0000002715 00000 n 0000031030 00000 n A menu will appear below the graph display with common generic filters displayed on the left. J. Shah, A. Poruri, O. Cell. Antibody concentration after reconstitution. Learn more about BD custom solutions for flow cytometry. 0000029289 00000 n Not sure whether the product fits your experimental setup? (D) Labeling of a tetraploid RPE1 chromosome spread with the probe specific for chromosome 1 confirms four copies of this chromosome. Maximum signal, minimum crosstalkan innovative and proven platform for multicolor analysis. 0000238713 00000 n S. Qin, S. Isbaner, I. Gregor, J. Enderlein, Doubling the resolution of a confocal spinning-disk microscope using image scanning microscopy, Nature Protocols 16, 164 (2021). Changing color contrast based on dark backgrounds Em. The antibody ships as a lyophilized powder at room temperature. An FMO control contains all the flurochromes in a panel, except for the one . Atto 550 is an alternative to rhodamine dyes, Cy3, and Alexa Fluor 550, offering more intense brightness and increased photostability. These conjugates are ideal for imaging and other applications requiring increased sensitivity and environmentally insensitive fluorescence detection. Chen, W.-Y. ATTO 550 is a novel fluorescent label related to the well-known dyes Rhodamine 6G and Rhodamine B. Ability to navigate with the keyboard Please message us and we will be happy to help you find the right product for the job. Dy-550, Alexa Fluor 555, and Atto 565 dyes have . Chem. If a selected compound is no longer of interest, click the checkbox to the right of the compound name as displayed on the bottom of the page to deselect it. D. Bracha, M. Walls, M.-T. Wei, L. Zhu, M. Kurian, J. Avalos, J. Toettcher, C. Brangwynne, Mapping Local and Global Liquid Phase Behavior in Living Cells Using Photo-Oligomerizable Seeds, Cell 175, 1467-1480.e13 (2018). J. Strmqvist, L. Nardo et al., Binding of Biotin to Streptavidin: A combined fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and time-resolved fluorescence study, Eur. Do you want to continue? excl. Syeda Rubaiya Nasrin, Tsukasa Ishihara, Arif Md. A fluorophore free in solution may have a different quantum yield than the same fluorophore attached to a protein, which in turn also depends on the extent of protein-to-fluorophore labeling (1-3). A ILngx's{?8`dadt`` Changing color contrast based on light backgrounds 0000286343 00000 n Regulatory T cells (Tregs) play a critical role in maintaining immune modulation and are present in normal peripheral blood in low numbers (5 to 10% of CD4+ T cells or 1 to 2% of total lymphocytes). Rat, mouse, bovine and canis - identical. 0000214486 00000 n Figure 8. 49913 - ET - 633-640nm Laser Longpass Set for AlexaFluor 647, DyLight 649, Atto 647: 49914 - ET - 640-647nm Laser Bandpass for Set AlexaFluor 647, DyLight647, Atto 647N: 49915 - ET - 355-375nm Laser Longpass Set for Uncaging and Ablation: 49916 - ET - Shortpass Filter Set for 1064nm Laser Tweezing or CARS Beam Combining By using the right combination of channel exposed 200ms, green channel exposed 800ms. BD FACSLyric Flow Cytometer Integrated with the BD FACSDuet Sample Preparation System, BD Rhapsody Express Single-Cell Analysis System, BD Rhapsody TCR/BCR Profiling Assays for Human and Mouse, BD Rhapsody Whole Transcriptome Analysis (WTA) Amplification Kit, Industry Solutions (Biotech, Pharma, CRO), Bulk Reagents, Custom Products and Solutions, View All Industry Solutions (Biotech, Pharma, CRO), Special Order BD LSRFortessa Cell Analyzer, BD FACSDiva Software v8.0 Administrative Tasks, BD FACSDiva Software v8.0 for BD LSRFortessa Flow Cytometers, BD FACSDiva Software v8.0 for BD LSRFortessa Flow Cytometers (with HTS Option), BD FACSDiva Software v6.0: Administrative Tasks, BD FACSDiva Software v6 (with SPA II and LWA Sample Preppers), BD FACSDiva Software v6 (with SPA III and LWA Sample Preppers), BD FACSDiva Software v6.0 for BD LSR II, BD FACSDiva Software v6.0 for BD LSR (with HTS Option), BD FACSDiva Software v6.0 for BD FACSAria, BD FACSDiva Software v6.0 for BD FACSCanto, BD FACSDiva Software v6.0 for BD FACSCanto Loader Option, BD FACSDiva Software v6.0 for BD FACSCanto (with HTS Option), BD FACSDiva Software 6.1 for BD FACSAria, BD FACSDiva Software v6.1 for BD FACSAria: Features, An Introduction to Window Extension on Digital Flow Cytometers, Construction of Multicolor Antibody Panels for the Flow Cytometric Analysis of Murine Thymic Stromal Cells, Contact our Technical and Applications Support, The octagon- and trigon-shaped optical pathways of collection optics maximize signal detection and increase sensitivity and resolution allowing you to identify dim and rare cell populations, Can be configured with up to 5 lasersblue, red, violet, UV and yellow-green. S. Nasrin, A. Rashedul Kabir, A. Konagaya, T. Ishihara, K. Sada, A. Kakugo, Stabilization of microtubules by cevipabulin, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 516, 760 (2019). 0000021294 00000 n The methods and devices provided herein may be used to perform cytometric analysis of samples under a wide range of experimental and A flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that the optical signature of each bead population remained distinguishable throughout the solid-phase peptide synthesis and proteolytic assay. Y. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. Endoplasmic reticulum stress activates inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) and protein kinase, R-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK), the two principal regulators of the unfolded protein response (UPR). Increasing and decreasing the website fonts B. Agrawalla, T. Wang, A. Riegger, M. Domogalla, K. Steinbrink, T. Drfler, X. Chen, F. Boldt, M. Lamla, J. Michaelis, S. Kuan, T. Weil, Chemoselective Dual Labeling of Native and Recombinant Proteins, Bioconjugate Chemistry 29, 29 (2018). ATTO 594 is an alternative to Alexa Fluor 594. " />, Call Us: Miami (305) 649-5344 / CALL FREE: 800-910-8378 Hialeah Gardens (305) 822-0666 | info@cdltmds.com | My Account. G-%]w}" "EbU =e\/y;$V()3Pr!I07! JZUDuc^lH(6s MlN.S&~n^cjmC&F Aq,6K7J J* K TlM\%p.%z dk1fPRNWFW@cAX+xWV~ gL1x0Gbj>ZBr a].#C ]uyWV(0zEI t+)rl@;X/V])'m&FU i Immunofluorescence microscopy is a unique method to reveal the spatial location of proteins in tissues and cells. An, J. Lee, J. Ryu, R. Hill, D. McIlroy, Y. Kim, D. Choi, Radio frequency-mediated local thermotherapy for destruction of pancreatic tumors using NiAu coreshell nanowires, Nanotechnology 28, 03LT01 (2016). 0000191075 00000 n *FyPYj`%;{{| X[-cr#WsGcOj2|94b R)U.\+VTUa;'19I&Q/hx^4mwhvM4'2#^>xkD[bur@,WLEnT4aUjuto7209g9C.8~nq|0\/i2746YSufy8!>;lLN&I6?Nf^"4|9JGBv.gBs A cytometry apparatus is provided which may be used with a stationary sample cuvette for analysis of a stationary sample or with a flow sample cuvette for analysis of a flowing sample. Dilute DAPI stock solution to a concentration between 1.60-0.400 g/ml in PBS and incubate for 15 min at room temperature in the dark before analyzing cells on flow cytometer. All Rights Reserved. `0a@`K_;np8v@ - * The fluorescence is excited most efficiently in the 580 615 nm range. Mark, U. Khadilka, F. Mohring, R. Moon, R. Ramasamy, A dual colour fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay for identifying the zoonotic malaria parasite Plasmodium knowlesi with a potential application for the specific diagnosis of knowlesi malaria in peripheral-level laboratories of Southeast Asia, Parasites & vectors 10, 342 (2017). Corrie, A. Rhmann, M. Trau, Biomolecular screening with novel organosilica microspheres, Chem. Antibodies allow selective detection of specific proteins. All transmission and blocking (OD) data are actual, measured spectra of representative production lots. Park, I. Jeon, B. Store lyophilized or in solution at 4C, desiccated. APC has six phycocyanobilin chromophores per molecule, which make it a very bright fluorochrome that is highly suitable for flow cytometry applications. M. Ritzefeld, V. Walhorn et al., Cooperative Binding of PhoBDBD to Ist Cognate DNA Sequence - A Combined Application of Single-Molecule and Ensemble Methods, Biochemistry 52, 8177 (2013). 510/550 (32012A) 615/740 (32015A) 665/685 (32013A) Designed for use in spectral flow cytometry, to fill in gaps between common fluorophores . Insulin and insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) act on tetrameric tyrosine kinase receptors controlling essential functions including growth, metabolism, reproduction and longevity. Converse Library Sample, Tailored to the specific needs of research at the leading edge of biomedical discovery, the program offers a wide range of choices to help researchers create the ultimate customized instrument for their requirements. A dump channel will be created where you can add as many markers as is necessary. Northland College Women's Hockey Roster, Levin, Antibodies to an Intracellular Antigen Penetrate Neuronal Cells and Cause Deleterious Effects, J. Clin. C. Kimna, O. Lieleg, Engineering an orchestrated release avalanche from hydrogels using DNA-nanotechnology, Journal of Controlled Release 304, 19 (2019). ATTO 565, ATTO 590 and ATTO 594 are fluorescent labels belonging to the class of Rhodamine dyes. Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) can be technically challenging and yield results that are difficult to interpret. A number of factors contribute to successful conjugation, including the characteristics of the antibody itself and buffers or preservatives that may be present along with the antibody sample. Flow cytometry of human islet cells gomyelin, 10 mM in HDMEM; ATTO-tec, Germany) for 20 min on ice. 0000031755 00000 n Request a quote The program allows the website to follow the guidelines for internet content accessibility WCAG 2.0 to level AA. To add one or more excitation sources, click "Excitation Source" in the "Add" submenu on the left part of the screen. A. Borgia, M. Borgia, K. Bugge, V. Kissling, P. Heidarsson, C. Fernandes, A. Sottini, A. Soranno, K. Buholzer, D. Nettels, B. Kragelund, R. Best, B. Schuler, Extreme disorder in an ultrahigh-affinity protein complex, Nature 555, 61 (2018). M. Sauer, S. Juranek, J. Shipping Information The link to this site neither makes nor implies any representation or warranty for any products or services offered on a third-party site and is intended only to enable convenient access to the third-party site and for no other purpose. 0000074953 00000 n Simply, click on the "add dump channel" button during the marker selection step. ATTO-550 (554/576) and ATTO-620 channel. Victoria Power Station, J. Scholefield, R. Henriques, A. Savulescu, E. Fontan, A. Boucharlat, E. Laplantine, A. Smahi, A. Isral, F. Agou, M. Mhlanga, Super-resolution microscopy reveals a preformed NEMO lattice structure that is collapsed in incontinentia pigmenti, Nature Communications 7, 12629 (2016). Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most frequent neurological disease that leads to premature retirement in young adults. 0000003531 00000 n S.R. xref The octagon- and trigon-shaped optical pathways of collection optics maximize signal detection and increase sensitivity and resolution allowing you to identify dim and rare cell populations Can be configured with up to 5 lasersblue, red, violet, UV and yellow-green. The front illuminated sensor with a UV coating (FIUV) has approximately 25% QE at the same wavelength. Lo, F. Emran, I. Kays, X.-J. 0000186734 00000 n In a-PBTs, in addition to K + channel activity and Ca 2+ fluxes, chemotaxis was measured. of lymphocytes and other cells, owing to its ability to make quant., homogeneous, multiparameter measurements of particles. M. Pazos, K. Peters, M. Casanova, P. Palacios, M. VanNieuwenhze, E. Breukink, M. Vicente, W. Vollmer. 0000030893 00000 n . A one parameter histogram plotting channel number vs. number of events. 0000275955 00000 n It includes an automated sheath and waste fluid control system that reduces daily maintenance by incorporating two 20-L containers (Cubitainers), Fluidic sensors maintain constant pressure, while a fluidics monitoring system warns when sheath fluid is low or empty or when the waste container is full. the pleasure of joining the flow cytometry community with our acquisition of Flow Cytometry Standards Corporation (FCSC) in 2000. . The lenses on a cytometer are designed to do . Due to the spatial limitations of flow cytometry when imaging, spectral imaging is conducted by selecting a smaller region of interest (usually having the dimensions of a single cell) and restricting the number of wavelength bands that are gathered. Ausgesuchte Qualitts-Hersteller fr HCN3 Antikrper. She, R. Tornay, E. Leimgruber, D. Bernasconi, L. Lagopoulos, P. Renaud, N. Demierre, P. van den Bogaard, Rapid, sensitive and real-time multiplexing platform for the analysis of protein and nucleic-acid biomarkers, Analytical Chemistry 87, 1582 (2015). After choosing a subject in the menu, waiting time is necessary for the page to upload. endstream endobj startxref The Invitrogen Alexa Fluor 555 dyewith spectral properties and quantum yield nearly identical to those of tetramethylrhodamine (TRITC) produces brighter, more photostable conjugates. When Did The Hamburger Become Popular, Looks like you're visiting us from {{countryName}}. Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) is a versatile biological marker for monitoring physiological processes, visualizing protein localization, and detecting transgenic expression in vivo.GFP can be excited by the 488 nm laser line and is optimally detected at 510 nm. Technical Summary. Our reagent specialists are here to help you find the best product for your application. The BD LSRFortessa Cell Analyzer has been effective in the analysis of Treg populations and T cell subtypes. J. Shah, H. Weltman, P. Narciso, C. Murphy, A. Poruri, S. Baliga, L. Sharon, M. York, G. Cunningham, S. Miller, L. Caviedes, R. Gilman, E. Desmond, R. Ramasamy, Determination of Fluorescence Quantum Yield. Gross, C.R. Human coupling factor 6 was labeled by ATTO 550, a new fluorescent dye for protein. Fluorescence was then read by flow cytometry and the data are presented as a stimulation index SEM computed as follows: MFI of activated cells relative to MFI of resting cells but loaded with DCFDA (Control). The XN-550 features an automated sampler and so improves workflow productivity with its Rerun & Reflex functionality and continuous loading feature. Blood-Related Cancers Flow cytometry results can be used to diagnose and classify leukemia or lymphoma. HlWI$7+>0z@ARAK ~IFdU4.!Sc)IS 13 ~_\ /I G-r,qS^V(s5OqpTFZg^}wHI)e&aO(RKLp_IH!A` ZlP Rp2bw )Ps9{ Multiple fluorescent proteins can be interrogated with the 4-laser version of the Attune Flow Cytometers. This website is run by the accessibility program of the "Accessible with a Click" company and is run via a designated accessibility server. Surawsky, S.R. 0000214115 00000 n 550/40 VL2 512/25 VL2(V6) 525/50 eFluor 506 Pacific Green LIVE/DEAD Fixable Aqua . Maximum absorption 601 nm; Maximum fluorescence 627 nm. BioSyst. Ffx Qactuar Monster Arena, 0000186769 00000 n Effects of heme proteins on nitric oxide levels and cell viability in isolated PMNs: a mechanism of toxicity RichardA. After coupling to a substrate the dye carries a net electrical charge of +1. Fluorescent microscopy of human skin tissue section (paraffin fixation) with fungal infection. Claude, J. Wenger, Surface passivation of zero-mode waveguide nanostructures, Scientific Reports 10, 1 (2020). Sumita, M.R. Chem. Product Sheets 83, 1307 (2011). A. Borgia, M. Borgia, K. Bugge, V. Kissling, P. Heidarsson, C. Fernandes, A. Sottini, A. Soranno, K. Buholzer, D. Nettels, B. Kragelund, R. Best, B. Schuler. NTA Nickel conjugates for direct detection of polyhistidine-tagged recombinant proteins. Through the use of various reporter stains, fluorescence-based . labeling of Akbarian, Isolation of neuronal chromatin from brain tissue, Neuroscience 9, 42 (2009). Atto 594 is an alternative to Alexa Fluor 594 and Texas Red. However, all three are based on multiple dyes in protein complexes and photobleach very Using flow cytometry analysis, P2Y 1, P2Y 2, P2Y 4, P2Y 6, P2Y 11, P2Y 12, and P2Y 13 receptors were detected in osteoblasts using their respective Alomone Labs antibodies (open histograms). How the flow cytometer is set up determines how the fluorophore is detected. Y. Li, A. Chukun Li, Q. Xu, Intracellular Delivery of HisTagged GenomeEditing Proteins Enabled by Nitrilotriacetic AcidContaining Lipidoid Nanoparticles, Advanced Healthcare Materials 8 (2019). Technical Support, Order Information ATTO 550 is a cationic dye. N. Gilat, D. Torchinsky, S. Margalit, Y. Michaeli, S. Avraham, H. Sharim, N. Elkoshi, C. Levy, S. Zirkin, Y. Ebenstein, Rapid Quantification of Oxidation and UV Induced DNA Damage by Repair Assisted Damage Detection-(Rapid RADD), Analytical Chemistry 92, 9887 (2020). ATTO-550. Chem. Maximum absorption 554 nm; maximum fluorescence 576 nm. - amine As supplied ATTO 550 consists of three isomers with practically identical absorption and fluorescence. Infected cells were then analyzed and quantified through MACS flow cytometry (Miltenyi Biotec). ]2*1{O~8]~sC1mPf6W")D42ng,RN`U&dyNq3oLo| Series 3, e71 (2011). First, it must gather as much light as possible from the interrogation point. Atto 550 is an alternative to rhodamine dyes, Cy3, and Alexa Fluor 550, offering more intense brightness and increased photostability. B 110, 1976 (2006). The Cytek Aurora's use of full spectrum flow cytometry combined with the SpectroFlo software's real-time unmixing capability provides greater fluorochrome choice and panel flexibility and allows users to quickly visualize data and statistics. The outcomes of flow cytometry have shown that PDGFR-positive cells shared similar CD140 profile with fibroblasts as indicated by the similarity in their cell count and mean fluorescence intensity (Figure 6A,B). 0000190962 00000 n The objective of the study was to evaluate the capacity of the HBGN to be used as a nanocarrier of the broad-spectrum antibiotic danofloxacin and . When Did The Hamburger Become Popular, The program is subject to the conditions of use of the manufacturer. Luke Summer House Ex Girlfriend, CDL Technical & Motorcycle Driving School This makes PE the brightest fluorochrome for flow cytometry applications, but its photobleaching properties make it unsuitable for fluorescence microscopy. In conventional flow cytometry, careful selection of excitation wavelengths and detection filters is necessary. SPIE 8590, 85900D (2013). This core facility is located at two sites: at the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular therapy (LMCT) located in building E (2nd level) and at the laboratory for Liver Cell Biology (LIVR), located in building D (level 0). Fluorescence was analyzed on a BD FACSCalibur flow cytometer in the FL4 channel. 0000288376 00000 n As expected, the addition of the amphiphile triggered the appearance of fluorescent pixels in the red channel of the confocal fluorescent microscopy images (Fig. ATTO dyes are characterized by strong absorption (high extinction coefficient), high fluorescence quantum yield, and high photo-stability. Recombinant fragment within Mouse ASIC1 aa 450-550 (C terminal). : +32 2 31 50 800 Fax: +32 2 31 50 801 E-mail: info@kyvobio.be Order anti-KCNQ1 anticorps ABIN2483166. Ideal for experiments requiring simultaneous labeling of different markers. The choice currently selected will be highlighted in blue. 0000005006 00000 n 0 See Related Products Applications: icc, if, ihc, lci Reactivity: h, m, r Application key: About ATTO 550. Mater Interfaces 3, 4812 (2011). Clicking on the menu opens accessibility buttons. Tomov, R. Tsukanov et al., Rational Design of DNA Motors: Fuel Optimization through Single-Molecule Fluorescence, J. J. Churko, P. Garg, B. Treutlein, M. Venkatasubramanian, H. Wu, J. Lee, Q. Wessells, S.-Y. T-cell infiltrates are not only found within the parenchyma and the meninges, but also in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that bathes the entire CNS tissue . H. Mannell, J. Pircher et al., Targeted Endothelial Gene Delivery by Ultrasonic Destruction of Magnetic Microbubbles Carrying Lentiviral Vectors, Pharm. J. Reyes, S. Ekmark-Lwen, M. Perdiki, T. Klingstedt, A. Hoffmann, E. Wiechec, P. Nilsson, K. Nilsson, I. Alafuzoff, M. Ingelsson, M. Hallbeck, Accumulation of alpha-synuclein within the liver, potential role in the clearance of brain pathology associated with Parkinson's disease, Acta neuropathologica communications 9, 46 (2021). B. Hellenkamp, S. Schmid, O. Doroshenko, O. Opanasyuk, R. Khnemuth, S. Rezaei Adariani, B. Ambrose, M. Aznauryan, A. Barth, V. Birkedal, M. Bowen, H. Chen, T. Cordes, T. Eilert, C. Fijen, C. Gebhardt, M. Gtz, G. Gouridis, E. Gratton, T. Ha, P. Hao, C. Hanke, A. Hartmann, J. Hendrix, L. Hildebrandt, V. Hirschfeld, J. Hohlbein, B. Hua, C. Hbner, E. Kallis, A. Kapanidis, J.-Y. V. Mller, F. Westerlund, Optical DNA mapping in nanofluidic devices, Lab on a chip 17, 579 (2017). Luke Summer House Ex Girlfriend, 0000038853 00000 n Marktgasse 18 8302 Kloten - Svizzera Tel: +41 (044) 805 76 81 Fax: +41 (044) 805 76 75 E-mail: contactus@anawa.ch Applications: Bioactivity. Long, K. Ubych, E. Jagu, R. Neely, FRET-Based Method for Direct, Real-Time Measurement of DNA Methyltransferase Activity, Bioconjugate Chemistry 32, 192 (2021). 0000038923 00000 n In general, there are two classes of fluorochrome used in flow cytometry - those which bind non-covalently to structures within the cell and those which are covalently bound to other probes. t!+2PR`L."t The fluorescence is excited most efficiently in the 540 565 nm range. The strongest evidence for the participation of GPC3 in carcinogenesis stems from studies on hepatocellular carcinoma and lung squamous cell carcinoma. After choosing a subject in the menu, waiting time is necessary for the page to upload. 0 Address: 14420 NW 107 Avenue, Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 Protect from light. 18, 523 (2008). Flow cytometry is used to check the number of sperm in a semen sample. *NHS Ester form. Flow cytometry laser line: 633, 635 or 640 nm Microscopy laser line: 633, 635 or 640 nm Direct replacement for: Cy5, Alexa Fluor 647 and ATTO 647N 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 Absorption Emission Wavelength(nm) CF640R Cy5 Figure 3. Please fill in the following information and we will get in touch with you regarding This label belongs to the class of Rhodamine dyes and can be used with fluorescent equipment typically optimized to detect Texas Red and Alexa-594. R. Friedrich, S. Block, M. Alizadehheidari, S. Heider, J. Fritzsche, E. Esbjrner, F. Westerlund, M. Bally, A nano flow cytometer for single lipid vesicle analysis, Lab on a chip 17, 830 (2017). D. Falconnet, J. Mark, U. Khadilka, F. Mohring, R. Moon, R. Ramasamy. They are analogous to Alexa dyes and are comparable to any fluorescent technology (and used under license from ATTO-TEC). Converse Library Sample, This label is analogous to the well known dye fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and can be used with filters typically used to detect FITC. We aim to ensure that digital services are accessible to people with disabilities, and therefore we have invested large resources in order to simplify the use of the website for people with disabilities as much as possible, out of the belief that every person deserves the right to live with equality, dignity, convenience, and independence. First, we report a robust method for quantifying plasma membrane cholesterol by flow cytometry using the GFP-D4 probe. 0000007840 00000 n 0000191226 00000 n This form is intended to help us improve our website experience. PMID: 19816920 DOI: 10.1002/0471142956.cy0110s50 Abstract This unit provides essential knowledge for correctly using any flow cytometer to ensure that data collected are accurate and reliable. 1 Quantum yield added where available; the quantum yield and fluorescent lifetimes can be highly dependent on the local environment. R.-L. Troskie, Y. Jafrani, T. Mercer, A. Ewing, G. Faulkner, S. Cheetham, Long-read cDNA sequencing identifies functional pseudogenes in the human transcriptome, Genome Biology 22, 1 (2021). S. Yeou, N. Lee, Contribution of a DNA Nick to DNA Bendability Depending on the Bending Force, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 42, 1151 (2021). Spectral flow cytometry, an emerging methodology that is not confined by the "one color, one detector" paradigm, shows promise in the facile detection of multiple fluorescent proteins. Adapting the website to color blind people Figure 7. W. Ren, S. Wen, S. Tawfik, Q. Su, G. Lin, L. Ju, M. Ford, H. Ghodke, A. van Oijen, D. Jin, Anisotropic functionalization of upconversion nanoparticles, Chemical Science 9, 4352 (2018). S. Baliga, C. Murphy, L. Sharon, S. Shenoy, D. Biranthabail, H. Weltman, S. Miller, R. Ramasamy, J. Shah, Rapid method for detecting and differentiating Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and non-tuberculous mycobacteria in sputum by fluorescence in situ hybridization with DNA probes, International Journal of Infectious Diseases 75, 1 (2018). Next we determined the karyotypes of mouse aneuploid neuronal stem cell (NSC) lines. Maximum absorption 593 nm; Maximum fluorescence 622 nm. R. H. Meltzer, J. R. Krogmeier et al., A lab-on-chip biothreat detection using single-molecule DNA mapping, Lab Chip 11, 863 (2011). -ATTO 550 product information, - NHS-ester Intracellular flow cytometry D. Daems, W. Pfeifer, I. Rutten, B. Sacc, D. Spasic, J. Lammertyn, Three-Dimensional DNA Origami as Programmable Anchoring Points for Bioreceptors in Fiber Optic Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensing, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, 23539 (2018). Images were taken as two or four channel images at a . Converse Library Sample, I. Rutten, D. Daems, J. Lammertyn, Boosting biomolecular interactions through DNA origami nano-tailored biosensing interfaces, Journal of Materials Chemistry B 8, 3606 (2020). K. Gpfrich, M. Urban, C. Frey, I. Platzman, J. Spatz, N. Liu, Dynamic Actuation of DNA-Assembled Plasmonic Nanostructures in Microfluidic Cell-Sized Compartments, Nano letters 20, 1571 (2020). Claude, A. Moreau, J. Lumeau, J. Wenger, Extending Single-Molecule Frster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) Range beyond 10 Nanometers in Zero-Mode Waveguides, ACS Nano 13, 8469 (2019). Cy is a trademark of Global Life Sciences Solutions Germany GmbH or an affiliate doing business as Cytiva.