Finally, he must update previous timelines for his subordinates, listing all events affecting the platoon and its subordinate elements. Civil considerations of the environment can either help or hinder friendly or enemy forces; the difference lies in which leader has taken time to learn the situation and its possible effects on the operation. However, they must conduct their own detailed analyses to determine how terrain and weather uniquely affects their units' missions and the enemy. A-109. Visualizing a valid decisive point is how the leader determines how to achieve success and accomplish his purpose. ), Table A-1. When the mission window passed, he canceled the mission. Second, leaders confirm the missions decisive point. How will cloud cover affect unit operations at night? How will temperature and humidity affect the unit's rate of march? Disposition Prepare a COA statement and sketch (Decisive point, form of maneuver, and statement of each task to be accomplished) Write your mission statement using the 5Ws. A valid decisive point enables the leader to clearly and logically link how the application of combat power elements with respect to terrain, enemy, and time allows the unit to accomplish its purpose. This is why the leader must develop a tactically sound and flexible plan. A-71. Identify the essential communicators and formal and informal processes used to influence people. A-79. The first example, which describes the process in detail, is a continuation of the exercise design . A COA should be suitable, feasible, acceptable, distinguishable, and complete: Note. The battle captain instructed us to at least attempt to fly to our first stop. This was certainly not an isolated incident in country. It was only then that I was able to look outside again. We also obtained a report from the battle captain concerning the weather situation at the destination airfield. Terrain and weather are the most important aspects. Categories of terrain, severely restricted terrain which severely hinders or slows movement in combat formations unless some effort is made to enhance mobility. Include traditional high-payoff targets, protected cultural sites, and facilities with practical applications. This situation template is portrayed one echelon lower than developed by the higher headquarters S-2. He analyzes the area surrounding key terrain, objectives,engagement area, and obstacles. What is the enemy's most probable course of action? This process highlights critical tasks, stimulates ideas, and provides insights rarely gained through mission analysis and COA development alone. A-115. However, as time permits, he can develop as many COA, for comparison purposes, as time allows. A COA sketch developed in one of several COA-editing tools that have been used as data-entry interfaces to CADET. How can I use these features to force the enemy into its engagement area, deny him an avenue, or disrupt his movement? Where are the natural target registration points? For armored forces, unrestricted terrain typically is flat or moderately sloped, with scattered or widely spaced obstacles such as trees or rocks. War gaming helps the leader fully synchronize friendly actions, while considering the likely reactions of the enemy. Leaders must understand impact of their actionsas well as their subordinates actionson the civilian population, and effects they will have on current and future operations. A-112. Current activities, capabilities, and limitations are some of the information necessary to build situational understanding. A-45. Near the ground, high winds increase turbulence and may inhibit maneuver. Categories of terrain, restricted terrain hindering movement somewhat. The COA statement specifies how the unit will accomplish the mission. This additional information will assist the approval authority in making the final decision to accept the risk. A-98. The leader also must identify civil considerations affecting his mission. Air density decreases as temperature and humidity increase. However, if it offers cover and concealment, observation, and good fields of fire on multiple avenues of approach, or on the only avenue of approach, then it offers a definite advantage to whoever controls it. A-124. Specified tasks are specifically assigned to a unit by a higher headquarters and are found throughout the OPORD. New facts and new or updated . Instructions: The C634 course of action statement and sketch (COA S&S) is worth 20% of the overall C600 grade. . He then develops the maneuver control measures necessary to convey his intent, enhance the understanding of the schemes of maneuver, prevent fratricide, and clarify the tasks and purposes of the decisive shaping, and sustaining operations. The leader identifies locations along each avenue of approach providing clear observation and fields of fire for both the attacker and defender. This doctrinal requirement provides a framework for the leader to develop a COA. Leaders find their units' purposes in the concepts of the operation in the immediate higher headquarters OPORDs. Where can I support the movement of a friendly force with mortar, medium machine gun, or Javelin? Gaining local support can best be accomplished by the leader who demonstrates dignity and respect to the civilian population he is charged to protect and train. Cover and concealment can be either part of the environment or something brought in by the unit to create the desired effect : A-57. I informed my co-pilot of my observation and positioned myself to take the controls if he couldn't correct our situation. Heavy cloud cover can degrade many target acquisition systems, IR guided munitions, and general aviation operations. When possible, the observer conducts a ground reconnaissance from both enemy and friendly perspectives. In short, he strives to determine where, when, and how his unit's combat power (the effects of maneuver, firepower, protection, leadership, and information) can overwhelm the enemy's ability to generate combat power. Once he briefs the enemy analysis to his subordinates, he must ensure they understand differences between what he knows, what he suspects, and what he just templates (estimates). He must know, how much indirect fire, by type, is available and when it will become available. Other critical conditions to consider include visibility and weather data, and events such as higher headquarters tasks and required rehearsals. If he has developed more than one COA, he applies this same analysis to each COA developed. Recommended enemy situation template items. An intervisibility line analysis enables the leader to visualize the profile view of terrain when only a topographic product (map) is provided. We had legal weather; however, the weather report showed a dust storm in our flight path. The leader groups mutually supporting mobility corridors to form an avenue of approach. A-72. Leaders conclude their mission analyses by restating their missions. Where will the enemy be unable to concentrate fires? Or, they might have to move much more slowly than they would like. The five military aspects of weather are visibility; winds; precipitation; cloud cover; and temperature and humidity. The purpose of COA development is to determine one or more ways to accomplish the mission consistent with the immediate higher commander's intent. How will it affect the enemy? Template events and analyze them for their political, economic, psychological, environmental, and legal implications. Defensive considerations the leader can include in his evaluation of avenues of approach: Key Terrain Will wind speed and direction favor enemy use of obscurants? Array initial forces. They identify the tasks and purposes, and how their immediate higher up are contributing to the fight. Another critical step was checking the weather for the evening. How does the operation affect the civilians? In common usage, especially when applied to lower military units, a mission is a duty or task assigned to an individual or unit. It is also why he must clearly explain his intent to his subordinates. Not only does it facilitate planning, but it also aids in briefing subordinates. 7. Click the card to flip . At the lower levels, leaders conduct their mission analyses by evaluating METT-TC. The leader must avoid developing his situation template independently of the higher commander's guidance and S-2's product. Key terrain is locations or areas whose seizure, retention, or control gives a marked advantage to either combatant. How will cloud cover affect helicopter and close air support? An appreciation for time, space, and triggers needed to integrate direct and indirect fire support, obscurants, engineers, air defense artillery, and chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear with maneuver platoons (Infantry, antiarmor, or tank) to support unit tasks and purposes identified in the scheme of maneuver. Some temperature considerations include: A-65. 3. During the war game, the leader visualizes a set of enemy and friendly actions and reactions. Even if time is tight, the leader should allocate as much time as possible to factor, starting at the objective area, and analyzing other aspects of key terrain. They must determine how the terrain and weather will affect the enemy and their units. In the end, the usefulness of mission analysis lies in recognizing and capitalizing on opportunities. After developing the COA, the leader analyzes it to determine its strengths and weaknesses, visualizes the flow of the battle, identifies the conditions or requirements necessary to enhance synchronization, and gains insights into actions at the decisive point of the mission. Capabilities A-24. A-25. Tasks and purposes of the decisive, shaping, and sustaining operations. The C634A2 course of action statement and sketch (COA S&S) is an individual assignment worth 20% of the overall C600 grade. War gaming is the process of determining "what if?" Leaders must know more than just the number and types of vehicles, Soldiers, and weapons the enemy has. This team effort ensured a more accurate assessment for the battle captain. 8. For armored forces, steep slopes, densely spaced obstacles, and absence of a developed road system characterize severely restricted terrain. The leader should clearly explain what the decisive point is to his subordinate leaders and why it is decisive; this objective, in conjunction with his commander's intent, facilitates subordinate initiative. Determine the purposes to be achieved by the main and supporting. I kept an eye on the dust cloud and the instrument panel at the same time, which wasn't a good idea because I soon became disoriented. Just because the report you receive says you have legal weather, don't always assume it is accurate. Your browser does not support the video tag. Leaders use tactical mission task graphics and control measures (Refer to ADRP 1-02 for more information.) They identify their headquarters tasks and purposes as well as their own contributions to this fight. Some situations have no decisive terrain. A-44. A-35. The military advantage gained by executing the COA must justify the cost in resources, especially casualties. Will temperatures and humidity favor the use of nonpersistent chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear? For example, fratricide is a hazard categorized as an accident risk; surface danger zones and risk estimate distance are used to identify the controls, such as TRP and phase lines, to reduce this accidental risk. Understanding these patterns helps leaders plan and execute information collection, combat operations, and logistical resupply. Which terrain provides bounding elements with cover and concealment while increasing lethality? When fully boarded, we took off and headed to the first stop. A-56. Engineer forces might be needed to improve mobility or platoon and squads might have to deviate from doctrinal tactics. Will variations in trafficability force changes in formations or movement techniques, or require clearance of restricted terrain? A-42. The first three steps of COA development provide the bulk of the COA statement. Consider all nonmilitary groups or institutions in the area of operation. Using the results of all previous analyses done during mission analysis, the leader compares his unit's combat power strengths and weaknesses with those of the enemy. How will each avenue support movement techniques, formations and, once we make enemy contact, maneuver? You may begin work on the COA S&S after you have completed the C600 block of instruction and the C634 MDMP Exam. Decisive point and what makes it decisive. An area of interest is a geographical area, usually larger than the leader's area of operation. Prepare a COA statement and sketch. 1 / 38. Questions A-76. Information Requirements Step 4: Develop the Sketch and Statement As with friendly COAs, enemy COAs are best framed using statements and sketches. Search and attack operations are conducted by smaller, light maneuver units and air cavalry or air assault units in large areas. An analysis of the ability to generate combat power will help the leader confirm or deny his tentative decisive point. Terrain analysis should produce several specific conclusions : A-58. War gaming is a critical step in the planning process and should be allocated more time than the other steps. It is beneficial for flight crews to know the area's weather trends. A-82. A-89. Higher headquarters (two levels up) mission, intent, and concept. Enemy action where the leader has accepted risk such as an enemy attack where the friendly leader has chosen to conduct an economy of force. Leaders identify existing (inherent to terrain and either natural or man-made) and reinforcing (tactical or protective) obstacles limiting mobility in his area of operation. The leader should focus his efforts to develop at least one well-synchronized COA; if time permits, he should develop several. They take five steps to fully analyze their assigned mission as directed from higher . -Form of maneuver or type of defensive operation. Time refers to many factors during the operations process (plan, prepare, execute, and assess). In all cases, the enemy's recent activities must be understood, because they can provide insight into his future activities and intentions. Avenues of approach are classified by type (mounted, dismounted, air, or subterranean), formation, and speed of the largest unit traveling on it. PIR are best expressed in a question being answered yes or no. The memory aid the higher headquarters may use to analyze and describe these civil considerations is ASCOPE. After identifying these avenues, the leader evaluates each and determines its importance. Specified Tasks. Routine, cyclical, planned, or spontaneous activities which significantly affect organizations, people, and military operations, including seasons, festivals, holidays, funerals, political rallies, and agricultural crop/livestock and market cycles and paydays. A-40. Leaders look at the terrain, foliage, structures, and other features along avenues of approach (and on objectives or key terrain) to identify sites offering cover (protection from the effects of direct and indirect fire) and concealment (protection from observation). A-116. What is the location of current and probable enemy positions? Implied Tasks. The four categories the leader considers include. The CCIRs identify and filter information needed by leaders to support their vision and to make critical decisions, especially to determine or validate COA. This appendix provides six examples to explain how scenario blueprints are designed and used. If executed, the COA accomplishes the mission consistent with the higher commander's concept and intent. Where am I vulnerable? Analyzing the enemy answers the question, "What is the enemy doing and why?" Unless given the benefit of information collection, his situation template is only an estimate of how the enemy might be disposed. Limited planning time forces leaders to prioritize their terrain analyses. Areas of operation. A-38. Essential Task. They must assess if the new information affects their missions and plans. Where will the enemy establish firing lines or support by fire positions? Assumptions Courses of Action (COA) Refined COAs Potential decision points War-game results Initial assessment measures Update assumption Approved COA Adv/Disadvantages of each COA COA. Mission analysis has no time standard. 5. A-61. Prior to every flight, all units must use the risk management process to ensure the weather is more than just legal. He might do it personally, by map, or with his subordinate units, or he can use the assets and information provided by the battalion reconnaissance platoon. The leader must avoid unnecessary complicated mission command structures and maintain unit integrity where feasible. Capabilities The three types of tasks are specified, implied, and essential. The leader determines the effects of each aspect of terrain on both friendly and enemy forces. When integrated with terrain, the refined product becomes the unit's operations overlay. Generate Options A-64. This terrain generally allows wide maneuver and offers unlimited travel over well-developed road networks. The concept of the operation describes how the leader envisions the operation unfolding, from its start to its conclusion or end state. Will I attack toward the sunrise? This is not for analysis, but to show subordinates the details of the anticipated enemy COA. He can obtain this information by translating percentages given from higher headquarters to the actual numbers in each enemy element or from information provided the COP. _____ (60 points total) COURSE OF ACTION STATEMENT A leader must convey to his subordinates the importance of these deductions, and effect they will have on the units operations. What terrain is important to the enemy and why? Prepare COA Statements and Sketches Conduct a Course of Action Briefing. 2. Avenues of approach are classified the same as mobility corridors. The observer must observe both the impact and effects of indirect fires. Area of interest. Deductions resulting from the relative combat power analysis. to convey the operation in a doctrinal context. Risk assessment is the identification and assessment of hazards allowing a leader to implement measures to control hazards. A-96.People is a general term describing all nonmilitary personnel military forces encountered in the area of operation. (DRAW-D [defends, reinforce, attack, withdraw, or delay]). The S-3 informed us where friendly forces were in our area, while the S-2 filled us in on where the action was in our battle space. Also, they identify the tasks, purposes, and dispositions for all adjacent maneuver elements under headquarters control. He determines the specific quantity of squads, weapons (by type), and fire support necessary to accomplish each task against the enemy array of forces. However, as the global situation changes, the possibility of fighting threat who lack a structured doctrine increases. The co-pilot turned the aircraft and started a climb in preparation for an emergency GPS recovery. Similarly, shaping operation purposes must relate directly to those of the decisive operation. They influence and interact with the populace, force, and each other. The sustaining operations purposes are nested to the decisive and shaping operation's purposes by providing sustainment, operational area security, movement control, terrain management, and infrastructure. At the hangar, the crews continued loading the utility vehicles with necessary supplies and equipment for the mission. A prominent hilltop overlooking an avenue of approach might or might not be key terrain. By focusing on the motivations for civilian labor and creating essential services and prosperity where there was none, unit leaders/commanders can win the support of the civilian who now can feed and clothe his family and now has clean running water. A-37. Constraints either prohibit or require an action. How do I detect and, if desired, bypass the obstacles? Some precipitation questions to answer include . Assumptions He also identifies positions where artillery observers can call for indirect fire. Furthermore, their own assumptions about the enemy must be consistent with those of their higher commander. What terrain has higher headquarters named as key? Where do I position indirect fire observers? The COA statement should identify. This reconnaissance helps him to see the ground objectively and to see how it will affect both forces: A-54. factors of the overall operations. Tactical considerations in analyzing key terrain. We had passengers, field Soldiers, aircrew and our aircraft to consider. Partial cloud cover can cause glare, a condition attacking aircraft might use to conceal their approach to the target. After these groups have been defined, analyzing them and determining their contributions or resistance to friendly operations is easier. Examples include mine fields (conventional and situational); antitank ditches; wire obstacles. The product of this process is the synchronization matrix. The decisive point might be the event or action (with respect to terrain, enemy, or time, and generation of combat power) will ultimately and irreversibly lead to the unit achieving its purpose. If the benefits of performing the mission do not significantly outweigh the inherent risks of marginal/borderline weather, the flight should be a no-go or implement alternate transportation to accomplish the mission safely. Avenues of Approach A-52. Cloud cover affects ground operations by limiting illumination and solar heating of targets. He need not wait for a complete OPORD before starting to develop his own tentative plan. The initial commander's intent describes the purpose of the operation, initial key tasks, and the desired end state. COA statement should identify -Decisive point, and what makes it decisive. The concept of the operation is a framework to assist leaders, not a script. ;" "Reconnoiter route BLUE;" "Assist the forward passage of 1st platoon, B Company." EENT, moonrise, moonset, and percentage of illumination. Commanders should limit their CCIRs to essential information. Match. Is this terrain also important to the enemy? This is extremely important in understanding when and where to commit combat power, what relationships can be reinforced with certain groups versus what relationships need to start or cease, and ultimately what second and third order effects our actions will have in the area of operation. Other events, such as disasters and those precipitated by military forces, stress and affect the attitudes and activities of the populace and include a moral responsibility to protect displaced civilians. He also may make sound assumptions about the enemy, human nature, and local culture. He uses these factors, gained from his relational combat power analysis matrix, as his frame of reference in tentatively selecting the best COA. A-74. Following these or similar guidelines will result in a higher mission accomplishment rate, a lower weather-related mishap rate and a better image of aviation professionalism. A-104. COA statment and sketch Cover the; who (generic task organization), what (tasks), when, where, and why (purpose) for each subordinate unit. A mission is task and purpose clearly indicating the action to be taken and reason for the action. This understanding makes it possible to exercise disciplined initiative. EEFI are the critical aspects of a friendly operation if known by the enemy, that subsequently would compromise or lead to failure of the operation.