. Appreciate your comments~ The best thing anyone could do is to turn away from the false teachers and find a good Bible Beveling church that preaches the king James Bible. I dont believe that God put Joel in this position of authority. She was a very small woman. Amen, sister. Quit blaming him. Why don't you just ride with me and we'll come back tomorrow and get it? That's kind of radical. Yes, the Lord can bless us but that is not the main goal. Just thoughts to consider. In my opinion, I believe it is up to us to personally seek out Gods word individually as well as collectively as the body of Christ. Melanie. Please checkout this pastor from Los Angeles and get back to me. And I believe one reason that I've seen God's favor is I have learned to ask big when my father went to be with the Lord nineteen ninety nine I had never ministered before was a bold prayer to say God, I'm asking you to help me not only maintain what my parents have built, but help me to take it much further. It is our responsibility to search Gods word for the truth ourselves, Joel Olsten will not get you into heaven. Faith is what allows him to do the impossible. Well, little Jamie didn't know any better. I have to agree with both sides to a certain point. And just because I dont like them doesnt mean they arent true. Hope you have a blessed day~ Maybe it would help you to understand what I was trying to convey if you would read Part 2 of this series, I just realized you had a part 2 that I didnt realize was there. Thank you for your reminders to be grateful and content. I know he reaches so many folks, and I am grateful for that. Don't let fear, insecurity, guilt, regrets, keep you from your greatness. Hi there. She said, no, Paul, I've got two funerals to officiate tomorrow. Repeat these money affirmations to yourself daily and you will see a positive change in your mindset, your actions, and yourlife. I will be taught the word of God. However, I am concerned (after reading several of his books and listening to many of his messages) that he is not telling the whole story. Every day I pulled one up on the internet that was for sale and would drool over it. He preaches with positivity because who would listen to a negative sermon telling you youre never going to get what you want, stop praying for it? Hey Tamara, Know that each of us have different giftings and anointings and just operate in that what God has given you, and honor those around you in the same way. it is taught in elementary school. Blessings, For me it is so relaxing as it is my Service for my hubby unto God. After the stroke, I had lots of time while recovering to listen to different preachers along with Joel Osteen and it was not long before I moved on from them. I appreciate your visit and your kind comments today. Its Gods word which is alive! God is the giver of all good things and he is pleased when we come to him in faith. Love! I have listened to that sermon and from my point of view Joel was giving a message that we should keep faith and embody our thoughts in abundance and you shall find abundance. Praying like Jesus not Joel Osteen . Thank you, Cheryl, for stopping by to leave such a thoughtful and wise comment! I thank God that he didnt answer some of my prayers, because sometimes what I thought was the best for me wasnt the best at all. Church is to fellowship with like believers and is meant to give you motivation and something to hold on to for another week but that alone will not give the foundation needed to know the word of God for ones self.