They were ready to perform the sacrificial ritual, scratching Klaus with the rose thorns and staking him in the heart, quick and painless, but were interrupted by the Hollow's Acolytes threatening Maxine's life. Vincent immediately started unpacking Freya's tools, very concerned that Hope had just created a hybrid. Shortly after, he talked to Klaus, teasing each other about their respective roles in the cause against the Hollow. Vincent arranged the altar and let Klaus laying down on it, with Freya's talisman on his chest. Vincent replied that it wasn't a good time, as he was into some witch business to pay him attention. Vincent declined the offer and suggested Davina Claire become Regent. Vincent went looking for her son, Adam Folsom, having heard from Will Kinney that children were going missing around abandoned houses. Klaus confronts Vincent and Cami, and Vincent decides to leave her and Klaus be as he doesn't want to deal with their bickering any longer. Eventually, Vincent gets Davina shunned with Marcel's help, as he didn't want the Strix harming her. He's almost invincible, since he couldn't possibly be killed by a non-original. 5 Vincent Griffith. In High Water and a Devil's Daughter, Vincent retrieved some items from a cabinet at the St. Anne's Church, including a sacrificial dagger he anointed with an unspecified lotion while Elijah announced his presence with a sarcastic comment on the dagger. Putting Rebekah into another body is a great instance of "be careful what you wish for.". He then later attends Hayley's funeral in the bayou and notices that when Klaus arrives, a storm is starting to brew. Vincent nodded, adding that by creating a link between the book and Klaus, he would be able to create a spell to send Klaus to Hope, in order to spur his daughter not to surrender to the Hollow's will. He is the ex-husband of fellow Trem witch, Eva Sinclair. In Behind the Black Horizon, Vincent is taken to Mystic Falls by Lucien where he's forced to do the spell to make him into The Beast. Later, Vincent placed the skull back in the grave and had a brief conversation with Josh, who just come to the Cemetery to visit his best friend. Following Vincent's disagreement with the recent decisions of the Ancestors and the fact that they completely assumed control over his actions, Vincent realized that they posed a large threat though attempted to contact them. Vincent then discovered that Hope had just sired a werewolf at school. In There in the Disappearing Light, he has his hand on Ivy's and while angrily clenching his fist, he hears a gasp and goes to investigate, with one of the witches rising, and walks over to Ivy when she rises as well. She tried to convince him to help her in her plans: to use one child from each coven of New Orleans as a sacrifice to create a great power source and complete the Rite of Nines, to unite the witches under her, a powerful witch who could destroy the vampires. He tries to convince her, but she asks what will become of her when she chooses neither. He attempts to stake the last vampire, but is overpowered. The witch community remained divided over what to do: several covens refused to take part in the fighting while others sided with the vampires and others decided to do all they could to oppose them (such as the French Quarter Coven). Freya confided in him, saying that she was undecided whether or not to leave for Lebanon to be with her girlfriend Keelin, but at the same time, she was worried about Hope. This left him vulnerable and he was captured by Esther as a vessel for her son, Finn Mikaelson. Later, after Josh argued with Marcel and left the cellar, Vincent told Marcel to handle the situation as he had a witch to bury. He was able to use a revelation spell to partially reveal a new, powerful sinister force; a source of dark magic that he's used before. This way, the dead ancestors will finally find peace, leaving. Vincent was raised as a witch by his coven while also maintaining as normal a life as possible, going to college and having a job. Vince returns to Cami's apartment and performs a variant blood gather spell to collect what remains of Lucien's blood. Vincent is then elected as Regent by the Ancestors for a brief time, until being shunned in The Devil Comes Here and Sighs. When Marcel asked how he would be able to revive him, the witch showed him a syringe to be injected directly into his heart. The Ancestors inflict a pain spell on him, and he tells them they are making a mistake. He was wondering why they were always four different locations when he was interrupted by Elijah. Vincent is seen that night visiting the graveyard. When Vincent and Eva finally reunited, Eva was so pleased and revealed to see him although he was not. However, Tristan didn't truly keep his word. He threatens Tristan, but is shown the talisman that housed Finn, and Vincent flinches, remembering what happened. As the children's condition worsened, Vincent slit the witch's throat and used a spell to save the kids from having their life force drained. Marcel, at that point, suggested less arguing and thinking more. Elijah Mikaelson arrives just in time and saves him. He was approached by Marcel Gerard, who asked him to help them stop Eva Sinclair, as she had been causing trouble at the time. Vincent went on to say that if the spell had worked, the four Mikaelsons would have to take different paths and remain separated forever, hoping to ward off the Hollow from trying to rebuild herself because of the closeness between the fractions of her soul. Dahlia was one of the most powerful witches in history and the overarching antagonist of The Originals, being the overarching antagonist of its second season. 8 Papa Tunde. Vincent also utilized the practice of blood magic, incorporating his blood into his spells, to unseal a small safe in St. Anne's Church to retrieve a book, an instruction manual, on dark, sacrificial magic. He apparently left his Coven of his own free will, giving up on being a Witch due to events in his life nine months prior which may include the fact that his wife Eva went on a killing spree Harvesting the young witches in the community. As the rain started to fall on them and the flames arise, the four girls come back to life screaming. While Klaus killed a couple of them, Vincent saved Maxine, who noticed that one of the acolytes was destroying the thorns by throwing them into the fire. He is the nephew of Dahlia Hagen through his mother. Later, after Marcel tracked down and finally captured Sofya, Vincent once again tried to find out who's she working for, a question which Sofya refused to answer as she'd be as good as dead. Vincent regains himself for the first time in months since he was possessed, looking terrified and questioning who those around him were. When Marcel saw the book Vincent had been burning hours ago was still intact, Vincent cryptically told him to keep that book far away from him that if he tried to even take the book from Marcel, to kill him without question. At nightfall, at the marketplace, Vincent stood aside as Ivy gave a beautiful speech for Colette's funeral, reminding the witches to be together as one which they all started to repeat. After Davina's death, and subsequent soul-shredding, he and Kol traveled to the Ancestral plane, where he conjured forth her soul, seemingly bringing her back to that plane of existence. In a final confrontation with Eva, Vincent tries to kill her but fails just before she is killed by Rebekah. He worked alongside Esther to convince Elijah, Rebekah, and Klaus to become human. Before Freya can tell Declan the truth, Vincent sets a fire in the kitchen, and they begin to argue if it's right for Declan to know. He tells her that, as Regent, she would have the power of the Ancestors of all the nine covens which would allow her to bring back her dead boyfriend, Kol. The witch agreed to alter Elijah's memories, removing any traces of the "Always and Forever" vow, casting the spell inside a circle made of skulls and bones, creating a breach inside Elijah's mind so that Marcel could compel him. The witch prepared to kill Vincent but he was saved by Marcel. Once Vincent fainted, the acolyte stole the book from the altar. Hayley said that the wolves would remain in the Bayou and the three waited for Josh's report, but the vampire was too busy chatting on his smartphone. He tells her about Will being fired and suffering blackouts, and not taking any phone calls. When Cami reawakens she reminds Cortez that Vincent was of no use to him if he died before finishing, he snaps at her to shut up and at Vincent to hurry but instead, Vincent falls to his side and begins convulsing causing Cami to run to his side. Cami asks if he feels sorry for him, and Vincent tells her no, but she irritated the wrong person and it will be different for them. When asked if the werewolves are worth it, he tells him "damn right" and summons fire around the vampires, but they disappear, leaving Vincent a little surprised, also realizing it was astral projection. Vincent Griffith (Yusuf Gatewood) is a powerful witch. Klaus arrives and asks to speak with Cami in private as his therapist. Vincent also shared the pattern of "four" bubbling up every time. Marcel brushed it off as him not being the first witch to make sacrifices to his ancestors but Vincent assured him that whatever he had once sacrificed to was older than the Ancestors and had never been given a name. Will then arrests her and takes her with him, leaving Vincent shocked at the turn of events. Showing interest in that, Vincent asked what she heard. He claimed that, despite his hate for vampires and Klaus in particular, he was more than willing to stand beside him rather than with the "thing they called their Master". The Hollow had taken everything from his life, leaving nothing but pain and suffering and yet despite their many differences, he thanked the vampires for their sacrifice. Cami tried to reassure Vincent that he was not guilty of Finn's crimes, and the two appear to be becoming allies and friends. Let me tell you something, if you come after my witches again it is going to be a war, and I don't mean a war between you and the covens; I mean a war between you and me. In What, Will, I, Have, Left, he and Freya meet up at Rousseau's to talk more until Declan comes up to them with a missing poster for Hayley. This request caused a discussion with Klaus, quickly interrupted by Hayley. In Where Nothing Stays Buried, Vincent consecrated Davina stating ancestral witches could always be brought however he needed Van to do to a Resurrection spell for her. Vincent fumigated the room with a bundle of white sage but wasn't able to track Hayley. Vincent has the typical weaknesses of a witch/human. Ivy suggested asking the tarot cards for guidance, thus being a step ahead of Klaus. Vincent incapacitates Marcel and frees Eva. Vincent refused to give up however and managed to cast a locator spell on one of the kidnapped children before the cloaking spell went on. He is a very powerful witch, who is the former Regent of the Nine Covens and a former member of the Trem Coven. At first, he was hesitant and believed he couldn't perform it, though Elijah demands he do so and to "figure it out" since even Esther had chosen Vincent, a testament to his power. The Hollow was successfully removed from Hope under the guise of a bright blue sphere that floated in mid-air above the symbol before separating into four parts and forcefully going inside the Original Vampires' chests. In Til the Day I Die, he is talking to Freya about while he would be honored to be her best man, but during the past few days, he wouldn't be no good to anybody, and he's planning on leaving the city. He explained he was getting more attitude than allegiance. In They All Asked For You, Vincent makes his first real appearance after only being seen as Finn's vessel. Vincent was considered to be a powerful witch by his coven and was apparently well regarded by the other witches of New Orleans (so much so that they later planned to offer him the position of Regent). He warned them to be wary during the anniversary of the Mikaelsons' fall as vampires from all over the world flocked to New Orleans to celebrate Klaus' suffering. The following day, Vincent was drinking at Rousseau's counter, witnessing a group of vampires and werewolves about to start a fight. At this point, Freya confessed that Hope was coming to the French Quarter, leaving Vincent even more stunned. By using the Hollow's book to fall into a trance, he met the spirit of Inadu's mother to find out which spell she used 1500 years ago to trap her daughter, but he was interrupted by the Hollow's acolytes before he was able to. After coming to, he crawls weakly over to Freya and apologizes, and casts a pain infliction spell on Lucien before he drinks the bottle of blood mixture. Some witches found her unconscious on the street and took her to Vincent. Some time later, while Freya was explaining her plan to the rest of her family, Vincent was blessing a dagger with Hayley's blood for Marcel to use it against the Hollow. Vincent then described the history of the Hollow's cult as the ebb and flow of New Orleans, repeated for centuries through the bloody actions carried out on its soil, mentioning Madame LaLaurie and the Axeman of New Orleans among the countless clues pointing to the Hollow if you knew exactly what and where to look. Vincent wished her good luck, and so did Freya. He is the younger brother of Freya Mikaelsdottir, and the older brother of Elijah Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, and Henrik Mikaelson. In the last few days, he had worked tirelessly to find a way to imprison the Hollow for good. He was joined by Freya, who confirmed that the blood omen was caused by Klaus getting close to Elijah. The leader of the witches wasn't exactly enthusiastic about Elijah's collaboration, especially because he thought the Original Vampire was moved by selfish reasons because, if Hope had not been involved, he would have no interest in saving the children. Once tied to her aunt Dahlia and forced to sleep through centuries, Freya is freed by her siblings and becomes a proper Mikaelson. Once outside on the streets, Vincent telekinetically pinned two acolytes to a brick wall, while Klaus stole from their coats two stakes wrapped in thorns and soaked in Beast's blood. Reached Davina's grave, Vincent magically broke the tombstone and retrieved Davina's skull to be used as a representation link to reach her on the Ancestral Plane. Vincent immediately pointed out that it was all wrong, that there was a ceremony, then a ritual, and that the girls were supposed to be selected. In Ashes to Ashes, Vincent warns Davina that she should be careful by bringing Kol back, as he was still a Mikaelson and they were known to remain together when push came to shove. Vincent denied this proposal as they didn't meet to negotiate. She was later imprisoned in the witch asylum at the Fauline Cottage. Once at the Abattoir, Vincent fought with the Hollow, trapping her with a binding spell. He tries to explain to her that she stole the one thing that could kill the Mikaelsons and she's bargaining her own life as well, since others could come after the weapon. He later meets Rebekah Mikaelson, who inhabits his wife's body. In The Devil Comes Here and Sighs, Vincent is confronted by Van for allying himself with the Mikaelson Family. He, then, asked her to take Adam to some safe place. Freya tried to find an excuse, saying that the bad news arrived in groups of three, and for now only two had happened. Vincent has also shown to be a compassionate man, feeling remorse for the actions Finn performed while possessing him, even though Vincent himself is not responsible. While Marcel and Josh were having a conversation about the possibility of a bullet, which was offered online to the highest bidder, being a fake, Vincent showed up and told them about his encounter with Sofya. She is the biological daughter of Ms. Claire, the adoptive daughter of Marcellus and Rebekah Mikaelson, and the adoptive sister of Josh Rosza and Nikolaus Mikaelson. So Vincent does the only thing he can do: He convinces the witches to do away with the ancestral well, the source of their magic. Vincent read it as a clue of Klaus slaughtering the members of the Faction he kidnapped. He was also noted to be on the same level of power as his very powerful ex-wife, Eva Sinclair. He died and Davina ended up bringing him back in his original body. While dying, she was visited by Greta and was turned by her, and at this . Afterward, Vincent went to Marcel's loft, asking him to have his journal back. In No Quarter, Vincent learned that the son of a witch he was interested in Maxine, had gone missing.